Celebrating 40 Years!

NCI Well Connect

January 8, 2025

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Dear Steve,

DID YOU KNOW that many prenatal supplements fall short? A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition checked the amounts of iodine in nonprescription and prescription prenatal vitamins. 

Among the most crucial nutrients for fetal development is iodine. The researchers tested a sample of 47 different prenatal vitamins (32 nonprescription and 15 prescription products) bought from online and local stores where people commonly shop.

When checking for iodine, they found most prenatal vitamins contain less than advertised, and very few provided the correct amount, with 53% of products listing iodine content, but only four (16%) products contained the claimed amount of iodine on the label.

This is most disappointing. Quality control and trust in brands is paramount. Luckily, all of the companies we work with provided lab assays to assure label claim is met!

Services Update

Note to Paid Well Connect Members

Our Gluten-Free Natural Shopping List has been updated. To access the newest version, go to our Members Only Archives here.

Metagenics Has a New Label and Some Product Name Changes

Please note that Metagenics is rolling out its new label over the coming months. There have been no ingredient changes, just the look of the label. In addition, some product names have been changed. We will leave the old names of these products on our website for the foreseeable future.

Steve Minsky MS, HWC

As a Health and Wellness Counselor, Steve analyzes and offer solutions to optimize human functioning not only with food, but every aspect of your lifestyle, whether for prevention or healing. More info on Steve's services.


This is a reminder if you are eligible to expense through your HSA or FSA account, use it for our services, labs, and supplements.

Text Us If Convenient at (847) 497-0902

Text is the quickest way to communicate with us (questions for Bonnie need to be by email).

Pet Wellness
Our dietary supplement line for dogs and cats, ThorneVet, has an impeccable reputation among veterinarians. Carolyn Martinelli "Coach Care" can answer your questions about ThorneVet pet supplements at Please leave detailed contact information as well as the name, age, sex, breed, and/or health issue(s) and med(s) of your pet so Carolyn can respond accordingly. To order from our wellness shop, please visit here (for prices, enter the Guest Area password: discount2018).

Online Gift Cards
Giving the gift of wellness has never been easier. Order your gift cards here.

Wellness Screenings

Standard Blood Work

For a list of standard blood tests for new or existing clients, please go to this page and look at Steve or Bonnie's wellness forms.

Stool Analysis

For gastrointestinal, autoimmune, or allergy-related maladies, stool analysis is a wonderful way to detect how to heal from the inside out.

Genomics Testing

For lifestyle and diet-related genetic predisposition, go to the "Pure Insight" section below.

Food Reaction Testing

Because true food allergies are rare, please Email Steve or Bonnie for authorization to get our IgE food allergy, IgE mold/fungus allergy, or celiac panel. For questions about the tests and how to prepare, contact our office staff.

Thermography Screening at Nutritional Concepts - Friday, January 17th

For those interested in an upper torso or whole body thermography scan, please book your session by emailing: (tell Eniko you would like to schedule your thermography scan at Nutritional Concepts on Friday, January 17th. She will get back to you with times available, type of scan; openings are limited and first come first serve). To find out more about thermography, please read the following.

Infection Support

For Prevention or During Infection

Year-round infection is the new normal. We are exposed to many endemic viruses including SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), norovirus (stomach flu), adenovirus (common cold), monkeypox, and four other coronaviruses (common cold), among others. Support your immune system with our Free Prevent and Fight Infection 2.0 Protocol here.

Warning: Counterfeit, Adulterated Supplements Online

On the internet, especially at Amazon, there is an epidemic of counterfeit, adulterated, and purposely mislabeled dietary supplements. recent analysis of SAMe supplements sold on Amazon found 20 of 24 failed potency tests. Aman was arrested for selling counterfeit Pure Encapsulations products. A study from JAMA Network Open found that half of immune products analyzed from Amazon had labels that did not match the contents. Know yor supplier!

Have a happy, healthy day! Steve and Bonnie Minsky

In Today's Issue...
  • WC Feature* Urinary Tract Update
  • Omega-3 to Omega-6 Balance
  • January 20% OFF Sale
  • Case Report NEW!
  • Chiro Corner NEW!
  • Pure Genomics
  • Blog Briefs - Formaldehyde
  • Well Connect Member Benefits
*Paid Member Access Only
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Well Connect Feature*
*This article is reserved for paid NCI Well Connect Membership.

Omega-3 to Omega-6 Balance

Steve: The ideal ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids should be 2:1 or at worst 3:1. Most Americans have a 20:1 ratio or higher. The reason for this is that the standard American diet is loaded with oils containing omega-6 fatty acids, but very little omega-3. Many omega-6 fatty acids are inflammatory.

One way to level the ratio is to eat fish 4-6 times per week. However, most of us don't. How can we bring this ratio back into balance? Supplement with fish oil, which is the only source that enters the body as omega-3. All other oils need to be enzymatically broken down into omega-3. At least 50-60% of us have a genetic predisposition that does not allow us to do this transfer optimally.

Here are studies from within the last six months highlighting omega-3's.


A study from Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that higher DHA levels were associated with significant risk reductions in all-cause mortality, as well as reduced risks for deaths due to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all other causes. The findings strengthen the notion that DHA, a marine-sourced omega-3, may support cardiovascular disease, health and lifespan.


A high intake of omega-3 and moderate intake of omega-6 may contribute to reducing frailty risk in middle-aged and elderly individuals, according to findings of a study from Frontiers in Nutrition.

Prostate Cancer

Results from a study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology show that a diet low in omega-6 and high in omega-3 fatty acids, combined with fish oil supplements, significantly reduced the growth rate of prostate cancer cells in men with early-stage disease.

Heart Health

In a study of a large cohort in Nutrients, higher levels of omega-3's were associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD patients, on the other hand, had significantly lower omega-3 levels.

Researchers publishing in a The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study discovered that participants who reported taking fish oil supplements regularly showed lower blood lipid levels than their genes predicted, especially for total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and especially triglycerides.

Autoimmune Disease

EPA is a key omega-3 fatty acid that may protect against psoriatic arthritis. The FADS2 gene appears to play a central role in mediating the effects, according to the findings of a Frontiers in Nutrition study. In cases where the FADS2 gene has one or both mutations, EPA supplementation should be a strategy for preventing psoriatic arthritis onset. Our PureInsight genetic screening includes the FADS2 gene.


Omega-3 (DHA, EPA, and EPA+DHA) levels were associated with significant reductions of both total and ischemic stroke risk.

NOTE: While fish oil is beneficial for many, never self-supplement, especially if you are on blood-thinning medication or have a family history of atrial fibrillation.


Place My Order*
*Use password discount2018 at Guest Area to access pricing

Case Report NEW!

Fertility Issue Solved

A 30-something couple saw Steve because they were having trouble conceiving and had experienced several agonizing miscarriages. Their intention was to optimize their diet and lifestyle for six months before going the fertility treatment route.

Steve noticed that both of them were reacting to one or more foods. Both were overly acidic, but the wife was exceptionally so. Another key was also for them to understand that diet and lifestyle change was just as important for the husband as the wife.

After giving them both specific dietary modifications, stress management reduction techniques, and targeted supplemental nutrients, the goal was to get pregnant in three months. If not, they would do stool and/or food reaction testing.

They followed the plan to the letter and in less three months, they became pregnant and carried a healthy baby to term!

Did you have a great experience working with us? Please let others know by leaving a review here.

Disclaimer: Case reports are not intended for self-healing. Case reports are for references purposes only and should be discussed with your health professional.

Chiro Corner NEW!

Serious Heart Condition

The December 2024 edition of The American Chiropractor cites the case of a chiropractor whose heart had grown twice its size in 2003. His lungs were creating back pressure into his heart, which is known as pulmonary hypertension, a very serious condition. Several specialists said he needed a double lung and heart transplant or he would not survive. 

He had been a chiropractor for 25 years and understood the power that chiropractic has on the health of the body, however he was only occasionally getting adjusted. This serious diagnosis prompted him to see if there was something severely wrong with his spine and nervous system. If so he would use this approach before getting a transplant. 

He went in for a full Chiropractic evaluation including x-rays and nerve scans. Turns out he had major subluxations of the vertebrae in his lower neck and upper back. These misalignments were severely impacting the neurological flow to his heart and lungs. In order to make a major impact he began receiving chiropractic care 5 days a week. Within three months his dangerously high blood pressure dropped 50%. By one year it returned to normal and after two years his heart was back to its normal size. No transplant needed. 

21 years later he still is doing great, receiving chiropractic care, using nutritional supplements and is involved with competitive athletics. His goal in 2025 is to compete in the Florida World Championships when he turns 70. His inspirational message: That his journey show others how powerful Chiropractic care can be, even for serious health challenges. How improving neurological flow, through Chiropractic spinal adjustments, gives the body what it needs to heal and thrive.

Dr. Liselotte Schuster is a Holistic Family Chiropractor and has been in practice with Nutritional Concepts since 1989. She uses a variety of techniques, including low level laser, to help patients reach their full potential. Contact Dr. Schuster at (847) 509-9067 or

Why PureInsight (formerly Genomics)?

PureInsight (formerly )Genomics harnesses the science of nutrigenomics so you can understand the relationship between your genes, nutrition, and wellness at the deepest level. Covering 72 genes in 11 trait categories, we've used Pure Insight since 2015 to help clients live longer with better quality of life.

How to Get Started

  1. Order a genetic kit directly from or and send back your saliva specimen.
  2. When your results are ready, request that we set up a PureInsight account for you. We just need your full name, email address, and date of birth.
  3. You will receive an email invitation from PureInsight with a link to set up your account and instructions for how to upload 23andMe or Ancestry data.
  4. You will receive a confirmation from PureInsight when your report is ready and we can then set up an appointment to go over your results.
eNews Blog Briefs

Ubiquitous Formaldehyde

What Is a Paid NCI Well Connect Membership?

Twice Weekly eNewsletters with Tons of Extra Content 

Long-form issues on Mondays and Wednesdays address all aspects of wellness including nutrition, mental and emotional health, physical activity, cooking, brand awareness, dietary supplements, medical breakthroughs, and much more.

Pure Genomics Wellness Screening

Results are free. Analysis with Steve or Bonnie is a separate fee.

Website Page Dedicated to Members Only

Only paid members have exclusive, password protected access to our 48 title Action Plan Library, Natural Foods Shopping List (updated quarterly), and the most recent 100 issues of our email newsletter.

Start Your One Year Membership*
*Use password: discount2018 in Guest Area
Navigating Our Website
Wellness Shop

*If you prefer to call in or email your orders, continue to do so. Whatever is convenient and comfortable is what we want for you.

Password Required For Website Orders

To make purchases, enter the password discount2018 when prompted at the "Guest Area" firewall, which is necessary for us to show our discounted pricing.

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Reorder Easily By Registering At Our Website

Registering as a member of our website will allow you to reorder items quickly. At our homepage, simply click on "Log In" and sign up. There, you can create a profile and see all of your previous orders, as well as make a wishlist of items you frequently order. Click the heart icon next to the add to cart button to add any item to your wishlist.

There are two passwords returning customers need to have.

  1. Password to log into your account. This is the password you entered when you first registered at our site. Only you know this password.
  2. Password to get past the "Guest Area" firewall: discount2018. The password will always be discount2018 unless we notify you.

3 Options for Fulfilling Your Order at The Wellness Shop

  1. Place your order to be shipped.
  2. Place your order for pickup at our office.
  3. Place your order online but pay offline by calling in your credit card info.

Pay for Appointments

Pay for your appointment directly from our wellness shop under Service Fees.

Self-Help Action Plans

Inexpensive self-help protocols covering myriad conditions. These do not replace individualized consultations. View all 48 titles under Action Plans.

Members Only Archives

Password protected webpage reserved for paid NCI Well Connect Members. Access the Members Only Archives Page here and enter the password.


If you don't already get by email, we post our free newsletter at our website blog.

Ask Questions
Text, email, or ask questions directly from our website.
We appreciate your continued patronage and support.

Have a happy, healthy day.

Bonnie, Steve, Lilo, Lori, Sharron, Cindy, Diana, Marisa and Janice

1535 Lake Cook Road, Suite 204
Northbrook, IL 60062
Phone 847-498-3422
Text 847-497-0902
Hours Of Operation
Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM
Saturday 9AM to 4PM
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20% OFF


Sale Items

Use discount2018 at Guest Area to for pricing


PE Quercetin

PE O.N.E. Multi

PE PureHeart K2D

PE CaffPhenol

MT Rapid Relief

MT Andrographis Plus MT The Akkermansia Company

Now Iron Glycinate

IT Berberine

CR Hepagen