March 11-17, 2025

For Worship services please visit our YouTube channel.

What's Going On At Grace

March 9-16 - Grace hosts Family Promise

March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 - Lenten Midweek Soup Supper & Program at 6pm, followed by worship at 7pm

April 13 - Palm Sunday, Easter Egg Hunt at 3:30pm

April 17 - Maundy Thursday service, 7pm

April 18 - Good Friday services, 12pm at Epiphany Lutheran, 7pm at Grace

April 19 - Easter Vigil service, 7pm

April 20 - Easter Sunday services, 8:30 and 11am

Many of these events have more details in other sections. This section is updated each week, so keep checking in. You can also see the full church calendar HERE.

Thank You to everyone taking part in Family Promise hosting this week! We have one family with us, and may welcome another family during the week.

Please keep our guests and our hosts in your prayers as we open our space to those in need of a home!

We're inviting the whole congregation to take part in preparing our Lenten Soup Suppers!


If you have a favorite soup, we hope you'll share it!

If you can provide bread or drinks, that's great!

We'll also need assistance with setup and cleanup.

Click HERE to sign up to help with a Lenten Soup Supper.

We have many opportunities to serve God and one another in worship during Holy Week! Please click on the button below for the service(s) in which you'd like to assist to sign up!


Easter Morning Fellowship

On Easter morning, between the 8:30 and 11am services, Parish Life will host hospitality and fellowship! We will have breakfast pastries, biscuits and gravy, fruit, and drinks to enjoy as we celebrate Christ's Resurrection! 

So that we can be sure to have enough food for everyone, please let us know if you anticipate joining us! 

Click HERE or use the Tear & Share to RSVP. Thank you!

4 Opportunities to Share the Love of God in a Practical Way

Only four dates are left to share the love of God with students who participate in Grace’s campus ministry by providing or sponsoring a meal:


  • March 11 - Slot filled!
  • April 1
  • April 15 - Slot filled!
  • April 22


These dates are all Tuesdays. Students gather at 6 PM for dinner, community time, prayer, and a program. Due to class conflicts, between 6 and 9 students are present. Two are vegetarians.


You have the choice of home-cooking a meal or sponsoring a meal (pizza or tacos from a local establishment are always welcome). You may sign up HERE or call the Campus Minister, Pastor Hahn, directly at (704) 425-2614.


If you are interested in getting to know and interacting with students, you are invited to participate in Evening Prayer, Sundays, 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM in the main worship space on the Grace church campus.


Thank you for your support!


Seniors @ Grace are welcoming back The Bilge Rats Production for what will be a delightful musical program on March 27. The sailors in the group are members of United Submarine Veterans INC (USSVI), and are the Carolina Piedmont Base out of Fort Mill. The National Organization is about 12,000 members strong. Our very own Raymond Zieverink is the “head bilge rat” and is bringing the program to us. We will gather at 11:30 am with lunch at noon followed by the program.

Please make your reservation by Tuesday March 25. Contact information for RSVPs: Annie Laurie Wheat cell phone (803) 517-0626 or house phone (803) 980-1834 or by email at

On Valentine's Day weekend, our Youth went to Lutheridge for a Winter Retreat!

12 Youth and 4 adult leaders had an excellent time, despite cold and rainy weather, building relationships and exploring Asheville!

This trip included hours of group games, a trip to the Asheville Art Museum, a walk on the Urban Trail to see statues and historical landmarks, local food, worship, and a view from the top of Lutheridge.

We are so thankful to Grace for making weekend retreats like this happen - your support builds faith!

Click HERE to see more photos from the trip!


Biggest needs this week at HOPE:

Cereal, grits, oatmeal, syrup, pancake mix, waffles, cake mix, rice, condiments, soup, diapers sizes 2,3,4,5,6,7.

Please make sure to check expiration dates!

Congregation Connections
Click here for our current Prayer List
Click here to submit your prayer requests
Click here for our Memorials & Honor Gifts
Click here for our March Birthdays

The Sanctuary Candle for the month of March is given by Linda Bailey in memory of Mike Bailey.

Click HERE for the Current Worship Assistant Schedule.

Click HERE to sign up to sponsor Altar Flowers.

July and October are still available to sponsor!

Offering Our Gifts to God

Your gifts to Grace allow our ministry to happen! You can give in several ways:

  • Give via the offering plate in worship
  • Give online by clicking HERE (you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)
  • Set up giving though your bank
  • Mail your offering to the church office.

Thank you for continued faithful giving!

Click HERE for the February Treasurer's Report

If you are in need of help (of any kind), or simply want to connect,
please reach out to the pastors. We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
Stay connected! Click on the links below!


426 Oakland Avenue

Rock Hill, SC 29730


(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)

(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm