Apalachicola, Florida

December20, 2024

The Heavens Cracked Open

Leave it to Kay Carson, our Communication Director extraordinaire, to whittle down what I have been thinking to just a few words. This past Sunday we were discussing the “work” one does and the reward that often comes by finishing a task. I know readers of this newsletter have accomplished much in their lives, and I imagine those achievements required hidden, forgotten hours that underwrote their successes. Whether our input is highly technical or just plain persistence, things worth doing well require sacrifice and patience. However, those cerebral tasks often move along “a continuum without a specific end or finish”, as Kay said.

But when your life seems to be full of cerebral tasks, it is also vital to step away at times and be refreshed; to find joy in doing simple things. This reminds me of Mark 6:31: “Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.” When we are so busy doing the big things, we might lose sight of the joy and fulfilment we gain in completing the small yet equally necessary ones. 

I offer an example: along with the deep pastoral work I love and cherish, the last month has been filled with grant submissions, annual reports and meetings, preparations for Advent and Christmas, and planning for 2025. In short, my life has been loaded with a continuum type of ministry with no specific end. And that is why I seek out my own deserted places of rest, found in meditation, prayer, and study but also preparing a meal, playing music, or stacking tables and chairs in Benedict Hall. These contain their own joy and rewards at their completion. 


Being a Christian is a bit like stepping into a long-term commitment with a mix of cerebral and—dare I say it, menial or tedious—tasks. There will be times in which nothing seems to happen. The prayers we offer for a friend seem to go nowhere as they continue in their struggle. The chairs must be stacked…again. Each Sunday are the same people and message. But you continue to attend, you keep inviting people to church, you keep stacking the chairs…and then one day you see the needle move. Your friend asks for help; the invitation to visit church is accepted, with the family sitting in the very chairs you set out earlier.

I suppose the world had to go through a bunch of hidden, forgotten hours of watching and waiting for the needle to move. The world heaved in pain. The people prayed for a Savior, and nothing seemed to happen. But then the shepherds in the fields, who tended their flock with love, saw the heavens open with a multitude of its host praising God and announcing the birth of the Messiah (Luke 2:8); and he would be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

How awesome, terrifying, and life-altering it must have been to feel, see, and hear heaven cracked open! Guess what; it happens every day. I get to see it as your priest. And I want you to experience it too, always.

So keep doing what God has tasked you to do, but keep looking up.

Whether cerebral, menial, or a combination of the two, your

ministry creates the very joy to crack the heavens open and

shower us all with the light of God’s love.

Thank you for you, and God bless us every one!

Love Big, Be Well, And Rest A While,

Stephen +


Christmas Worship at Trinity

12/24     5:00 p.m.     CHRISTMAS EVE, Holy Eucharist Rite II 

                                   (full choir, candlelight service)

12/24     10:30 p.m.   MIDNIGHT MASS, Holy Eucharist Rite II 

                                   (acoustic instruments)

12/25    10:00 a.m.    CHRISTMAS DAY, Holy Eucharist Rite II 

                                    (no music, no ushers)

12/29     10:30 a.m.    Sunday After Christmas - Holy Eucharist, Rite II

                                    (full choir)

Midnight Mass Returns. When Brooks Jones is not serving in the choir or as Verger as well as singing in the Bay Area Choral Society, he plays music. And it only takes a hint of an opportunity to play music at Trinity to get him to agree to serve as music leader during Randy Mims’s short and well-deserved trip to visit family over Christmas. Fr. Stephen tasked Brooks around Thanksgiving with a special assignment: to select music that acoustic musicians could play for a late-night Christmas Eve service. That’s right: after 14 years, the Midnight Christmas Eve Service returns to Trinity. But with a twist…at least for this first year. To be precise, the service will begin at 10:30 pm and end just before midnight. And instead of the pipe organ and choir, acoustic instruments and singers will fill the air.

Brooks has selected a superb and traditional set of hymns and songs to be played by a special group of musicians: Brooks Jones on guitar, Chris Clark on upright bass, Sandy McInnis and Mandi Singer on mandolin, TJ Wolferseder on piano, and Stephen Pecot on guitar. We are so excited that the 5 pm service will have our fabulous Trinity choir along with the Henry Erben pipe organ, but we are also pleased to offer the 10:30 pm service for those who want to try something different. We hope the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve attracts visitors to Trinity who might be a little hesitant to attend our regular services, while also bringing back a long-standing Trinity tradition.

Trinity Annual Meeting in the Books

Many thanks to the members of Trinity who attended our annual meeting on December 8. We were able to approve our 2025 budget and vote for four new vestry members and two diocesan delegates. With gratitude for the ministries of Rennie Edwards, Karen Brown, Barry Lawson, and Ralph Wagoner who served on the vestry during our time of transition these past few years, we welcomed four new vestry members (KK Kessel, Alan Pierce, Denise Butler, and Chris Presnell). Rennie and Karen will vacate their positions as Senior and Junior Wardens, respectively, at the end of the year.

Your Senior Warden for 2025 will be Jason Carter, and your Junior Warden will be Kerry Petty. Debbie Hooper and Penny Marler will represent Trinity at the annual diocesan convention in February, and Brooks Jones will be the alternate.

Outgoing vestry members (above) are Barry Lawson, Karen Brown, Rennie Edwards, and Ralph Wagoner, with Stephen Pecot. Incoming vestry members (below) are Denise Butler, Chris Presnell, Karen Kessel, and Alan Pierce (not pictured), with Stephen Pecot.

The delicious soup, bread, and dessert lunch (plus clean-up and dishwashing) for the annual meeting was brought to us by Travis Pecot, Kerry Petty, Rennie Edwards, & Dee Crusoe.

Greening of the Church

Sunday, December 22 at 3 pm

Come and join in to place poinsettias, hang wreaths, and place greenery through the church. Gather cedar and other seasonal greenery to add to our abundance of festive materials that we will use to beautify our church.

Wednesday Compline. If you love the Order for Compline from our Book of Common Prayer and want to participate from the comfort of your home, you are in luck! On Wednesdays at 8 pm Eastern, Trinity is pleased to host an online Compline via Facebook Live. And don’t forget that we have Morning Prayer on Wednesdays at 8:15 am.

Many Hands

Make Light Work

We would be remiss to not mention that one of the musicians playing at our upcoming Midnight Mass offered his piano prowess to Trinity at the December 1 service.

TJ Wolferseder did a fabulous job subbing at the last minute for our three regular pianists Martha Watson, Joy Tracy, and Ina Margaret Meyer who were all in New York City. Thank you, TJ!


Merry Melodies Made with Trinity Carolers

On December 16 a group of Trinity musicians and singers journeyed around the community bringing musical joy to all around. With Chris Presnell’s trailer decked out for the evening (and complete with old church pews!), musicians Randy Mims, Carol Harris, Mandi Singer, and Stephen Pecot joined carolers Rennie Edwards, Sophia Fonseca, Sylvia Sullivan, Jason Carter, and David Woodson. The carolers brought special joy to the Girls' Night Out December gathering at Holy Family.

Early Bird Auction Item!

Why wait until the Tour of Homes Auction when you can enjoy this wooden Library Step Side Table in your home today? Featuring two drawers and decorative leather on the steps, this piece will be available May 3 by bid and for the Buy It Now price of $225. But! Trinity parishioners and friends can acquire it immediately for $150. (24” W x 24” H x 35” D)

Come see this handsome and functional piece in Benedict Hall. To acquire it, please contact Ginger Lawson (404-561-0919) or Kathy Rushmore (207-745-3990). 


Diocesan Cycle of Prayer. For churches and ministries: on December 22, pray for St. Paul’s in Foley AL as they celebrate their centennial; on December 24 and 25, pray for the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast; and on December 29, pray for Holy Nativity in Panama City, FL. For prisons: on December 22, pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Escambia County Jails in, Brewton AL and Pensacola FL; and on December 29, pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Jackson County Corrections Facility, Marianna, FL.


Readings for December 22, 2024, the Fourth Sunday of Advent

Readings for December 29, 2024, the First Sunday after Christmas

Watch our Sunday sermons online:

Generosity is a key component of our successful ministry: You can share your generosity easily and safely through our secure Electronic Giving platform.


Your Bay View: Trinity's bi-weekly e-newsletter, the Bay View, reaches members and friends every other Friday, sharing news and inspiration for and about our parish. Please send information and announcements, as well as photographs, to or call the church office at 850-653-9550. The deadline for submission is noon on Wednesday of each publication week. (next deadline is January 1)

-- Kay Carson, Editor

Worship Service at 10:30 am Sunday

Morning Prayer at 8:15 am Wednesday

Church address: 79 6th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Office address: 76 5th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Mailing address: PO Box 667, Apalachicola, Florida 32329

Phone number: (850) 653-9550


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