eNEWS - Mar 24, 2025


Jewish Community, Learning & Exploration Event

Sun. Mar. 30 | 9 AM - 3:30 PM |Lawrence Family JCC | RSVP

Rev. Trudy will be participating in an interfaith panel as part of an all-day event hosted by the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture at the Lawrence Family JCC. This panel will bring together faith leaders from diverse traditions to explore how faith can serve as a foundation for building a shared society, especially in times of division. The panelists include you, Rev. Richard Hogue, Rev, Cassie Carol, Rabbi Devorah Marcus, Rabbi David Castiglione and Yusef Miller. Everyone is welcome to come for the whole day.  

Get Your Free Name Tag

Sunday | 9-10 AM | Linder Lounge

Our church members would love to get to know you – so they're offering free name tags to help with the process! Look for a table inside Linder Lounge (near the donuts) on Sundays after service. You'll find free name tags and volunteers who can help add your name. Questions? Contact Mike Sisson.

Egg Hunt

Easter Donations Needed By April 6

Make the season extra special for our kids, home-bound church family, and online friends.

Our Children's and Caring Hearts ministries are gearing up for their annual Easter celebrations and are in need of donations. Please consider donating the following items. They can be brought in or mailed to the church office. When doing so, please label them as Egg Hunt or Caring Hearts so we know what they're for. Thank you!

Kids First Easter Egg Hunt - Questions? Email Rev. Brittany

  • Individually wrapped candy
  • Trinkets (that fit into plastic eggs)
  • Baskets

Caring Hearts - Questions? Email

  • Individually wrapped candies
  • Plastic eggs

Finding Your Stories of Faith

Free Guided Journal for Lent | Download & Share Your Story

During this year's season of Lent, we invite you to consider your story of faith, a story that you write every moment of every day. We're offering a free downloadable book of prompts for you to meditate on throughout the season to help you uncover and record your story.

We hope you join us on this journey of self-reflection and discovery and are moved to share your story with those around you. Use the hashtag #fumcsdStory when sharing with your friends on social media so others can be inspired. You can also your story with our church community through our website:

Book Study: Wholehearted Faith

In-Person: RSVP | Online: RSVP | Or host your own discussion!

Join our pastors in reading Wholehearted Faith, a collection of essays by Rachel Held Evans, that she wrote while wrestling with her faith.

This is a slightly different take on our traditional study groups. We will all read the book independently and then join a watch party discussion to hear our pastors and community members' thoughts. You'll meet as a group to watch a recorded conversation of the pastors and then continue the conversation with those around you.

We have three options for participation:

  • Online: Wednesday, April 9 | 6:30 PM | Zoom | RSVP to receive Zoom meeting information
  • In-Person: Sunday, April 13 | 12:15 PM | Linder Hall | RSVP
  • Host Your Own: We'd love for the conversation to continue. Let us know if you'd like to host a watch party for your friends and family and we'll equip you with the materials used for our in-person and online discussions.

All Church Gathering: The Stories That Save Us

Sun. Apr. 13 | 12:15 PM | Linder Hall | Register

Mark your calendars for this special community gathering. We'll share lunch and reflect on our Lenten journey, viewing inspirations shared from our guided journal and hearing our pastors' conversation about Wholehearted Faith. Lunch is $15 per person and is optional; if you plan to eat before the event or would like to bring your own lunch, choose the "Discussion Only" registration option. Registration is now open online.

SDSCS Event: Restoration of Southern California’s Largest Coastal Wetland

Sat. Apr. 26 | 1-3 PM | Tijuana Estuary Visitor Center in Imperial Beach | RSVP

Join us for the final event in this year's San Diego School of Christian Studies series – The Conservation, Importance, Research, and Restoration of Southern California’s Largest Coastal Wetland: The Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve. This nature walk includes the conservation history of the Tijuana Estuary, its important environmental functions, as well as its research and restoration. We'll be led by Interpreter Jessie Looney. Learn more and reserve your spot now!


woman in nature with book

Reflect, Learn, Discuss

Join us each week as we uncover new understandings of scripture, theology, and life. We hope you join us!

REFLECT: Tapestry Worship Service | Sundays in Trotter Chapel

Gain a fresh perspective as you question, listen, and see God through non-traditional and interactive worship.

LEARN: Perspectives Podcast | Sundays

Featuring two of our pastors talking theology, life, and faith.

Listen Now

DISCUSS: Convergence | Sundays at 12 PM in Trotter Chapel

Join our in-person or online Convergence Discussion Groups to talk about the themes from Tapestry and Perspectives. This is our reimagined Pastors Bible Study.

Patreon Channel

Become a Patreon

Connect with others & support our podcast | Join for free or upgrade to Silver / Gold

Enjoy our Perspectives Pastors Podcast? Want to discuss it with others online? Then we invite you to join us on Patreon at, where you can discuss the ideas from each episode, access some additional resources, and help support our digital ministry.

When you become a free member, you’ll unlock the ability to discuss answers posed in each week’s podcast episode. There is also an option to unlock some extras by becoming a paid supporter at $5 or $10 per month.

Prayers of the People

Pray for one another and prayer requests

Wednesdays, 9:30 AM


Email Rev. Brittany

Heart of Christianity


11 AM | Zoom

Book Study

Register for Zoom


Showers of Blessings

Showers of Blessings

2nd Saturday: Apr. 12 | St. Paul's Cathedral Courtyard | 2728 Sixth Avenue San Diego, CA 92103 


You're invited to prepare a dish and serve OR drop off donations for brown bag lunch pack. Sign up as a group to take a month! For more information, contact Katherine Stone.


Donations can be dropped off at coffee bar on Sundays or during regular office hours (9 AM - 4 PM): Oatmeal, pancake syrup, brown sugar, raisins, protein bars, juice (apple, grape, cranberry), hot sauce, brown lunch sacks, individual apple sauce. 

Samaritan Store

Thank for your continued donations!

Thanks to your continued generosity, we welcomed 67 guests in January and February of this year, distributing 62 bags of food, 30 sleeping bags, more than 50 hygiene kits, and more than 300 pairs of men's socks! The food bags that we give our neighbors include 9-11 non-perishable food items, such as fruit cups, soup, peanut butter, pudding, cereal, and tuna fish. It all depends on what donations we have received.

Donations can be brought to the church office on Sundays and during the week. If you are donating canned foods, please look for pull tab tops for easy opening.

Cal-Pac Fire Update

Cal-Pac Fire Relief

Join us in prayer and relief efforts

We continue to pray for the congregations and communities recently impacted by fire. Cal-Pac is sharing updates and ways to support those in LA. You can find the most recent details online at:

Help at Cherokee Point Community Events

Find events and register to help online.

Cherokee Point is looking for community volunteers to help at fun events throughout the year. Sign up to help at one or many – it's a fun way to connect with families in the community!


Get to know your church neighbors!

Serra Mesa / Mission Valley

Wed. Mar. 26 | 5:30 PM | Tio Leo's Mexican Restaurant 5302 Napa Street, San Diego CA 92110 | RSVP Bill Horton

North County

Sat. Mar. 29 | 12 PM | Filippi's Pizza Grotto Scripps Ranch 9969 Mira Mesa Blvd, San Diego CA 92131 | RSVP Carol Blessing | New folks are always welcome! Please bring cash for lunch payment.

Hillcrest / Mission Hills

Mon. Mar. 31 | 11:30 AM | Gooseberries Kafe Hillcrest 3776 4 Avenue, San Diego CA 92103 | RSVP Nick Hubsmith

Water's Edge

Sat. Apr. 12 | 10 AM | Daybreak Island Grill 2296 Bacon Street, San Diego CA 92107 | RSVP Tom Trujillo 

Senior Fellowship Group

Fridays | 12 - 3:30 PM | Linder Lounge

Potluck lunch followed by games! You may bring a food contribution serving 6. No RSVPs needed. No charge. Questions, call Ginger: 858-302-9592 (no texts).

Book cover for Adventures In Missing The Point

Young Adult Book Study

Tues. Apr. 1 | 5 PM | Zoom | Email Rev. Hannah or RSVP Online

We meet online on the 1st Tuesday of the month to discuss the book Adventures in Missing the Point by Brian D. McLaren and Tony Compolo.


In April, we'll discuss chapters on Environmentalism and Homosexuality. Email Rev. Hannah for Zoom meeting link. 

The River (LGBTQ group)

First Wednesday of the Month: Apr. 2 | 5:30 PM | Online | RSVP 

Join us for a book study on the book Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World. This book study is exclusively for our immediate LGBTQI friends only. Allies will have an opportunity to join us for future events and studies. Register online


Childcare for infants to preschool is available during all services.

Reverend Trudy Robinson delivering a Sunday message

Rev. Brittany Juliette Hanlin

Traditional Worship

Sundays | 9 AM | Sanctuary

The Stories That Save Us: The Story of Tranquility

Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27

Altar flowers given by Doug and Sandi Lawrence in honor of their 55th Wedding Anniversary on March 21.

Join us in person or watch our Livestream

For our online viewers: Consecrated elements for communion are available for pick up Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM, or can be mailed upon request.

Watch Live
Sermon Archive


Sundays | 11 AM | Trotter Chapel

The Stories That Save Us: The Story of Tranquility

Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27

Let’s gather together to check out the resources of hope at our disposal and create a safe space with others to rest in that hope.

Altar Flowers  
Donating altar flowers on Sunday is a way to recognize significant events in your family’s life.  Bouquets are $65 each and anyone can donate one or two bouquets. If you are interested, please contact Demmie Divine in the church office about available dates. 


Children and Youth Ministries Sunday Schedule

PRE-K, INFANTS, AND TODDLERS | Sundays 8:40 AM - 12 PM

This program offers a loving and nurturing environment in the Multipurpose Room located in the Children's Growing Center.

Kids First

Sunday School: K-5

Please sign your kids in in the Lower Sanctuary before the start of service.

We start in the Sanctuary for 9 AM Traditional Worship and then leave as a group immediately following A Time With Children. Parents pick up kids from The Cove immediately following service. No Sunday School on the 1st Sunday of the month – kids are encouraged to worship with their family and participate in Communion.


Middle School and High School students are invited to sit together in the Sanctuary every Sunday to worship as a group!


Primary Choir (Grades K-5): 10-10:45 AM, Middle School Room (The Cove) with Ms. Dana

Secondary Voices (Grades 5/6-12): 10-10:45 AM, Children's Choir Room (Lower Sanctuary) with Mr. Brian

Youth Chimes (Grades 5-12): 11-11:45 AM, Children's Choir Room (Lower Sanctuary) with Ms. Dana

Contact Dana Zimbric for more info.

Now Enrolling Infants Through Kindergarten

CGC has openings! Call 619-295-1915 or visit

Our school is accepting new students ages 0 - 6! Please share with your friends, family, and neighbors who have kids. Details about the school are available online at or you can call 619-295-1915 to speak with the school staff and learn more.

ACOLYTES | Grades 4-12

Sign up to assist in Sanctuary worship service! Contact Demmie Divine.


Deaths: Check our website for weekly updates regarding deaths, memorial services, and funerals.

Request a Prayer

Would you like someone to talk to?

Our Stephen Ministers are ready to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. You'll meet privately—by phone, video chat, or in person—for care and support. Contact Rev. Brittany for more information.

Prayers & Squares Quilt Prep & Fellowship

1st Sat. & 3rd Thurs. of the month: Apr. 5 | 9 AM - 12 PM | Linder 2

Learn more about the Prayers & Squares Quilt Ministry or request a quilt for another person. To sponsor a prayer quilt for someone in need of prayer, be sure to ask for their agreement to be a recipient. 

Request a Prayer Quilt


SACRA/PROFANA Concert: Windows

Sat. March 29 | 7 PM | Sanctuary | Tickets: $15-$40

This professional vocal ensemble will be performing some of the best-loved pieces from the choral canon paired with luminaries of contemporary choral music. A highlight will be Louis Vierne's "Kyrie," recently featured in the reopening of the Notre Dame cathedral. Originally written for two pipe organs, this concert will feature the face-melting sound experience of the choir singing full out with the beautiful sound of the church's 107-rank Blackinton Organ.


Church Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4 PM

Memorial Garden Hours
Monday - Friday - 8 AM - 6 PM
Saturday - 8 AM - 3:30 PM
Sunday - 8 AM - 4 PM

Property Transition Taskforce Update

Approved proposals from Sat. Mar. 1 Church Council Meeting

On Saturday, March 1, the Property Transition Team presented to the Church Council the following update on the task of exploring affordable housing on our Ocean Beach campus: 

The Cal-Pac Conference has final approval for any real estate transactions, so we met with our District Superintendent, Luis Garcia, and the Cal-Pac Conference Assistant to the Bishop, Paige Eaves. The Conference leadership requested a different vision for the OB property that would include a physical ministry presence, and implied a preference for maintaining ownership of the property.

First Church would like to support the Conference’s vision for starting a ministry in OB but do not have the resources at this time for such an effort, as much of our time, energy, and resources are implementing the other new ministries of our Re-Wilding vision. Therefore, the Property Transition Team put a motion before the Church Council to “pursue a return of the OB property (as-is) to the Cal-Pac Conference” and allow First Church to “focus resources on our effort to bring affordable housing to our Mission Valley campus.” Church Council approved the motion.

The transition of ownership for the Ocean Beach Property still requires some conversation and further approvals by both the Conference and First Church. We will keep you updated as things progress. Thank you for your prayers!

Giving: How to Give

  1. Deposit your gift in the offering plate during worship.
  2. Give online using your credit/debit card or ACH transfer from your checking account. Gifts can be one time or automatically recurring each week or month.
  3. TEXT to Give. Just text MYCHURCHGIFT to 73256 and see how easy it can be!
  4. Mail your check directly to the church via US postal service: First United Methodist Church of San Diego, 2111 Camino del Rio S., San Diego, CA 92108.

Contact Jason Tucker with your questions about giving and tithing to First Church.

Weekly Attendance

3/16/25, Sunday in-person services (9 & 11 AM)

Combined number of attendees: 280

3/16/25, livestreamed service

Unique viewers: 233

Avg. watch-time: 25:47

First Church YouTube subscribers: 3,335

To subscribe, log in to your Gmail account, go to First Church YouTube channel, click the subscribe button. You can choose to be notified when we livestream.

David Patterson

Hosting an event? We have space available!

Contact David Patterson for details, including exclusive pricing.

Hi folks! I’m David Patterson, the Events Coordinator here at First Church. Throughout the year, we host an amazing variety of events—concerts, art shows, book presentations, and more!

As a First Church member, you can get exclusive deals on these wonderful spaces for your upcoming events. Whether it's a high school or family reunion, birthday celebration, or wedding anniversary, we’ve got the perfect space to bring your ideas to life.

Let’s make your next event unforgettable! Send me an email at, and we’ll start planning together. I can’t wait to help you create something special!

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2111 Camino del Rio South,

San Diego, CA 92108

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