New School Update

February 24 - 28, 2025

Welcome to your weekly source of updates, news, and reminders!

Summer Camp

For families who have submitted an application for our elementary summer camps, please note that several camps have already reached capacity. If you have not received a PDF copy of your enrollment application, first check your spam or promotions folder, as SignNow emails sometimes get filtered there. Additionally, we will confirm summer enrollment via a Child Pilot message.

If you do not receive either confirmation by tomorrow, your child is not yet enrolled in your requested weeks. We will follow up to inform you of available weeks and provide an opportunity to adjust your selection. If you have not received a summer confirmation message in Child Pilot or via email by Wednesday, please contact us at

Later this week, applications will be available for pre-elementary students who are not re-enrolling in the fall but have a sibling with verified enrollment. Additional details will be sent via Child Pilot.

Open Enrollment and Deposits

All re-enrollment deposit information should now be available in your Child Pilot account. Please let us know immediately via if you do not see these charges.

Enrollment season is always a busy time, and due to recent weather delays, we have extended the deposit deadline to Tuesday, February 25th. Submitting your deposit by this date will help you avoid the additional deposit and late fee.

Talent Show

Now's the time to sign up now to be part of this year’s talent show! Students, staff, and parents are all invited to take the stage—whether you're a comedian, karaoke performer, poet, actor, dancer, or have another special talent, we’d love to see you perform.

Be sure to sign up ASAP to secure your spot! Then, mark your calendars and join us on Friday, April 25th, at 4:30 PM. All TNS families and friends are invited to bring a blanket, chair, and some snacks, and cheer on and support our performers.

Talent Show Registration

CEC Meeting

Join our Community Engagement Committee family group at Lovegrass Kitchen in Holly Springs from 9:30 to 10:30 AM for updates, discussions, and a chance to connect!

Have an amazing week!


Dates to Remember



Vision Screening

This event is open only for those who are registered



CEC Monthly Coffee Break

Lovegrass Kitchen in HS between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM



Elementary Summer Applications Due

*Please note some camps are now at capacity - enrollment is not guaranteed



Opportunity Scholarship and ESA+ Deadline

Please contact us at if you apply for this grant



International Day

Stay tuned for details from your child's teacher on the festivities!



Cancelled Early Release - Now a full day

The school will now operate during regular hours



BBQ Fundraiser Orders Open

Details coming soon!



No School: Teacher Workday

Staff training and workday



School Dance

Click HERE to register your child for our annual school dance!



TNS Tuition Assistance Application Deadline

If you have not filed your 2024 taxes and wish to apply, please email billing



Mama Bird's Spirit Night (6 PM to 8 PM)

304 N Main St., Holly Springs

Click here to view our complete 2024-2025 Events & Activities Calendar!

Upcoming Notable Events

The events below are just a snapshot of what’s happening! Be sure to explore our events calendar for a complete list of activities and opportunities.

School Dance

Date: Friday, March14

CH Times: 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM

Elem Times: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Location: 162 Pebble Creek Dr, Cary

Save the Date! Our annual TNS School Dance is coming in March! This year, we’re hosting it at the Clubhouse at Kildaire Farms Racquet & Swim, with separate time slots for CH and Elementary students.

CH Dance Registration
Elementary Dance Registration

Spring Fling, 5k and Fun Run

Date: Saturday, March 29

Time: 5k Start: 9:30 AM

Time: Fun Run Start: 10:45 AM

Time: Spring Fling: 10 AM - 12:30 PM

Location: Harris Lake County Park

Join us for our Spring Fling, 5K & Fun Run! The 5K starts at 9:30 AM with an out-and-back course through Harris Lake County Park. The Fun Run, just under a mile, costs $10 and includes a t-shirt and medal. After the races, enjoy carnival fun with games, crafts, face painting, the MAP Market, food trucks, and more!

Spring Fling Information

Talent Show

Date: Friday, April 25

Time: 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM

Location: School Playing Field

We encourage participants to start rehearsals early, so be sure to read the instructions carefully when signing up!

If your act needs a special setup, specific equipment, or music played, let us know as soon as possible—we want to make sure everything is just right for your big moment on stage!

Talent Show Registration

Helpful Links

School Calendar
Parent Resources
My Hot Lunchbox
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