• THIS WEEK IN PNEC     February 13, 2025

PNEC Vision Statement:

"United in Faith...Committed to Love...Created to Serve"

Penn Northeast Conference UCC, 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071  610-826-3113

Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates      

Barbara Jennings

Patty Rehrig


PNEC is Producing a Final Directory of Authorized Ministers

At the Spring Meeting May 3 at Union UCC, Neffs, we are asking each Authorized Minister to have their photo taken for the final Directory of PNEC Authorized Ministers (the last one we did was back in 2017). If you are unable to make this photo session at the Spring Meeting, we hope to have a make-up session early summer. We want to have the Directory ready for distribution at the final PNEC Meeting (November 1 at St. John’s UCC, Nazareth). 

Bonnie's Letter

“I want to live the rest of my life, however long or short, with as much sweetness as I can decently manage, loving all the people I love, and doing as much as I can of the work I still have to do. I am going to write fire until it comes out of my ears, my eyes, my noseholes—everywhere. Until it’s every breath I breathe. I’m going to go out like a meteor!”–Audre Lorde

Dear Friends,

I have been a little distracted lately – there is so much going on in the world, in our government, in our communities, in the conference and in the transition work for the Keystone Conference. As I was reflecting on what to write this week, I came across this quote from Audre Lorde. “Audre Lorde was an American writer, professor, philosopher, intersectional feminist, poet and civil rights activist. She was a self-described ‘Black, lesbian, feminist, socialist, mother, warrior, poet’ who dedicated her life and talents to confronting different forms of injustice, as she believed there could be ‘no hierarchy of oppressions’ among ‘those who share the goals of liberation and a workable future for our children.’" She’s just my kind of person, as you all might have guessed.

What touched me about the quote though, was the focus on love – on loving all people – while doing the work of our lives. I need to be reminded sometimes just to love. It’s easy to get distracted by the world, by work, by anxiety, by fear, and by annoyances and forget that our primary reason for being is to love. Loving isn’t always easy; in fact, sometimes it’s downright difficult. And love is a commandment, not a choice, but a commandment from Jesus to love God and to love our neighbors – all our neighbors.

The work we must do needs to reflect the love of God that we have and experience, the leadership of Jesus and his example of how to live, and the strengthening power of the Holy Spirit. Yes, the fire of my faith needs to come out of my ears, my eyes, my nostrils, and my mouth. I need to proclaim love in all I do. Will I go out like a meteor – maybe. Will I stand for justice and peace and compassion and generosity? Absolutely! Will I strive to love in all the moments of my life and in all the actions I take? For sure!

It's St. Valentine’s Day tomorrow and it has turned into a somewhat sappy version of love expressions. Yet, we need to remember “St. Valentine was a Roman priest and physician who was martyred during the persecution of Christians by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus about 270 CE.” He was martyred for his faith, for his faith actions – one of which was certainly love, offered through the priesthood and his actions as a physician. So, my friends, I ask you to spread love, to share love, to experience love as a gift from God and a commandment for how we live our lives of faith. Blessings, Bonnie


 1Lorde, Audre (1983). "There is not hierarchy of oppressions" (PDF). Interracial Books for Children BULLETIN: Homophobia and Education. 14 (4): i–ii. ISSN 0003-6870.

 "Audre Lorde 1934-1992". Poetry Foundation. Archived from the original on November 27, 2019. Retrieved March 28, 2021.



PA Annual Report Filing 

Please pass this along to your Church’s Governing Board/Consistory/Council/Treasurer

Starting in 2025, Pennsylvania requires most registered businesses (including churches) to file an annual report with the Department of State. This new requirement replaces the previous decennial filing system and aims to enhance transparency and accountability among businesses (churches) operating in the State.


Many of our churches are being contacted by law firms willing to file the Annual Report for a fee. As you can see by the information required by the State (listed below), it is not necessary for the church to pay a law firm to do this.

The Annual Report must include:

  • Business name
  • Jurisdiction of formation
  • Registered office address
  • Principal office address
  • Name of at least one governor (e.g., director, member, partner)
  • Names and titles of principal officers (if any)
  • Entity number issued by the Pennsylvania Department of State

The filing deadline for churches is June 30. There is no fee for nonprofit churches.

To file, churches should use the online portal at Filing online is strongly recommended, as it ensures timely processing and immediate approval.

Failure to file the annual report by the deadline may result in administrative dissolution, termination, or cancellation of the business entity's registration. Therefore, it is crucial for churches to comply with this new requirement to maintain good standing in Pennsylvania.

Mark Your Calendars!!

Townhalls scheduled for the Keystone Conference Constitution and Bylaws

Tuesday, March 18 - 6:30PM via zoom (hosted by Pennsylvania Southeast Conference)

(Click Here for Zoom Link)

Wednesday, March 19 - 1:30PM via zoom (hosted by Penn West Conference)

(Click Here for Zoom Link)

Tuesday, April 1 - 6:30PM via zoom (hosted by Penn Northeast Conference)

Wednesday, April 2 - 2:00PM via zoom (hosted by Penn Central Conference)

Re-affirmation of Ordination Vows 2025

The Conference Ministers of the four Pennsylvania UCC Conferences will host a Service of the Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows for ordained clergy on Maundy Thursday, April 17, at 11:00a via ZOOM. The Rev. Dr. Carrie Call will deliver the sermon. Register here

Ministry Teams - PNEC 2025 Spring Meeting

As we continue to strive for growth, understanding, and positive change during these trying social times, we can look for the promise of hope and share the work our Ministry Teams are doing at the upcoming PNEC 2025 Spring Meeting on May 3rd.

This year, we are extending a special invitation to all our Ministry Teams to actively participate by hosting a table and/or leading a roundtable session. This event provides a unique opportunity to engage with fellow members, share your initiatives, and collaborate on our important work.

Several other Conferences will be sending teams to discuss various critical topics, including:

• Open and Affirming (ONA)

• Racial Justice

• Environmental Issues

• Committee on Ministry

• Disaster Response

We believe that your presence and contribution will significantly enhance the dialogue and foster a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to our ministry work.

If you are interested in having a table or facilitating a roundtable session, please contact Rev. Gary Barraco at . Your prompt response will help us ensure that we have adequate space and resources to accommodate all interested parties.

Let us come together to inspire, educate, and empower one another as we continue to serve our congregations and communities with faith, love, and dedication.

Boundary Training for Authorized Ministers

The Penn Northeast Conference of the United Church of Christ, in partnership with the Mountain Laurel 

Presbytery, the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference, the Moravian Church Northern Province, and the Northeast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is pleased to offer this virtual Boundary Training for

Authorized Ministers.

When:  Thursday, March 20

What: Basic Boundary Training 9-12 via zoom;

Advanced Boundary Training 1-4pm via zoom

Cost: $35 for one session; $60 for both sessions

Learn about the need for and management of excellent boundaries.

 CLICK HERE for Full Flyer & Registration Details.

Workshop: Gun Violence Prevention Advocacy in PA

Ashleigh Deemer, the Campaign Director for CeaseFirePA, will give a presentation on the state of gun violence in Pennsylvania, proven policies that have the potential to save lives, and CeaseFirePA’s strategy to get these policies passed. We will leave time for discussion on the issue and policy solutions and then dive into ways that people can be involved in advocating for these policies – including a preview of CeaseFirePA’s annual advocacy day in Harrisburg and more ways to build the movement in your own community.

In Pennsylvania cities, violence traumatizes communities driving a dangerous cycle that damages the mental health of residents and their ability to thrive. Learn about the causes of this gun violence and how through policy and investment, we can help communities heal and save the next life.

You are invited to join this timely and thoughtful briefing.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who is concerned about gun violence in PA– whether it’s community violence, interpersonal violence, or firearm suicide– who wants to help advance life saving legislation in Pennsylvania.

This workshop will be presented 3 times. The content will be the same for each session. Registration is separate for each session at the links below.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 - 4:00 to 5:00 PM EST

Thursday, February 20, 2025 - 6:30 to 7:30 PM EST

B. David Smith, Founder

Crossroads and Connections, Building Relationships and Community

Seminary Sunday - February 23

The United Church of Christ celebrates Seminary Sunday annually on the last Sunday in February. Lancaster Theological Seminary values your support. Bulletin inserts are available. Sign up for your congregation to take part.


New Master of Religion in Public Life Degree Program Launches at the Seminaries at Moravian University This Fall! A program designed for professionals seeking to understand and communicate the intersections of religion and social, historical, political, and cultural contexts in people’s lives. Set to begin in fall 2025, this innovative 36-credit program will place its graduates at the forefront of professionals with competencies working in religiously diverse settings no matter what their profession. Ideal for Public service administrators - Healthcare professionals - Social workers - Educators - Community organizational leaders - Non-profit managers Learn more and start your journey today:


The Rt. Rev. Dr. Nathan D. Baxter Fund for African American Studies 2025 Forum - Feb. 27 This forum consists of three panelists who will review the Rev. Dr. Catherine Williams's forthcoming book, Preaching and Music: Powerful Partners in Proclamation. Williams is an Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship and Director of Chapel Worship at the Lancaster Theological Seminary in Lancaster, PA. The forum will be held on Feb. 27, 2025, from 2 to 4 p.m. in Santee Chapel in Lancaster. It will also be available on Zoom! Panelists include Dr. Lisa Allen-McLaurin, the Rev. Dr. Kenyatta Gilbert, and the Rev. Dr. Dion T. A. Christopher. RSVP Today:


Coming this March, Ministerial Ethics and Professional Development course through the Lancaster Theological Seminary's Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry. Led by Rev. Dr. Linwood Smith, Pastor at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in York, PA, and serves on the Board of the National Institute of Rural and Minority Health. This class provides an opportunity for leaders in congregations and Faith-Based organizations to consider how their purpose, personal experiences, perspectives, and ethical guidelines provide a framework for ethical decision-making. Participants will explore community and church guidelines in their ministerial context, identify ongoing professional support, and develop self-care plans. Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm ET; March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1 and 8. Learn more:


100% Tuition Scholarships are available to members of the United Church of Christ (UCC) who complete their application for a Master Level Program at the Seminaries at Moravian University (Moravian Seminary & Lancaster Theological Seminary) before March 1, 2025. For new applicants only. or

Matt Conn, Marketing Manager - Seminaries at Moravain University

Climate Church, Climate World Book Study

Facilitated by: Members of The PSEC Enviromental Justice Team

Open to clergy and lay persons.

Dates: Every Monday afternoon in March, beginning March 3 thru March 31

Times: 12:30 – 1:30 pm on Zoom

Cost: Free

Requirements: Purchase of the book and read the introduction and first two chapters prior to the first session on March 3rd.

Book can be found on Amazon and at Hearts and Mind bookstore.

PSEC Environmental Justice Team invites you to join us for Climate Church, Climate World Book Study. Climate Church, Climate World by Jim Antal addresses “the long emergency” known as the climate crisis. Grounded in Scripture, informed by science, this book offers a way for people of faith to listen carefully to how God is calling us to embrace our vocation of bearing witness to the crisis and to initiate a moral intervention to sustain God’s gift of creation. The study will be led by the members of the Environmental Justice Team.

To register, click click here..

300th Anniversary of the German Reformed Church in the United States

This year we will celebrate the 300th Anniversary of the German Reformed Church in the United States which began with the first communion at Faulkner Swamp, October 15, 1725. This celebration of our immigrant heritage is particularly meaningful and instructive given the current conversations about immigration happening around the nation. 


An 300th Anniversary Committee of representatives from all four Pennsylvania UCC Conferences has begun the work of planning a series of events and worship celebrations to mark the occasion. They include (among other things) quarterly presentations of German Reformed History, a liturgy for congregations to share on the morning of Sunday, October 12th and a Festival of Celebration on Wednesday, October 15th.   


A history strong in its roots and its capacity to evolve within God’s unfolding creation leads us into an uncertain future by God’s certain presence. This is something to celebrate! Please watch your conference newsletters for more details will be forthcoming.

PAM Classes

The Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry has announced their Spring 2025 course lineup. Classes Include: 

· Ministerial Ethics and Professional Development. Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm ET via Zoom, March 4–April 8. Instructor: Rev. Dr. Linwood M. Smith Jr.  

· Navigating Congregational Conflict and Crisis. Thursdays, 7–8:30pm ET via Zoom, May 1–June 5. Analyze, interpret, and respond to crisis in your place of ministry, drawing on relevant literature such as Crisis Theory, Congregational Systems, and Conflict Transformation. Instructor: Rev. Dr. Brunilda Martínez.

· Introduction to Pastoral Care. Thursdays, 7–8:30pm ET via Zoom, June 19–July 24. Instructor: Rev. Dr. Butch Kuykendall.

Information and registration:

Insurance Board Presents - Safe Conduct 2025: New Research and Best Practices

February 25, 2025 - 2PM (ET)

Join Insurance Board and Praesidium's Vice President of Consulting, Christy Schiller to learn about the current landscape of safe conduct practices and abuse prevention, including new research, ongoing challenges, and best practices for the ministries that we serve.

Register to attend this webinar by visiting the link below. The ZOOM has a limited number of live participants, and the recording will be posted on our Online Learning page.

Register Here For The Zoom

The 44th Annual Rural Ministry Conference

March 9-11, 2025

Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa

Form Follows Mission:  Creative Ways STaR Congregations are Adapting for the Sake of Vitality and Sustainability in Mission and Ministry


In response to the on-going challenges of demographic, economic, and cultural change, small town and rural (STaR) congregations and small membership congregations in metropolitan contexts and their judicatories are creating and/or recreating a spectrum of innovative responses in leadership training and missional form to sustain and enhance the sustainability and vitality of mission and ministry. We will gather to learn what God is doing out there, cross-pollinate with ideas from one place which might work in another, and dream together (Acts 2:17) and perhaps perceive of a new thing (Isaiah 43:19).


Keynote speaker this year is Pastor Nancy Nyland, Pastor Nyland has a breadth of experience ranging from parish ministry to serving as Director of Evangelical Mission for the Indian-Kentucky Synod. She has collaboratively developed a transformational ministry process, a spiritual renewal process, and a shared ministry process for congregations in the synod. She also has led congregational vitality trainings across the ELCA, worked with congregations in transition and assisted congregations with visioning, and identifying their purpose and guiding principles.


For more information and registration, including a virtual Zoom option, please visit:

Please contact Pastor Lisa Robison with any questions.



The Supervised Ministry Series (Six 9-week courses) is designed to provide a practical internship in pastoral ministry over an eighteen-month progression. The arc of this series begins with entering a new place of ministry (beginning March 5, 2025) and concludes with leaving a place of ministry. Along this arc, as part of six asynchronous online courses, participants will explore issues of pastoral role, identity, leadership, ministry functions, organizational dynamics, and theological reflection. To be enrolled in Supervised Ministry courses, a participant is required to be engaged in pastoral ministry for approximately 6 to 8 hours each week under the guidance of a site supervisor.

A mandatory 3-week course, Introduction to Supervised Ministry, begins February 19, 2025

Go to the website,, to learn more about PATHWAYS or to apply. 


Prophetic Preaching on Christian Nationalism - A 6-week online course beginning March 5, 2025

 At a time when many of our progressive values are being threatened and undone - racial equity, inclusivity, social justice, human rights, pluralism, etc. - how can we tell the Good News in a way that is truly 'good'? Join us for this brand new six-week course to help churches address the growing threat of Christian Nationalism. We will explore the distorted relationship between religion, race, and democracy that has been arising within conservative Christian circles throughout the last few decades. 

 This course is offered by the Project Proclaim Partnership of the Southern New England UCC with PATHWAYS funded by the Lilly Foundation. Other courses beginning in February and March can be found on the PATHWAYS website, Visit our website to sign up for this course or others. 


THE BIBLE AS GUIDE: Biomes and Landforms in Scripture, one of PATHWAYS' Environmental Justice foundational courses begins on March 19, 2025. The course focuses on biomes and landforms in the Bible and then requires that one notice one's own neighborhood and regional flora, fauna, and landforms. Like all the foundational courses, the participant does not just read about Bible, history, or theology. For instance, the outcome project for this course will be a multimedia 3-session (1 hour each) Bible study that connects the biomes and land features of the Bible to the biomes and land features of the area in which the learner lives or serves. The challenges of environmental justice and creation care are local, not abstract.  


Go to the PATHWAYS website ( to apply and sign up for THE BIBLE AS GUIDE: Biomes and Landforms in Scripture (beginning March 19) or other new courses beginning in March including Preaching Against Christian Nationalism beginning March 5.

Will You Join The Call?

National LGBTQ Task Force

Join us in this fight! The National LGBTQ Task Force invites you to our national Organizing Committee call on February 27th at 7 pm EST. Together, we'll educate, strategize, and organize to redefine democracy and protect our LGBTQ+ community against ongoing legislative attacks. Don't miss this crucial opportunity to build connections, develop skills, and drive change in 2025! Join Us

Register for Pennsylvania UCC Weekly Lenten Prayer Time


Join us at noon every Thursday in Lent for a short time of prayer led by Conference Staff from the Pennsylvania Conferences, March 6-April 10, with a renewal of ordination vows on April 17 at 11:00a. Please register here to receive the Zoom links.

James Lawson Aftercare Program

(as a conference we sponsor Freedom School and are encouraging others to support the program as well)

looking for community leaders to read to scholars on Tuesdays and Thursdays during HARAMBEE from 4-4:30 PM. 

 Share your favorite book with our scholars and instill a love of reading.

Read Aloud! guests are a vital part of our Freedom School program, as they demonstrate to our scholars that reading is important to everyone. We invite you to come and read your favorite age-appropriate (7 to 13) book to our scholars. You’ll also have the opportunity to share how education and literacy have played a role in your success. Our students are always excited to ask guests questions and are equally excited when the guest asks questions of them.

Read Aloud! takes place during “Harambee” (meaning “all pull together” in Swahili). During Harambee, the students gather to hear announcements, practice afternoon meditation, and listen as our special guests read books featuring diverse identities and stories. At the end of the assembly, everyone rises to their feet to sing the  “anthem,” Labi Siffre’s “Something Inside So Strong.”


Please use the link below to sign up for a slot.

James Lawson Aftercare Program

The James Lawson Freedom School has started recruiting for Site coordinators and Servant Leader interns for the summer. I'm attaching the flyer with the QR codes to apply, the job descriptions are also available by scanning the QR codes. Please share with your staff, churches, and friends. 


Delia Mitchell, M.S.,Program Director, James Lawson Freedom School -


Open and Affirming Ministry Team Winter Gathering

Saturday, March 1 , 2025

THEME: Providing Support For One Another

Lancaster Theological Seminary

555 West James St., Lancaster, PA

9:30AM to 3:00PM

The planning committee comprising of members from ALL four PA Conferences are planning a day of speakers and workshops around the common theme of supporting one another. Breakfast items and lunch will be provided. Please watch for additional information in early February.


Kirkridge Retreat Center, Bangor, PA

CLICK HERE for events happening at Kirkridge

Click Here for 2025 Events

Rev. Naomi Washington-Leapheart, one of the Join the Movement Campaign co-chairs, is offering an in-person Lent retreat for lay leaders and clergy in February in Pennsylvania at Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center. She's going to be working with folks to reimagine Lent liturgies from antiracist and decolonial perspectives, including some time for preparing materials for the upcoming season. Pastors could earn CEUs and/or Racial Justice training certification.  Attached is a flyer and here's a link to the description and registration


Campfire Connection - February 2025

Click Here to Read

Celebrating Their Anniversary

We congratulate the following PNEC Pastors who will celebrate a

Special Anniversary of Ordination in 2025

Click Here for List



At the start of the Civil War, slaves fled to freedom at the Fort Monroe, Virginia. Here they sang their own song of liberation, and met a Black teacher, Mary S. Peake, whose work inspired the formation of colleges and other schools to educate freed slaves. Share their story and sing their song at worship to celebrate this special month!"

Click Here to read the Lockwood Article

Click Here for Song of the Contrabands


Lake Institute on Faith Giving

Remaking the Commons: Forming a Moral Imagination for Possession and Philanthropy in Place

Speaker: Dr. Willie Jennings

Friday, April 11, 2025, at 4:00 PM

Location: Witherspoon Presbyterian Church, 3535 W. Kessler Blvd N. Dr., Indianapolis, IN

Livestream will also be available. A reception will follow the lecture.

Register Here


Climate Hope Art Contest

We have officially launched the UCC's 2025 Climate Hope Art Contest for children and youth. Our theme this year is “Planting Seeds of Hope.” We’ll accept art submissions from February 2nd to March 14th. Like last year, we will have winners for different age groups and an overall winner who will receive an all-expense paid trip to visit Washington, DC with a parent or guardian. (Last year's winner had two members of congress personally ask her for a poster of her artwork, so that they could hang it in their offices!) The winning art will additionally serve as the logo for UCC Climate Hope advocacy work throughout 2025. Register now for your church to participate!  

We will send you a PDF of the art contest page on which artists will create their masterpieces. We are looking forward to seeing the amazing creativity and talent of our children once again.


With gratitude for each of you,

~Sue Mueller, Lead Climate Hope Organizer, United Church of Christ 

Larkin Riely Act

"When Jesus said ‘Love your neighbor,’ he knew your neighbor would look, act, believe and love differently than you. That was kind of the whole point." In the past week, President Trump signed the Larkin Riely Act into law, which is a bill that would require the detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants who are accused, but not found guilty, of certain crimes. This is in addition to the increased ICE raids that are targeting places of worship, schools, and hospitals. There are resources and people available to answer questions and offer legal assistance. Below are organizations that you can reach out to for answers to questions or to be pointed in the right direction toward what you may be looking for as you are striving to love our neighbors.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) information

National Immigration Law Center

The National Immigration Law Center (NILC) contains extensive, up-to-date information about DACA, advocacy, and general advice and information. Visit the following links for more specific information.



The American Civil Liberties Union - NJ Chapter 

P.O. Box 32159, Newark, NJ 07102; (973) 642-2084

ACLU -PA Chapter

PO Box 60173, Philadelphia, PA 19102, 215-592-1513

The ACLU provides information and advocates for immigration and civil rights:

American Friends Service Committee

The AFSC provides immigration legal counseling and advocates for immigration and civil rights:

1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102; 215-241-7000 

Camden Center for Law & Social Justice

The Camden Center for Law & Social Justice provides low-cost legal assistance to immigrants and refugees unable to afford a private attorney:

126 N. Broadway, 2nd Floor, Camden, NJ 08103; 856-583-2950

Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition

1900 Market Street, Ste. 800, Philadelphia, PA 19103-


First Friends of NJ and NY

First Friends offers volunteer visitation to detained immigrants and asylum seekers, resettlement assistance, and advocacy:

53 South Hackensack Ave., Kearny, NJ 07032; (908) 965-0455

Disaster Ministries

Pastoral care for those have been impacted by disasters with the UCC's Emotional and Spiritual Care Team. I am pleased to announce that have we launched our application process for this initiative.  


The United Church of Christ's Emotional and Spiritual Care Team is a program of Disaster Ministries focused on providing support to spiritual caregivers serving at the local church, association, and conference levels, as they provide pastoral care to their impacted communities. We welcome trained pastoral care providers, parish nurses, counselors, chaplains, clergy, and others feeling the call to disaster emotional and spiritual care to apply for this volunteer position.


To apply visit:



  The PA Disaster Ministries leaders heard back from folks doing support work on the ground in Southern California. As we’ve seen in the media, they are overwhelmed – joyfully and woefully at the same time – with donations. Instead of sending any physical items, they suggest donating money or sending kits and buckets to CWS for future needs. Online donations or retrieving a mailing address for checks can be found here. California Wildfires 2025 - United Church of Christ


Click Here to read "Ready PA Monthly."