Sunday Worship:
In Person and
10:00 am
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This Week at Pender
March 20, 2025
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By following Jesus
and reaching out to others,
we seek God's transformation
of ourselves and our world.
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The Third Sunday in Lent "Searching the Scriptures" March 23, 2025
Join us on March 23, 2025, for the third Sunday of Lent at Pender UMC, when Pastor Bruce Johnson will deliver a sermon titled "Searching the Scriptures."
This message, part of the series "What Christians Do, and Why it Matters," draws on the enduring wisdom of the scriptures, highlighting passages from Deuteronomy 8:1-3 and 2 Peter 1:19-21, along with 2 Timothy 3:14-17. Explore how the teachings and truths of the Bible remain relevant and transformative in our lives today.
This Sunday promises to be a profound journey through the scriptures, enriching your understanding and strengthening your faith.
At Pender, you're welcome just as you are! There's no dress code—whether you prefer jeans and a t-shirt or a dress and suit, you'll fit right in.
Services are also posted in our sermon archive.
Join us live at Pender UMC
12401 Alder Woods Drive, Fairfax, VA US 22033
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Pender's Worship Service March 23, at 10:00 am will be in person and live-streamed. | |
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ. " 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Pender is a church committed to the power of prayer. Our "prayer chain" is a group of church members constantly in prayer for the needs of our congregation. To make your prayer needs known, you may email the prayer chain by clicking here to send an email to our group of prayer warriors.
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Dear Church Family:
One of the important facts that Christians need to be reminded of from time to time is how our faith and life in Christ is wedded inextricably to the faith and life of God’s first people, Israel. Two thirds of our Bible is Hebrew Scripture, the accumulated stories, characters, wisdom, prayers and laments, faith and hopes of God’s chosen people through more than a thousand years of their unique experience of God’s grace. When formulating the canon of Christian Scripture, the leaders of the early Church did not decide that this story was old and irrelevant and could be discarded. Rather, Jesus’ disciples responsible for the New Testament knew that the saving accomplishments of God for all people through the person and work of Christ would be incomprehensible apart from this First Testament of God’s grace and faith with his first people. When the first Christians affirmed Jesus as “Savior,” “Lord,” and “God,” they also affirmed that he is these things as the Messiah of Israel. And anyone (then or now) who tries to follow Jesus as anything other than the One who fulfills God’s promises to Israel and extends those saving promises to the nations has missed the point of the biblical story.
Every generation of Jesus’ disciples must learn that, without the Old Testament, the New Testament is incomplete and misunderstood. Happily, there are ways that Christians can experience a taste of the grace that we share with God’s first people, with enlightening remembrance and great joy as followers of Jesus. Among the Lenten events that Pender has planned for this season leading up to Easter (see or the purple inserts to our worship bulletins), you will find the Holy Thursday Seder meal that will take place on Thursday, April 17 at 7:00 in the Gathering Place. Along with our new friends from KUMC-Koinonia, we will experience the Haggadah, or the service of celebration that recounts the Passover story of God’s liberating mercy toward Israel, and that every practicing Jewish family still celebrates today. Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples was almost certainly a Seder meal with the Haggadah service. This year, we will do as Jesus’s disciples and Jewish believers have done, and with a special focus on how the saving promises of God to Israel are fulfilled in Jesus, Israel’s Messiah, and the world’s Savior and Lord.
I am grateful to Andy Kaye, Jane McKee, and Cathleen Dockweiler for their great help in coordinating the details of our Seder Meal. If you are planning to attend, you can help by signing up on the sheet in the narthex or by signing up online. The deadline to sign up is March 30. Please note, the Seder Meal is not a full dinner, but a symbolic meal that enacts the Haggadah service. You will need to plan on dinner beforehand.
As we journey together toward Easter, I am deeply grateful to be walking with Jesus’ disciples in our Pender family.
Pastor Bruce
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- March 20 through April 19, Lent continues
March 20 through June 20, sign up for VBS 2025
- March 23, JDC/Juvenile Detention Center
- March 27, Time with God
- March 27, AA Meeting
- April 5, Bread of Life
- April 6, Deadline to donate Easter candy for the Easter Egg Hunt
- April 6, Pack candy bags for the Easter Egg Hunt
- April 6, Fellowship Feast
- April 12, Easter Egg Hunt
- April 13, Palm/Passion Sunday
April 17, Holy Thursday Seder Supper, sign up to attend
April 18, Good Friday Stations of the Cross
- April 18, Good Friday Service
- April 19 Holy Saturday
- April 20, Easter Sunrise Service with KUMC
- April 20, Easter Brunch with KUMC
- April 20, Easter Services
- April 30, Pender Go! Team meeting
- May 10, His Life, Love and Ministry Concert
- May 31, Chris Atwood Foundation HopeFest 2025
- June 7, A Celebration of Bach
- June 23 to 27 - VBS 2025 "Road Trip"
- July 18 to 26 - Youth Mission to Philippi, WV
August 16, Community Day and Welcome Back to School Festival
Weekly Events
- Sunday
Children's Sunday School Classes. The children will meet in the sanctuary until just after Children's Time. They will then leave for Sunday School with their teachers. We are asking for volunteers to relieve the Sunday School teachers so they may periodically attend the full worship service.
- Youth Sunday School Class at 10:30
- Seeker Adult Sunday School Class meets at 9:00 am.
- Praying Our Faith at 9:00 am.
- The Impact Youth Group at 5:00 pm
- Monday
- Fun with Music
- Mary Martha Circle, online
- Tuesday
Handbell rehearsals
- Pastor Bruce Bible Study.
- Wednesday
- Ruth Circle
- Time with God
- AA Meetings at 6pm
- Thursday
- Pastor Bruce Bible Study
- Lectio Divina Prayer Group
- Choir Rehearsal at 6:30
Check here for other meetings.
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All Pender Meetings run by the school year. Recurring meetings (weekly or monthly) taking place after June 30, 2024 will need to be scheduled again for the 2024-2025 school year.
Now that we have 5 additional congregations meeting at Pender, it is more important than ever to get your room reserved and on the church calendar.
It is also important to remove it if you are no longer meeting so that other groups can use the space.
Pender Members and Pender-sponsored groups such as Boy Scouts should go here, click add event. Please list your first-choice of room number.
You will get an email when your event is approved. Note that you cannot add an event to a room that is already reserved for another meeting.
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Brian Stevenson, Pender UMC Director of Handbells and Ensembles, presents a series of hymn-based devotions on Wednesdays during Lent.
The Third is When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
1. When I survey the wondrous cross
on which the Prince of Glory died;
my richest gain I count but loss,
and pour contempt on all my pride.
2. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
save in the death of Christ, my God;
all the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to his blood.
3. See, from his head, his hands, his feet,
sorrow and love flow mingled down.
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
or thorns compose so rich a crown.
4. Were the whole realm of nature mine,
that were an offering far too small;
love so amazing, so divine,
demands my soul, my life, my all.
The United Methodist Hymnal Number 298
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748
Music: Lowell Mason, 1792-1872
Tune: HAMBURG, Meter: LM
The United Methodist Hymnal Number 299
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748
Music: Anonymous; arr. by Edward Miller
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Palm/Passion Sunday. April 13. 10am. Pender Sanctuary
Join us as we begin the Holy Week journey to Easter with our Palm Sunday celebration. Come together to reflect on the significance of this day and honor the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem!
Holy Thursday Seder Meal. Thursday. April 17. 7pm. PUMC Gathering Place
Chag Sameach! (Happy Holiday!) We are excited to invite you for a warm and meaningful Passover Seder as we gather to experience the symbolism of this meal celebrating the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, a pivotal event in Jewish and Christian history!
Please note that the Seder Meal will not include a full meal. We have timed it for after the dinner hour.
Sign up to attend the Holy Thursday Seder Meal
Good Friday Service. Friday. April 18. 7pm. Pender UMC Sanctuary
We invite you to join us for a meaningful service as we come together to remember and reflect on the ultimate sacrifice made for us. The Service will feature a moving combination of drama, scripture, and music, all designed to guide our hearts through the profound story of Christ's love, suffering, and redemption.
Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil. April 19. 7pm. Pender UMC Parking Area.
We warmly invite you to join us for a special service of prayer, song, and scripture to prepare our hearts for the Easter celebration ahead.
Easter Sunday Celebrations! April 20. Pender UMC
Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the new life we have in Him. Whether you’re a long-time member or a first-time guest, we would love to welcome you!
Sunrise Service with Korean UMC – Koinonia! 6am. Pender Parking area
Sunrise Breakfast! 7am. Pender UMC Gathering Place
Easter Worship! 10am. Pender UMC Sanctuary with bells, scripture, and special music!
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Thank you for all your donations of warm clothes, shoes, and new socks and underwear for the Lamb Center!
We made our second delivery recently, and they were very appreciative!
We will continue taking clothes through March.
Please contact Jane McKee if you have any questions.
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Fun With Music Needs Ladybugs!
Our Fun With Music group is growing, and we’re hopping with excitement! However, we’re a little short on small stuffed ladybugs (around Beanie Baby size), and we’d love your help!
If you happen to have any adorable little ladybugs that you no longer need, our little musicians would be so grateful for the donation. No need to go out and buy any—just check your toy bins or shelves for any extras looking for a fun new home!
Your generosity will bring big smiles to our little ones as they learn and play through music.
Thank you for helping make music time even more magical!
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The Pender Medical Closet Back!
Ruth Circle has restarted Pender's Medical Closet—a valuable resource we had years ago, and one that our community needs again! This lending library of medical equipment will provide wheelchairs, walkers, and other essential items to those who need them, free of charge.
Here’s how you can help:
✅ Donate gently used medical equipment.
✅ Lend equipment you’re not currently using but may need in the future.
✅ Borrow items if you or a loved one has a temporary need.
Drop-off & Pick-up: Donations and borrowed equipment must be brought to and picked up from the church.
Sign-up Sheet: A log is available in the office to track donations and checkouts. Find it on MaryO's door.
For questions, donations, or lending, please call Roberta Pont.
Our goal is to support our church family and community by making these resources available to those in need.
Thank you for helping us bring this important ministry back to life!
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Seeking Baby Blankets for Baptisms & Baby Boxes!
We are in urgent need of white baby blankets for our little ones being baptized—we only have two left! If you’d like to contribute, we greatly appreciate your support in providing a special keepsake for these precious moments.
Additionally, Jane McKee is collecting baby blankets for the “Baby Boxes” service project led by our Impact Youth group. They will be packing bags filled with essential items for newborns, and we would love to include a handmade blanket in each one as a meaningful touch.
If you have completed baby blankets, please drop them off at Pender’s office, Attn: Jane McKee.
Thank you for helping us bless these little ones and their families!
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Join Us for Bread of Life!
Get ready to roll up your sleeves and spread some love!
What: Bread of Life – A chance to give back to the community!
When: First Saturday of every month. April 5 from 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Where: Pender UMC Kitchen
12401 Alder Woods Drive, Fairfax, VA 22033
Why join us?
- We provide all the ingredients. You bring your enthusiasm and a heart full of love!
- Meet new friends while making a real difference.
- Help those in need and feel the joy of giving back.
All are welcome! Whether you're a seasoned chef or just love the smell of fresh bread, there's a spot for you in our kitchen. Together, we can knead some dough and do good!
See you there – let’s make magic happen!
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HopeFest Tickets are On-Sale Now!
Tickets are now available for HopeFest 2025 — don’t miss out on this incredible day of food, fun, and fellowship in support of The Chris Atwood Foundation’s mission to save lives and support recovery!
📅 Saturday, May 31st
📍 Pender United Methodist Church, Fairfax, VA
Enjoy BBQ, raffles, live music, games, and more — all while making a difference in the lives of those impacted by substance use disorder.
Get your tickets today and please consider making a donation of $20 at checkout to help us cover the cost of food and supplies. Just make sure to reserve a ticket in advance so we know how much BBQ to have prepared!
Every contribution helps us continue providing hope and vital support to those on their recovery journey. Invite your friends and family — let’s come together for a day filled with hope, recovery, and community!
From HopeFest 2024:
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In Genesis 16:13, God is called, “The God who sees me.”
God was always reaching out and seeing Judy, even when she was lost in trauma and addiction. Judy first came to The Lamb Center more than 10 years ago, after her release from the Adult Detention Center. When you are experiencing homelessness, it is easy to feel hopeless. This sense of hopelessness can be overpowering, but when you add in abuse and drug addiction it can feel like complete darkness. However, God had a plan for Judy, even when she was at her lowest. The Lamb Center community never gave up on Judy, and over many years, she was accepted into Pathways housing and has worked hard to battle her addiction. In a full circle moment, Judy, now housed and clean, is a Lamb Center volunteer, washing clothes for our guests experiencing homelessness.
Years before she became homeless, Judy lived behind Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Vienna. Her hero father died when she was young, and her mother struggled with addiction. When she was younger, Judy would cut through the Emmanuel Lutheran parking lot on the way to Madison High School, where she played soccer - she also cut across that same parking lot when she snuck out of her house. God saw her pain, and in another full circle moment, Judy is now attending Emmanuel Lutheran, where she was baptized on the First Sunday of Lent. TLC volunteer Kitty and I were honored to be her baptismal sponsors.
After Judy was baptized, Kitty and I took her to IHOP in Fairfax to celebrate. This IHOP is not far from where Judy slept in the woods. In fact, Judy worked at the IHOP, even one time falling into the creek close to her camp site while going to work – perhaps a foreshadowed baptism of sorts.
The prayer of Teilhard de Chardin says, “Above all, trust in the slow work of God.” Judy never gave up because God simply would not let her. A true testament of her faith, and a true sighting of God.
Our donors, volunteers, and friends of The Lamb Center like you allow us to continue impacting lives on a day-to-day basis. Thank you for partnering with The Lamb Center mission as we live out the compassionate heart of Christ by serving our neighbors experiencing homelessness!
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A Message from the Finance Committee
Dear Pender,
Thank you for your generous gifts to Pender and its many ministries.
We have recently analyzed the financial data from January and were concerned that our offerings were about a third less than what we projected based on the annual estimate of giving cards that were turned in late last year.
While we realize that everyone has a different pattern of giving, we greatly appreciate those who are able to give on a regular basis so that we can pay our bills.
We would like to offer a gentle reminder for you to please update your offerings for 2025 if you have not already done so.
Thank you for your support of Pender and God’s work here.
The Finance Committee
As of February 28, 2025:
MTD actual revenue was $42,337; YTD actual revenue was $81,195;
MTD actual expenses was $48,329; YTD actual expenses was $106,234;
MTD net loss was ($5,993); YTD net loss was ($25,039).
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Save the Date! Pender VBS 2025 - Road Trip - is coming June 23 to 27th.
Want to volunteer or need the Zoom link? Contact Jane McKee
Signup here!
Help children discover God’s presence everywhere!
Embark on an exciting journey with Road Trip VBS is based on Joshua 1:9 – "The LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Discover God's presence everywhere as we explore new places, make new friends, and experience God's goodness together.
Join us in a fun-filled adventure on the open road, taking all the kids (Travelers) on thrilling journeys to exciting destinations. Led by the Navigator and an adventurous puppet Scout, kids will learn that God is always with them. Through engaging stories from the Navigators' Guide (the Bible), Travelers will delve into timeless tales of faith from the Old and New Testaments. Get ready for twists, turns, and excitement as they face new challenges and find strength in God's presence on this unforgettable trip!
Road trips are a great way to build strong relationships and create indelible memories. This makes Road Trip! VBS not only a fun experience for kids but also an opportunity for them to strengthen their faith and bond with others in their community. With engaging activities, interactive games, and meaningful lessons, children will have a blast while they grow in their understanding of God's love and promises for everyone.
Green Light: “The LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
Mile Markers:
God is with us on the journey
God is with us when we go off course
God is with us when we’re joyful
God is with us when we’re lonely
God is with us near and far
Bible Stories
Session 1: Abraham and Sarah Follow God (Genesis 12:1-9)
Session 2: The Israelites Take the Scenic Route (Exodus 13:17-12)
Session 3: Mary & Elizabeth’s Family Reunion (Luke 1:39-56)
Session 4: Jesus Visits Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)
Session 5: On the Road with Paul (Acts 18:1-11)
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Children's Sunday School meets Sunday in person from 10:15 - 11am.
Welcome to Sunday School!
Any questions? Please speak with Miss Jane or Miss Maya!
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Hi Sunday School Families & Friends,
There are some wonderful family/children's activities happening ithis year. Please come and enjoy! All are welcome -- and invite a friend!
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Western Fairfax Christian Ministries ("WFCM") Current Request for Donations
WFCM has been providing food and services to the community for 37 years! Pender was one of the twelve founding churches that set the path and began the journey. Becky Bryan is our current liaison with WFCM. Please contact her with any questions.
In May more than 700 families were provided groceries from the Food Pantries, a 15% increase over May of 2023. Serving more families means we have a greater opportunity to make an impact with our donations.
There are multiple ways you can support this community ministry. The ways we hear of most often are donations of goods or money. Another way to participate is through volunteering of time to work in the Food Pantry. If you are interested in volunteering, contact the WFCM office or Becky Bryan.
Financial donations to be used to stock the Food Pantry can be made to Pender to be forwarded to WFCM. In a recent newsletter, WFCM explained that, because of the savings that flow out of bulk purchases, a donation of $100 is used to purchase the equivalent of $600 of food.
For donations of food and toiletry items, you may leave your gifts in the grocery cart located by Pender’s front doors. OR, you can order from Amazon for direct delivery to WFCM at 4511 Daly Drive, Suite J, Chantilly, VA 20151.
Western Fairfax Christian Ministries - “WFCM”
Update from Becky Bryan, our liaison with WFCM:
From the March WFCM Newsletter:
March 6th is the 38th anniversary of the founding of WFCM by leaders from twelve local congregations who knew that by working together, they could accomplish so much more. We are grateful to these forward-thinking leaders and to the founding congregations that continue to support this work today, providing food and financial assistance to families in western Fairfax County which ensures these families remain safely housed with food in their refrigerators and utilities connected.
Mark is a senior citizen who receives disability benefits. WFCM has been able to deliver groceries to him through our home delivery program grant with Capital Area Food Bank and DoorDash. He orders the food he needs online, and DoorDash drivers deliver it to him each month. Mark recently told us, “There were so many days that I was without groceries in my refrigerator and cabinets. I don't know what I would do without Western Fairfax Christian Ministries. You have been very responsive and generous to me."
It takes many partners working together to serve families in our community in need of assistance. During the month of February, I was grateful to meet with Elder Yoo from Korean Central Presbyterian Church to discuss challenges and solutions and to accept a generous donation to support our work. I was also thankful for an opportunity to speak at the Dulles Regional Chamber of Commerce State of Centreville event along with partners including county government staff and Pastor Wilkins from Mount Olive Baptist Church.
I am grateful for the Fairfax County Food Access Program grant funding that arrived in February to provide funds to purchase food for our markets and Free Food Fridge program (weekend meals for students at 12 FCPS locations). This supplemental grant will enable us to purchase one or two of the most needed/desired food items for our markets each month during calendar year 2025, as well as the yogurt and apples for weekend meals for students for several months.
With your support, we will continue to meet the needs in our community today, tomorrow, and for many years to come.
Thank you.
God bless,
Harmonie Taddeo, Executive Director
The Most needed items in the Free Food Market this month:
· Flour (Maseca preferred)
· Sugar (1 or 2 lb. bags)
· Vegetable Oil
· Pasta Sauce
· Pasta
· Brown Rice
· Pancake Mix
· Family Sized Snacks (crackers, pretzels, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, etc.)
· Canned Chicken
· Hot Beverages (ground coffee, tea bags, etc.)
· Toiletries: We have a big need for toilet paper right now.
We also need bar soap, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hair shampoo, hair conditioner, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, and baby wipes (NOTE: we are not currently in need of diapers size 0-5 due to our partnership with Greater DC Diaper Bank. Please only donate larger size pull ups size 4T/5T for toddlers, size 6 diapers, or baby wipes if you want to donate items for babies.)
Financial donations designated WFCM can be made to Pender to be forwarded to WFCM.
Donations of food and toiletries may be left in the blue grocery cart located by Pender’s front doors.
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Pender is an open and welcoming church. We accept and embrace all persons, period. All people are blessed children of God. Pender is a caring and praying church community; we believe as Christians that we are called to follow and practice the ways of Jesus Christ, who is our ever present and living God.
Our mission is to practice and embrace, providing unconditional love and acceptance of all of God's children as He loves and accepts all of us.
We do not discriminate based on age, mental, physical, or intellectual ability, culture, gender, race, religious belief or unbelief, or sexual orientation.
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