Thank you for joining us this week as we at the Baptist World Alliance pray for our global Baptist family and for God's work around the world. If you pray along with us weekly, you will pray for every country in the world in 2025.

Praises and prayer requests listed for each country are provided by local BWA member partners when possible. Statistics provided are reflective of latest data received.


1 BWA Member Partner

Baptist Union of Denmark 

  • 52 Churches
  • 4,771 Members

Pictured is BWA Executive Committee Member Lone Møller-Hansen with BWAid Director Marsha Scipio.


Join us in giving thanks for the two beautiful new church buildings that have been inaugurated recently. Despite a general decrease, new initiatives flourish.

We are thankful for the commitment in the national community from our congregations and for the fruitful time at our recent leadership gatherings. Despite challenges, the national leadership is full of hope and commitment.


Join us in prayer for our Baptist Union as it is undergoing a restart process to be able to better support the missional work and development of the congregations. The process has however also exposed differences in spirituality and theological convictions, which challenges the cohesion. We pray for the unity of the church and that the diversity in our congregations will bring possibilities and not limitations.


2 BWA Member Partners

Finland Swedish Baptist Union

  • 14 Churches
  • 1,003 Members

Finnish Baptist Union

  • 17 Churches
  • 900 Members

Pictured is a Finnish choir leading worship during a BWA General Secretary visit in 2006.


Join us in giving thanks to God for His help and guidance in our youth ministry. We are thankful for new young people and young adults that have joined youth groups.


Join us in prayer for the Burmese Baptist church community in Finland. We pray for Burmese who have just come to Finland and joined churches. 


1 BWA Member Partner

Baptist Union of Norway 

  • 104 Churches
  • 6,622 Members

BWA General Secretary Elijah Brown, Director of Global Events and Fellowship Carolina Mangieri, and EBF General Secretary Alan Donaldson recognize Norwegian leaders for their service as hosts of the 2023 Annual Gathering.


We give thanks for Norwegian sisters and brothers who graciously hosted the BWA Annual Gathering and SENT Mission Summit in Stavanger, Norway, in July 2023. 


We join in prayer for Baptist women women in Norway as they advocate for victims of domestic abuse in their communities as well as globally through strategic partnerships with BWA Women and Baptist women in Sierra Leone.


1 BWA Member Partner

Uniting Churches in Sweden 

  • 605 Churches
  • 57,118 Members

Pictured is Christer Daelander (second from left), recipient of the 2018 Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award.


Join us in thanking God for Sweden's longstanding commitment to peace and for their efforts to support peacemaking worldwide.


Join us in prayer for church and ministry leaders as they stand for a Biblical worldview in the midst of a secular culture. 

We also join in prayer this week for the people of Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Iceland.

Regional Secretaries Retreat

We give thanks for our BWA Regional Secretaries who were able to gather this weekend for a strategic time of prayer and planning together. We also join in prayer for the BWA Executive Committee as they meet this week in Falls Church, Virginia (USA). May the Lord bless this gathering with unity of purpose and wisdom in decision-making.

Praying for the Baptist World Congress

Join us in prayer for those who are currently seeking visas to attend the Baptist World Congress in July 2025. Pray that the process will go smoothly and pave the way for their participation in the Congress.

Do you have a personal prayer request? Your global Baptist family stands ready to intercede for you. Click the button below to share a prayer need with us.

Submit a Prayer Request

Sending Forth Prayer 


Go in haste!

Never stop walking out of the church room,

out from peace and tranquility, into the noise and discomfort,

out, to laughter and tears.

Carry with you the living bread,

as a treasure in your hands and your heart .

Share it over and over again.

It will always be enough, as long as you continue to break it.


Never stop coming back to this place!

Never arrive empty-handed.

Bring with you the cry that is pressing just behind your lips.

Let it be heard in this room. 

Bring with you the hunger that is never stilled,

the fight that is not yet won.

Bring someone who has always been at your side without you knowing it.

Here is the meeting place - in the light of God's face.

(Hans Olav Moerk, Norway; English translation Kari Veiteberg, from the worship at the Church City Mission in Oslo)

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