Sunday Bulletin
March 23, 2025
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40-Day Blessing for Sophia
Daughter of Kevin Zeng & Efthimia Matthaiou
| | Watch our live-streaming services here: | |
Upcoming Events
Thur., March 20, 2025
Modern Greek Language and Culture 101
6:00 PM
Bible Study
6:30 PM
Fri., March 21, 2025
3rd Salutations
7:00 PM
Sat., March 22, 2025
Greek Language & Culture Academy
9:00 AM
Sun., March 23, 2025
Divine Liturgy
9:30 AM
Greek Independence Day Celebration
Vespers - St. George, Albany
5:00 PM
Mon., March 24, 2025
Great Vespers
5:00 PM
Men's Basketball
6:30 PM
Parish Council Meeting (Zoom)
7:00 PM
Tues., March 25, 2025
Office Closed
Divine Liturgy
9:30 AM
Nia Moving to Heal
11:00 AM
Senior Program
12:00 PM
Wed., March 26, 2025
Presanctified Liturgy
9:30 AM
12:15 PM
6:30 PM
Thur., March 27, 2025
Modern Greek Language and Culture 101
6:00 PM
Fri., March 28, 2025
4th Salutations
7:00 PM
Sat., March 29, 2025
Greek Language & Culture Academy
9:00 AM
Sun., March 30, 2025
Divine Liturgy
9:30 AM
General Assembly
11:30 AM
GOYA Meeting - Damaskos Room
11:30 AM
Vespers - St. Innocent, Oneonta
5:00 PM
Mon., March 31, 2025
Men's Basketball
6:30 PM
Tues., April 1, 2025
Chair Yoga
11:15 AM
Senior Program
12:00 PM
6:30 PM
Wed., April 2, 2025
12:15 PM
6:30 PM
Thur., April 3, 2025
Modern Greek Language and Culture 101
6:00 PM
Sat., April 5, 2025
Greek Language & Culture Academy
9:00 AM
Sun., April 6, 2025
Divine Liturgy
9:30 AM
Parish Council Meeting
11:30 AM
Vespers - St. Basil, Troy
5:00 PM
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The Greek Orthodox Church of St. Sophia is a parish under the spiritual and ecclesiastical shepherding of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. | |
Fr. Pat will be on medical leave March 31 through April 11. Our prayers are with him for a strong and speedy recovery. |
General Assembly
It’s an opportunity to listen, ask questions, and learn how to keep our church a vibrant and thriving part of our lives. Our spring General Assembly will be held next Sunday, March 30 immediately following church services. Everyone is invited to attend. Remember, though, in order to vote, you must have your 2025 Stewardship commitment card on file and your 2024 commitment paid in full. You can do both before the start of the meeting. See Anastasia Vasilakos, our financial secretary, for assistance. Please click below for the agenda.
2025 Stewardship
Stewardship. Commitment. Pledge. Often used interchangeably, these words are a reflection of a member’s dedication to our church. If you have not already done so, please find 2025 Stewardship Commitment cards on the information table in the exonarthex or by the church office. Simple to fill out, it includes your thoughtful “financial commitment” for this year. Remember there is no set mandatory donation for membership, just your personal expression of love for our church and gratitude for your blessings.
March 2025 Calendar
Please click below to view the calendar.
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Archbishop Elpidophoros Invocation, Remarks & Benediction at March 25 Celebration, March 19, 2025, New York State Capitol in Albany, New York
I want to express my gratitude once again to the Greek-American members of the New York Legislature who have made today’s celebration possible: Senator Gianaris, Senator Gounardes, Senator Skoufis, Assemblyman Tannousis, and Assemblyman Lemondes.
| | Celebration for Greek Heritage at Capitol in Albany, New York | |
May/June/July Testament
Articles for the May/June/July Testament are now being accepted. Please address them to Fr. Pat at They must be sent in Google Docs. The deadline is April 10. Articles are all subject to review and approval. All articles MUST be camera ready for publication. Articles received after April 10, 2025 will be considered for the August/September edition.
| | Due to an over shipment error, there are two extra cases of the 2025 Religious Calendars that were delivered at no extra charge. These calendars will be available on the information table by the church office for parishioners to share with family and friends. | | “In Memory of” Donations for one of our many Lent and Easter services can be a special remembrance of a loved one and will be acknowledged in the May/June Testament. Lilies, flowered icons, candles are some of the items needed. Call the office for information. Philoptochos will have a collection basket in the exonarthex for Epitaphios donation through Palm Sunday. | |
There will be a collection basket in the Exonarthex each Sunday to accept donations for the Epitaphios flowers for Good Friday. Philoptochos will be sponsoring this collection through
Palm Sunday.
| | Our 2025 Festival Program Book will feature something really cool! Thirty two pages in the middle will be done in full color. (Color pages will be assigned on a first-come basis.) The book itself is an informative guide to all the activities at the festival but it also includes recipes and articles. Sponsorship ads come from business ads and family remembrance ads. Contracts will be available on the information table and online. Call the office for additional information. | | August Cardona from Cardona’s Markets in Latham (formerly Roma’s) and their location in Albany reached out to ask if there are any specific Greek food items that the local Greek Community would like Cardona’s to carry in stock or special order if needed. With upcoming Easter holiday and other special events in the upcoming seasons they would like to be able to provide any special food items, spices, etc. to cater to the Greek community. Please send any requests to or text Steve at (518) 424-0434. | |
In Memory
Please click below to donate in their memory to the General Fund.
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We are now on a “Journey to Pascha”. The most beautiful Byzantine music will be sung! This is the best time for our Jr. High and High School SINGERS to join and sing with us each Sunday…including The Sunday of the Holy Cross, Palm Sunday, Holy Tuesday (the Hymn of Kassiani), Holy Thursday (The Crucifixion Hymn), Good Friday, The Lamentations, and Easter Sunday.
Western & Orthodox Easter are celebrated on the same day, April 20th this year. Nothing, I mean nothing you have ever sung with your school chorus, or in a school play, can ever be more challenging or more beautiful than the Orthodox Byzantine Hymns during Lent and Easter. Please text or see me after church if you are interested in being part of the beautiful Byzantine music leading up to Easter. Text (518) 573-7003 or e-mail
Harry Ermides
Choir Director
| | Victory Café in Astoria bakes up some delicious tsourekia for Easter, and Philoptochos is once again taking orders. However, orders are limited so see Dora Mokhiber or call her at (518) 489-6679. The last day for orders is April 5. The cost is $10 per loaf. (Note: These breads freeze really well. Try them for some awesome French Toast!!!) | | “Zito ee Ellas!” “Long live Greece!” Come and applaud their efforts as the young students from our Greek Language Academy present the annual Greek Independence Day Program today. It was a nightmare of nearly 400 years of oppression and terror under the Ottoman Turks before the Greeks achieved their hard-won freedom. Please take the time to attend this program immediately following church services as we celebrate Greek heroism and the determination to be free. A small reception sponsored by AHEPA will follow. | |
Archdiocese Launches Fundraising Campaign to Support Fire Victims in Los Angeles
In response to the devastation caused by the recent and ongoing fires in Southern California, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, in collaboration with the Metropolis of San Francisco and the National Philoptochos Society, has launched a fundraising campaign to assist Orthodox Christians and others affected by this tragedy. The campaign aims to provide essential resources and support to help families and individuals rebuild their lives.
| | Fellowship, faith, and fun. These are the cornerstones of Camp Saint Paul located on the beautiful shores of Lake Bantam in Litchfield, CT. There are five one-week programs to choose from but please note that registration has already started. For information and registration details, go to | | You can march. Or be a cheering member of the crowd. Top it off with supper in Astoria. St. George in Schenectady is sponsoring a bus trip on March 30 to the Greek Independence Day Parade. The bus will be leaving the church at 8:30 am and returning at 7 pm. Tickets are $45 for adults and $25 for children. For details or to sign up, please e-mail | | |
AHEPA District 6 Scholarship
Please click below to view the 2025 AHEPA District 6 Scholarship application. Please note that it is a fillable PDF. We prefer that the responses are typed in. The deadline is May 1. If you have any questions, please contact our Scholarship Secretary, Chris Pappis at
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Albany AHEPA Chapter 140 Scholarship
Please click below to view the Albany AHEPA Chapter 140 Scholarship application. The deadline is June 30. If you have any questions, please contact George Gregory at
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6th Annual The Eleftheria Capital Region AHEPA Golf Outing
Please join Albany Chapter 140, Trojan Chapter 306 and Schenectady Chapter 125 who are sponsoring the 6th Annual The Eleftheria Capital Region AHEPA Golf Outing. This outing promises to be a fun-filled day complete with great food, prizes, raffles and challenging golf. All proceeds will benefit the local AHEPA Chapter scholarship funds and philanthropic programs, as well as St. Catherine's Center for Children. The outing will take place on Wednesday, June 11 at Normanside Country Club in Delmar. There are several levels of sponsorships available. Please click below for more information. Thanks for the support!
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Come to OPA-cize at St. Sophia’s in Albany, a fun weekly dance and exercise class to Greek music. Think Greek Zumba. OPA-cize is also a fundraiser, and 50% of the revenue from the Winter Session will go to the Women’s Health Program at the Albany Stratton VA Medical Center. Winter session starts Wed., January 8th at 6:30 pm and runs for 14 weeks. Class is $7 per week and no reservation is required, come when you can. OPA-cize is open to the public and no Greek dancing experience is needed! We hope to see you at OPA-cize, it’s a big Greek Party every Wednesday Night! OPA! Click below to join our e-mail list for weekly reminders.
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Greek Heritage Day at Citi Field
Please join us on Saturday, May 31st as the New York Mets take on the Colorado Rockies! Make sure to get to the ballpark early as members of the AHEPA community will be performing the National Anthem and Honorary Color Guard. Please click below for tickets. We look forward to seeing you there!
| | Greek Language & Culture Academy | | The Greek School Program for children ages pre-school through high school is in session. Please click below to register. If you have any questions, please e-mail | | Please click below to complete the survey from the National Census of Orthodox Christian Churches. Sharing your experiences and thoughts will help us to better understand congregational life. | | |
Spring 2025
Please click below to view the current issue of the Testament including Fr. Pat's Insights, Parish Council, Youth Ministries and more!
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Light a Candle
Light a candle for health or in memory of a loved one.
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Coffee Hour
Please support St. Sophia by sponsoring coffee fellowship for memorials. Please click the button below.
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For making and tasting traditional Greek recipes compiled by our Ladies Philoptochos, pick up a copy of “Treasured Greek Recipes”. In its 9th printing, the book has gained an appreciative audience over the years. The price is $20 for each book; $5 more to ship it anywhere in the U.S. See Maria Sokaris or call the church office. (The easy recipe for Paximathia, better known as Greek biscotti, is worth the price alone.) Note: Also makes for a unique hostess gift.
| | On the Road to Nicaea: Historic Pilgrimage Led by Archbishop Elpidophoros | |
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America announces a historic pilgrimage led by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America commemorating the 1700th Anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council which convened in Nicaea.
The trip will take place from May 19 - May 25, 2025, during which pilgrims will have the opportunity to visit the Sacred Center of Orthodoxy, the Mother Church of Constantinople, and receive the blessing of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. It will also include visits to sites of religious and cultural importance throughout Constantinople, as well as special trips to the Sacred Monastery of the Holy Trinity at the Theological School of Halki and the ancient city of Nicaea, modern day İznik, to explore this most sacred space significant to the development of the Christian faith.
Contact Cloud Tours at (718) 721-3808 or to reserve your spot today!
| | The Albany Maritime Ministry is seeking volunteers to welcome seafarers who dock at the Port of Albany. Most of these seafarers have been at sea for many months facing numerous hardships--separation from families, loneliness, dangerous weather conditions, human rights violations, and, from time to time, threats of actual piracy. A shopping trip to a Walmart's is a special outing for these men. The Ministry has a van for transportation but volunteer drivers are needed to take them to the store and then bring them back when finished. For further information, see Shalyn Docous. Volunteer applications are also available at the information table. | | |
Archbishop Elpidophoros Continues Visit to New Orleans, Louisiana
Yesterday, March 15, 2025, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America continued his Archpastoral visit to New Orleans, Louisiana. Beginning the day with a working breakfast, he met with House Majority Leader Steve Scalise as well as Louisiana businessman and philanthropist John Georges.
| | St. Michael’s Home is excited to share our new 3D rendering walkthrough video. We welcome you to join our Expansion & Relocation project; your support is vital to help make this dream a reality. To view the full video, and to learn more about our project and how you can get involved, visit our website | |
Solicitations of any kind are not allowed anywhere on Church property without
Parish Council approval.
| | Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date! | | | | |