Are there future revenues expected from currently planned development
that will eventually assist the city with the levy?
In 2024 the City of Green Lake created Tax Incremental District #7 where tax incremental financing is being proposed for the current location of the Bayview Motel & Marina. A developer is proposing to develop 7 townhouses with estimated square footage of 2300-2600 sq ft, 2 car attached garages, and walk out access to a private balcony. The developer is also proposing to create a 10-unit flat complex with estimated square footage between 1250 and 1600. The complex is proposed to have underneath parking in conformity with the City’s building codes.
Tax Incremental Financing may also be utilized for the redevelopment of other properties slated for future commercial or residential redevelopment within the district and the half mile boundary radius. The proposed and potential new developments will generate additional property taxes (tax increment) that will be used to offset the cost of the public investments resulting from, or needed by, the new developments.
The City projects land and improvement values (incremental value) of approximately $17,000,000 will be created in the TID by the end of 2027 and an additional $10,000,000 of potential redevelopment between the years 2030 and 2031. This additional value will be a result of the improvements made, and projects undertaken within the TID which will assist the City with increasing net new construction and in turn the ability to increase the levy limit.