The UUCW Message
March 18, 2025
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Photos of the Week for March 18, 2025 | All photos from Music Sunday – March 16, 2025. Here, Music Director Matt Johnsen gave a Reading from Chris Anderson’s book “Infectious Generosity” as an introduction to what he would be talking about during his Reflection. | | | | Please click the Photo to see the Photos of the Week on our website! | |
Reminder: Accessing Entire Message for UUCW Weekly Communications
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For those using GMAIL or other platforms to access weekly communications, please note that often the email is truncated and you need to access the entire message by CLICKING The “VIEW ENTIRE MESSAGE” BUTTON on the bottom of the email.
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Worship, Religious Exploration,
Adult Faith Development &
Sunday News for
March 23, 2025
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It Doesn't Have To Be This Way with Guest Minister Rev. Sarah Person | There are ideas that will suffocate our humanity as surely as a raised voice or a fist. How can we create a safe place - physically, educationally, socially, culturally, spiritually - to exceed the boundaries of our fears. Rev. | | | |
Religious Exploration News for March 23, 2025 | Please join us for Religious Exploration on March 23rd as we explore another spring holiday: Spring Equinox or Ostara. There will also be Spirit Play for our youngest ones!! Robin Mitzcavitch, UUCW Dir. of Religious Exploration | | | |
You are warmly invited to contribute food or a helping hand any Sunday. If you have questions please contact Catherine Roberts. We thank the following groups for hosting: March 23: Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry March 30, April 6: All of us! April 13: Religious Exploration Program | | | |
Looking For Worship Assistants! | Worship at UUCW is the product of many voices, hands and hearts. Each Sunday we look forward to hearing from each other about the important happenings in our lives and the world, and our worship experience is made rich and meaningful because of the variety of voices included in it. | | | |
Social Threads Quilting and Sewing Community Day of Creating- Friday March 21 | Social Threads Day of Creating. Friday March 21 9am -9pm. Please join us-for the day! (or you can come for part of it.) This is an adult event. Contact Robin at if you’re interested in attending. $15 covers rental of hall and beverages /snacks. Bring your own lunch and | | | |
Social Threads Quilting and Sewing Community - Sunday March 23, 1 - 5 pm | Please join us on Sunday March 23rd for Social Threads from 1-5pm. Bring your projects or learn something new! Everyone is welcome. Do you have some questions? Contact us at! | | | |
Joys & Sorrows for March 18, 2025 - Charles (Chuck) Innis Memorial on March 29 | As we shared previously, we were saddened to share the news of the death of Charles Innis, on Thursday, February 26, 2025. Chuck was beloved member of our congregation for decades. A Memorial Service will take place on Saturday , March 29 in the Sanctuary here at UUCW. | | | |
All-Church Potluck Dinner - Saturday, March 29, 5:30 pm | Join us! Sign up here: or at Coffee Hour | | | |
Concert of Hope for IHN - May 4th, 2025 at Worcester Area Mission Society | Please help support the very important services which the In the Hour of Need Family Shelter provides to unhoused families in our community. The Concert for Hope is happening on May 4th from 4-6pm . Spend a wonderful couple of hours at Worcester Area Mission Society with two great bands! | | | |
We are seeking housing for a single Afghan refugee woman, and also for an Afghan refugee family of four (four adult siblings). Do you have a single room with some privacy and access to a bathroom (starting April 1), OR do you have or know of a three-bedroom apartment (starting in April or May)? | | | |
Steve Ober has moved to a new address and lives for cards. To send him one refer to the new members directory. If you have not received the new directory email, please contact the office at | | | |
Sabbatical Task Force Documents for the Congregation | NOTE: An incorrect phone number was on the printed sabbatical handout distributed Sunday Dec 29. A Corrected version is linked here and will be available at future services: Sabbatical info in brief To protect our congregation information from online predation, a link to the Sabbatical Handbook will not be posted to UUCW's website. | | | |
How to Contact the Church Sexton | To Contact Dee, our church sexton, please click the above form! | | | | Faith In Action News - Side With Love, Get Out the Vote, 8th Principle Task Force, Addressing Racism | |
Addressing Racism Anti-Racism Group - Every Other Tuesday, 10 AM | A UUCW group has recently formed to discuss issues of racism within our community, our country and abroad. We would love to have you join us on this journey. This group meets, live or online, at 10:00 AM every other Tuesday unless noted below (see church calendar HERE for exact dates). | | | | Office News & Ongoing Meetings and Events | |
UUCW Book Group - "The Other Family Doctor" - March 19, 2025, 7 - 8:30 PM | The Book Group will meet next on Wednesday, March 19 at 7 PM in Classroom 3. We will discuss Dr. Karen Fine's "The Other Family Doctor." This non-fiction book by a local author tells what animals can teach us about love, life and mortality. | | | |
Lunch With the Minister, Wednesday April 2, @ Noon in the Fellowship Hall | Join us for our monthly Lunch with the Minister on Wednesday, April 2 at noon. Bring your lunch and enjoy a casual visit and conversation with Rev. Cheryl Leshay and other UU friends in the Fellowship Hall this month. Beverages and place settings are provided. Everyone is welcome to drop in. | | | |
Friday Game Night - First Fridays October - June - 6 - 8:30 PM, Fellowship Hall | Join us for our FREE monthly UU Game Night from 6 - 8:30 pm! 1st Friday of the month. (*except November 8 & December 13). Bring games, a friend and/or a snack. Please pre-register so we can set up tables. See link. We will be offering pizza and drinks with pre-registration for $5. | | | |
Women's Social Circle - 2024 - 2025 Meetup Dates | The Women's Social Circle is pleased to announce meetings for the 2024-2025 Church Year! It's a great way to get to know the other wonderful women in this congregation and community. You are welcome to bring your child/children if you need to. | | | |
If you knit, crochet, cross-stitch, embroidery, hand sew, etc. we invite you to join the Fiber Arts Group. We meet every Wednesday evening, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in Fellowship Hall. So bring the fibers that make you happy and come join us. | | | |
Office Hours: Office Hours are Monday and Wednesday 9 am – 3 pm; Thursday 9 am – 2 pm. Jen works from home on Tuesdays from 9 am – 3 pm to accommodate office access needs for other staff and volunteers. She is available by phone (508-853-1942 ext 102) and email ( as usual on Tuesdays, unless she is dealing with family medical needs. On those dates phone calls and emails will be returned as soon as possible. | | | |
Top Ten Ways to Make an Announcement at UUCW - Reminder!! | "This paper will be published weekly, reaching its readers every Saturday. It has been started because it is believed the needs of the First Universalist Church of Worcester demand it.These are some of the ends which it is hoped ... | | | Cancellations & Closings Due to Weather: Please CLICK HERE to see the most recent UUCW Cancellation Policy, which includes all of the information about Sunday morning closings. Office closings due to bad weather through the week will be put on the answering machine at menu item 4, and on the church’s Facebook page. Jen will, barring internet/power outages, be able to check email and phone messages. | |
REMINDER: ALL Meetings taking place at the church must be scheduled through the office ahead of the meeting, in order to effectively and efficiently heat the building and keep track of building use. Please contact the office at or 508-853-1942 ext. 0 to schedule building use for your committee, team, or event before you publicize the meeting. Thank you! -- Jen
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Join Us For "SoulMatters" Facebook Group | UUCW has a new Facebook Group "SoulMatters" which features daily inspiration exploring the monthly and annual SoulMatters Ministry theme. To join the group and begin sharing CLICK HERE. For more information please contact | | | |
Join UUCW’s Newest Facebook Group – Open Space Forum... | During this challenging time of pandemic response members and friends of UUCW are finding creative ways to join together online or in small personally-distanced activities together. Open Space Forum & Activities is a private Facebook Group for... | | | |
Join Us For "Daily Moments" on Facebook | UUCW has a new Facebook Group "Daily Moments" which was inspired by Rev. Aaron Payson's daily posting of reflections, meditations and prayers this spring. This group will continue to host daily inspiration and invites all those interested to join ... | | | |
Happy Arts Spring Fling - Saturday March 29, 9 am - noon | We hope you can join us for the upcoming event for adults on March 29th, 9am-12pm, at the UU Church of Worcester 140 Shore Drive, Worcester. $30 pp includes all materials to complete a midori journal with collage, gelli print, stencils and fabric. AWESOME! Pre-registration is required and spaces are half-filled. | | | |
Edward's Ride for Mental Health Awareness - May 10, Gardner Elks Lodge, Gardner MA | Motorcycle Ride and Celebration for Mental Health Awareness, in memory of the life of Office Admin Jen Landry's nephew Edward. Please join us! | | | |
Betty Machete and the Jumping Fleas Women's Ukulele Club Every Other Monday, from 7 - 8:30 pm! | Betty Machete and the Jumping Fleas, an all-women's ukulele club, will be practicing at the UUCW every other Monday! We welcome UUCW members and friends to join us. Non-binary and trans women are welcome. You do not need prior musical experience, just come and sing along and have fun! See the church calendar HERE for dates! | | | |
2024 Worcester Parent/Caregiver Guide to Community Resources now available in digital format - English & Spanish Versions |
CLICK HERE to download the digital ENGLISH VERSION
CLIC AQUÍ para descargarla versión digital EN ESPAÑOL
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Elder Services of Worcester Rainbow Luncheon & Supper Clubs Information | The Rainbow Lunch & Supper Clubs offer LGBTIQ+* seniors age 60+ a nutritious meal and an opportunity to socialize with friends and enjoy various activities including programs, entertainment and educational series. Join us for the Rainbow Luncheon and/or Supper Club at the Unitarian Unoversalist Church of Worcester, 140 Shore Drive, Worcester MA 01605-3117. | | | | "Believing in a community that unites all people" | |
Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester
140 Shore Drive, Worcester MA 01605-3117
Phone: 508-853-1942 | Fax: 508-853-2065 | Emergencies: 508-853-1942x6 |
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