
Advocacy Newsletter

This digest was created as a way to keep our community informed about important events and resources that we feel will be interest.

This quick snippet will provide you will all the need to know details about events happening within the month! This issue includes many opportunities to share your voice and opinions.

Survey About Your Schools

AJE wants to remind our families that the first-ever District-wide survey of students, staff, and families—DC SAYS—is now live!

The survey window is open now through March 28. 

Parent surveys are available at Please share the link with your school communities!

School-based staff received an email from Panorama with a confidential survey link on the morning of Feb. 24. An anonymous version of the survey (with the same questions) is also available here.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email at OSSE.

Upcoming Hearing for Youth at DC Council

AJE wants our families to know about the first-ever District Student Voices on Education in the District.

Those who wish to testify must register using the Council’s Hearing Management System at by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2025.

Testimony is limited to three minutes. Witnesses who anticipate needing spoken language interpretation, or require sign language interpretation, are requested to inform the Committee office of the need as soon as possible but no later than five business days before the proceeding by emailing We will make every effort to fulfill timely requests, although alternatives may be offered. Requests received in less than five business days may not be fulfilled.

Witnesses will receive instructions on how to participate by Zoom prior to the hearing. If you have additional questions, please get in touch with Bijan Verlin, Legislative Policy Advisor, at (202) 724-4865 or

Watch Live:

– On the Council site, at Witness list & testimony (if applicable/available):

– In the Hearing Management System, at

AJE is happy to help any young people who wish to testify with their written testimony and/or registration.

Share Your Experience in Black Pediatric Healthcare Research & Enter to Win a $100 Gift Card!

AJE would like to share an important research study focused on understanding Black pediatric healthcare from a parent or guardian’s perspective. This study aims to explore the experiences of Black parents in accessing healthcare for their children.

If you’re interested in participating, you’ll be asked to complete a brief online demographic survey followed by a virtual interview.

Click here to access the survey form, and see the flyer for more details!

504 Research Study

AJE invites families to participate in an important research survey about Section 504. This is a valuable opportunity for students and families to share their experiences and recommendations.

The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) and researchers at Vanderbilt University are conducting a national survey for family members of children with disabilities and adults with disabilities who have had Section 504 plans in school.

The survey takes just 20-30 minutes to complete. Your input can help shape future policies and improve support for students with disabilities. If you’re interested, click here to participate and please share with your networks to ensure more voices are heard!

Association of Maternal Health Programs (AMCHP)

The AMCHP Annual Conference is one of the largest gatherings of maternal and child health (MCH) professionals in the United States. Every year, the conference aims to highlight MCH programs’ impact at all levels on women, children, and families and to provide participants with tools and resources to develop, enhance, and sustain vital MCH programs and services. 

This year’s AMCHP 2025 is looking for a big youth/young adult presence, specifically youth who are doing meaningful work in MCH that would be interested attending the conference. 

To kick off the conference there will be a free Youth Day on Saturday, March 15th for every youth/ young adult interested in joining the festivities. See Youth Day flyer attached and information below. 

HERE is the registration link - 

Upcoming Meetings of the DC Public Charter School Board (PCSB) and the DC State Board of Education (SBOE)


The DC Public Charter School Board is holding a closed special meeting today, March 12 to review charter renewals.

The next public meetings where families can testify are March 17th and April 7th, 2025.

Families can register at these links -

March 17th - and

April 7th -


The DC State Board of Education holds public meetings every third Wednesday of every month at 5:30 p.m.

All students, parents, educators, and community members are invited to provide testimony at public meetings. Individuals and representatives of organizations who wish to comment at a public meeting are asked to notify Board staff in advance by email ( or by form no later than 48 hours in advance of the meeting. 

Written testimony may be submitted at any time to

Raise Your Voice!

DC Developmental Disabilities Council is hosting an Advocacy and Testimony Workshop

Join Chairperson of the DC Developmental Disabilities Council (DD Council), Anjie Shelby, and other DC disability rights advocates to learn how you can testify at upcoming public hearings!

Supporters will be available to help you write and practice your testimony. All workshops will be the same - attend one or more!

Click here to register!

Thursday, March 13th

10:30 am-12:00 pm

441 4th Street NW, 11th Floor South, #1114 or Zoom

These workshops are co-sponsored by the DD Council and Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities. To request accommodations or ask questions, contact Claire Simon,, 202-724-5055 (call).

What should DC look like in the future?

Residents will be invited to imagine the kind of city they want for themselves, their children, and their neighborhoods. The final plan will be used by District agencies, residents, businesses, and developers. 

Residents are encouraged to visit to take the DC 2050 Vision Survey and participate in upcoming public meetings: 

  •  Saturday, March 22, 11 am at MLK Library (901 G Street NW)
  • Tuesday, March 25, 6 pm at Barry Farm Recreation Center (1230 Sumner Road SE)
  • Thursday, March 27, 6 pm, Virtually 


Residents can register for these events here. At the meetings, attendees will learn more about DC 2050, participate in interactive discussions and stations, and share their perspectives on the city’s future.  

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About AJE:

Advocates for Justice and Education is the federally designated Parent Training and Information Center and the Health Information Center for DC. AJE seeks to empower families, youth, and the community to be effective advocates to ensure that children and youth, particularly those who have special needs, receive access to appropriate education and health services.


Our passion is empowering families by equipping parents and students with disabilities with the tools they need to be their own advocates.

Have questions? We are here to educate, advocate and empower. Contact us today!

Advocates for Justice and Education, Inc.| (P) 202.678.8060 | (F) 202.678.8062 |

Email: | Website:

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