Dear Friends,
Our 36,525th day was just amazing, as we gathered together to celebrate the 100th birthday of our church. We experienced great music, a wonderful video that took us through those 100 years, and a stirring message from Dr. Stan Reeder. If you listen carefully, you can still hear some rattling bones. I am so blessed, and we are so blessed to be a part of a church like Port Naz. Not perfect, but on the growing edge of all that God wants to do.
What is it that God wants to do? We will begin to answer that question on day 36,532, that’s this Sunday. Our focus will be on The Cycle of Resurgence that Dr. Stan introduced to us, specifically Becoming Christlike Disciples. This is the invitation Jesus provides for each of us - to accept Him as our Savior, and then to follow Him as His disciple. Does that illustrate your life, or have you just put your relationship with Jesus into one of the many slots that fill up your weekly schedule? Jesus said, I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full, John 10:10. We can only experience this full and abundant life if we are connected with Him every moment of every day. We need to learn how we can remain and be rooted in Him.
Join me Sunday as we begin this journey.