January 2025| Issue 49

The TriCircle Connection
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From the Desk of

Ana Gopoian

Banana Bread and a Grandmother's

Unconditional Love

I woke up early one morning, just before Christmas, thinking of my Grandmother Gopoian, which I often do. My grandmother was an amazing woman who brought people together during the holidays and created the Christmas memories that I cherish now more than ever. Thoughts of her always make me smile.


She was the one person who believed that I was worth saving and gave me a place to live off the street. It wasn’t the end of my ripping and running, but Grandma Gopoian gave me hope, and she literally saved my life! 


I hate the disease of addiction and the space it takes up in my head, it has had and always will have such a close and long-lasting relationship with my depression, anxiety, family dysfunction, and trauma.


Becoming more informed and educated about who I am, things revealed about my family, what has happened, what didn’t happen, is what I call, being dangerously informed, and in a backhanded sneaky way the disease of addiction tries to create additional layers of shame between me, my family, friends, and society. 


I have repeatedly said that the shame, guilt, and isolation are just as detrimental as the disease of addiction itself, and that fuels me to want to break many cycles. On July 13th, 1995, at the age of 32, I put down all substances, including alcohol and knew I could make a difference, in spite of the lack of services and the locals who told me otherwise. There are so many people affected by the disease of addiction in CT and as for Wallingford, I didn't use alone. There is a great need for continuity, for safe, reliable and affordable short and long-term housing.


My heart will always belong to Wallingford, and I feel fortunate to have grown up there with the many opportunities provided by my grandparents. I was pushed through the school system with unaddressed learning disabilities and mental health challenges. After running away from home, the craziness that was happening in and outside of the house, drug use and dropping out of school at 16, I wonder somedays how things may have been different if anyone, including myself, and my parents had the awareness and courage to ask the hard questions and address the obvious. My lived experience has brought me far, a long way from those days. Since then, I worked corporate for 26 1/2 years, I earned multiple degrees, certifications, and started two companies. I look forward to bringing more great resources to the forefront in Wallingford and across CT this coming New Year and beyond. In 2025, TriCircle hopes to continue implementing Phase 2 of our long-range plan and open a community center with short and long-term living environments in Wallingford.


Today, I’m baking my famous banana bread, and as always, when I take my first bite, it transports me back to Grandma Gopoian. Something about it reminds me of her Sunday morning porridge, her unconditional love, and the moments of feeling safe when we were dropped off as children or when she rescued me from the street. 


I’m not writing this to help people understand as much as I am writing it for those who do. This year, surround yourself with the people who know you are worth saving, because isolation is the enemy, and Together We are Stronger!

January Spotlight:

Ceci Iliff

Ceci Iliff

Benjamin Iliff

Feb. 13, 1990 - Jan. 11, 2019

Ceci Iliff has been involved with TriCircle since its inception in 2016, when she met Ana through a mutual acquaintance. She has hosted many fundraising events through the years and her organization, called, was founded to help raise awareness and funds for the cause. Ceci has also proudly served as a member of the TriCircle Fundraising & Events Committee and the Communications & Public Relations Committee.

On January 11, 2019, Ceci experienced the loss of her 28 year old son Ben, to the disease of addiction.

As is the case for so many, Ben's life was fraught with mental health challenges from a very early age. As a young boy, he had no fear, no regard for consequences and a zest for risk-taking and adventure. There was a lot of noise in Ben's head, the volume was turned up high, yet deep down he craved a stillness that he seemed unable to "achieve" without the use of drugs.

Ben made his transition after a long and courageous journey through the roller coaster of challenges associated with substance use disorder and the disease of addiction. "I am grateful for every moment of Ben’s life and for the many ways he helped us learn not only about the disease, but also about acceptance, unconditional love, patience, compassion, gratitude and understanding."


To get a flavor for his life, here is an excerpt from Ben's obituary:

"It is impossible to capture a person's life in a few words. Ben was funny, kind, polite, helpful, eager, intelligent, interesting, creative, artistic, articulate, silly and lots of fun. He was a gifted artist – music, drawing and painting were his passions. He was adored as a son, grandson, father, brother, nephew, cousin and friend.


After the birth of his son Kaleb in 2018, Ben tried hard to discover himself and his spiritual connection to the pure positive energy that could help him take control of his life and begin to create a brighter future for himself and his family. Until he drew his last breath, we believed that he would overcome this disease and make the life for himself that we knew he deserved. Ben is no longer limited by his physical form, and it is clear that we are more connected to him now than ever before. We take comfort in knowing that Ben is surrounded by infinite light and love, free from the obstacles he often encountered during his journey here."

Ceci shared with us that for many years there were behavior problems, disciplinary challenges, arrests and relationship issues. "It was exhausting trying to find help for Ben, we searched everywhere for a good fit and by the time he was 13, he was already reaching for illegal drugs in an attempt to make the noise in his head go away."

"We urgently need real, long term solutions to address the mental health challenges that often co-occur with this deadly epidemic that is escalating worldwide. The long range plan that TriCircle is working toward holds the key to saving lives."

Once the 3 phase plan is fully implemented, TriCircle will provide an uninterrupted continuum of care that offers residential, individualized, comprehensive, holistic services that will break the cycle of relapse and recidivism and make it possible for many more individuals and families to live successfully in long term recovery. TriCircle is working hard to help those who are affected by addiction have bright futures filled with hope.

Please get involved and be part of the solution.

Together WE are Stronger!

For the People

The award-winning ‘For the People’, produced by John Voket,

focuses on issues related to aging, veterans, youth, education, health and human services, public safety, workforce and consumer issues and the environment. Broadcast segments and guests explore concerns facing communities we serve and detail how individuals and communities may respond to address and/or mitigate those concerns. ‘For the People’ airs Sundays 7-8am. Click the image below, then scroll down to TriCircle to hear a new interview with Ana Gopoian, our Founder and Executive Director.

What's Happening?

Drop In Setback Middlefield 1741 Pub & Grill- Wednesday, January 15 (1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month - click here)

NEW Drop In Setback Wallingford Westbrook Lobster - Starting Wednesday, January 22, at 300 Church Street, Registration at 5:00 pm, first game 6:00 pm.

TriCircle's Hope & Support Groups - Thursdays, January 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and every Thursday throughout the year (click here for full schedule with locations)

TriCircle's Hope After Loss Support Groups - Mondays, January 6, 13, 20, 27 and every Monday throughout the year (click here for full schedule with locations)

Harmony Within SMART APG Wallingford- Beginning in February Last Tuesday of each month, starting February 25, 5:30 - 6:30 pm, Master's Manna 428 S Cherry St Wallingford, before the SMART Recovery Meeting (click here)

SMART Recovery Wallingford- Beginning in February Every Tuesday 4, 11, 18, 25 (click here) 7:00 - 8:30 pm Master's Manna 428 S Cherry St Wallingford

SMART Recovery Family & Friends Meriden- Beginning in February Every Tuesday 4, 11, 18, 25 (click here) 6:00 - 7:30 pm 169 Colony St, 2nd Floor, Meriden

Reuniones de SMART en Espanol Meriden- Beginning in February Todos los miércoles en 5, 12, 19, 26 (haga clic aquí) 6:00 - 7:30 pm 169 Colony St, 2nd Floor, Meriden

SMART A.R.T. la APG Meriden- Beginning in February Al tercer miércoles de cada mes antes de la reunión 19, 4:30 - 5:30 pm, 169 Colony St, 1st Floor, Meriden (haga clic aquí)

SMART Recovery Amigos y familiares en español Meriden- Beginning in February Todos los jueves en 16, 13, 20, 27 (haga clic aquí) 6:00 - 7:30 pm 169 Colony St ,1st Floor, Meriden

Yoga at DiversaFit Wallingford- Last Saturday of each Month 25 (click here) 12:00 - 1:00 pm DiversaFIT 549 Center St, Wallingford


Help shape the future with a

purpose driven, fun and fulfilling opportunity to give back!

TriCircle is looking for people who are action oriented and

passionate about our cause to work with us.

If your superpower is planning, organizing, and/or helping to implement events, then here is your chance to shine! We need help with Fundraising & Events! Meetings will be established and will convene once a month at TriCircle, 169 Colony Street, 2nd Floor, Meriden.

Please consider lending a hand!

Contact to sign up!

Community Service Hours Are Available for All of the Above!

Together WE are Stronger!

TriCircle is located at

169 Colony Street
Second Floor, Room 28
Meriden, CT 06451

We are pleased to be located inside the Women and Families Center.
This allows for wonderful opportunities to expand
the reach of our support services and resources
as we cultivate this collaborative partnership.
This location also provides increased accessibility
on the bus line and nearby train station.

Together WE are Stronger!

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169 Colony St. 2nd FL, Rm 28 | Meriden, CT 06451 US

(860) 349-7074 |