St Luke Parish - Color Stacked_no address.png

March 19, 2025

This weekend we celebrate the 3rd Sunday of Lent.

Bakers and Fish Fry Help Needed

Interested in baking brownies for the Friday, March 21 St. Luke's Fish Fry? Dessert for the 3/21/2025 fish fry will be ice cream and brownies. Sign up here to be included in the group of bakers. Pans of brownies need to be dropped off at the kitchen between 3 and 4:30 pm on March 21. Questions? Contact Margaret Spikes (515-418-3460).

Also, there are many volunteer openings available for the March 21st Fish Fry. Please volunteer by clicking here.

Thank you!

Help Wanted

St. Luke the Evangelist Parish is currently seeking a full time Parish Coordinator. The position includes day-to-day execution, planning, and management of the parish on-going activities. Activities include marketing, event support, and parish administrative duties.

Please contact Father Ken Halbur at for more information.

Living Like the Saints

Devoted to whom? Devote means: to give all or a large part of one's time to a person, activity, or cause.  Who/what are you and your family giving time to

CHALLENGE: Find a devotional book, app, etc., and root your family in God's Word. When you do, evangelize like St. Stephen did by sharing God's Word without fear.   

Click here to view March's handout.

Click here to view the March Saint of the Day Calendar.

Phase III: Building on a Firm Foundation

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

- Matthew 6:21

St. Luke the Evangelist has experienced rapid growth, a trend expected to continue! Phase III aims to meet the needs of our growing community. Please join us at Mass on March 29/30th for more info on the strategic plan.

KofC 40 Cans for Lent Food Drive

During this Lenten season, please help those less fortunate. Our food drive runs through Monday, April 14th. Bins are in the Narthex for non-perishable food contributions. For more information, please contact Brother Knight Paul Moritz at 515-208-3891 or Thank you and God Bless!

CRS: Nutritious Meals Help Children Grow Healthy in Guatemala 

In Santa María Chiquimula, Guatemala, over half the community is affected by malnutrition. Amid rising food prices and job loss, Ana Belén and her husband were struggling to provide for their growing family. But they saw a ray of hope through their participation in a Catholic Relief Services’ program that helps them ensure their children are healthy and have the nutrition they need to thrive and play.  Click here to read this week’s Story of Hope. Visit to make your online donation. Thank you!

Volunteers Needed for Vacation Bible School

This year's VBS will be about Mary! It will be June 16-20 from 9:00-12:00 pm. 

To make it a success we need your help! Whether you are an adult, high schooler, or middle schooler we have a position for you! Can't help for the entire week? That's okay! You can sign up for specific days or help us prep ahead of time! This is a great way for high schoolers to get service hours!


Get registered as a VBS volunteer:

Summer Camps at St. Luke's

Attention St. Luke's Parents! Sign-up for the various St. Luke’s Summer Camps is now open. Camps are available to all school and parish children. For more information and to register, click here.

Stations of the Cross

Join us every Friday during Lent at 6pm for Stations of the Cross followed immediately by the Liturgy of the Hours Prayer

Spring Garden Meeting

Interested in learning about the St. Luke's Parish Garden? An informational meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 6 at 9:30 am (between the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses). It will be held in the gym. The St. Luke's Garden is behind the church playground. It features a butterfly garden, and 3 quadrants with tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, row crops, garlic, rhubarb and herbs. The garden is to help teach, sample and provide produce to those in need. Additionally, we have several flower beds (peonies, roses and annuals) which live in between the parking lots.

If you are interested in volunteering at the garden but can't attend the meeting, please email Margaret Spikes at or text to 515-418-3460.

In Memoriam

We are sorry to announce that St. Luke's parishioner, Richard Huber, passed away March 4, 2025 at the age of 82. Funeral services were held Saturday, March 8, 2025 at St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church.

Please click here for his full memorial.

God Bless you, Richard!

Additional Announcements:

  • Bulletins are available in the Narthex for pickup. You can also click here to read the latest bulletin: Our Sunday Bulletin or you can have it delivered to your inbox for free.

  • Are you, your family, or loved one in need of a prayer? Please let us know. St. Luke's prayer line is for you. You may either call the office and ask for the Prayer Chain extension to leave a message or send your request to Please let us know if we can use actual names.

  • Serva Fidem, the small group mentorship program that began at Dowling Catholic, is now partnering with parishes in the Diocese of Des Moines! Now accepting applications for a Coordinator to lead the effort. Click here to learn more.

  • Join us Saturday, April 5th for the 6th Annual St. Thomas Academy Spelling Bee Fundraiser to be held at Sts. John and Paul Parish in Altoona. Click here for more details.

Please pray for our Priests, Deacons, Sisters, and Seminarians.  

St. Luke pray for us.

Thank you for choosing St. Luke's and being a part of our parish family! 

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