Weekly Newsletter of the
First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton
February 13, 2025
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Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 10:15am
Worship Service: What Kind of Times are These
Anne Watson Born
Poetry gives us containers for our fears and our joys in chaotic times; it enables us to express our feelings and thoughts more deeply and coherently; in its many forms it facilitates action. Join us for a service centered on poetry and music, both of which speak to our current condition while keeping love at the center of our efforts.
Join Us On Zoom: https://bit.ly/fuusn-worship-2024-2025
Share Your Joys or Sorrows
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Split the Plate February 2025: Wildfire Relief Fund of the California Community Foundation
As of January 17th, the wildfires in LA County have claimed at least 24 lives, destroyed thousands of homes and businesses, and displaced more than 180,000 Angelenos. Yet, in the face of devastation, the Los Angeles community stands united.
The California Community Foundation has a long history of making a direct and meaningful impact on individuals and families in need, ensuring that support reaches those most affected. Since 2003, the CCF Wildfire Recovery Fund has provided over $30 million to communities affected by disasters.
Half of the monies collected during worship this month will help them recover from this devastation. Learn more...
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FUUSN Office Closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 for Presidents' Day
We will reopen at 9am on Tuesday, February 18th as usual.
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Mission: Possible!
Pledge Drive Kick-off Party
Saturday, March 1, 2025, 7pm, Parish Hall
Join us for an extravaganza of musical talent, organized and produced by the intrepid Anne Watson Born! Rumor has it that Rev. Joel will perform – don't miss it!
This year, rather than many small house parties, we are gathering as one fantastic community at a large after-dinner party to kick off our Annual Pledge Drive and showcase the tremendous creativity and talent our community offers. Our music program is just one of the truly extraordinary features of FUUSN that deserve our support, so sit back and enjoy the show as you snack on hors d'oeuvres and desserts created by your fellow FUUSNites. Beer, wine, and soft drinks will be served.
Visit the website for more information!
We need volunteers to make this event a success!
Sign up to volunteer. Bring dessert or help at the event!
Do I need to RSVP?
RSVP here. Suggested but not required.
Become part of possible as we reach our giving goal!
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Great Resource for Contacting Congress
Activists are suggesting that we each call our Congressional Representative and Senators each day to protest the latest federal actions that hurt our neighbors. 5 Calls (https://5calls.org/). is a fantastic resource, that lists the pressing issues, scripts for your calls, and a direct way to dial Congressman Auchincloss, Senator Markey, and Senator Warren with your concern. Rev. Debra is committing to five calls a week - will you join her?
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Replace the Newton Seal
According to the Newton Beacon, the Newton City Council has delayed its vote on replacing the racist city seal (dating back to the 1600's) with a new modern illustration of city hall for two weeks. Please email citycouncil@newtonma.gov today to deliver your message of support to each of the 24 councilors.
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UUA Joins Lawsuit Challenging ICE's "Sensitive Locations Policy"
We are proud to share with you that the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has joined with a multifaith coalition and the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection to bring a lawsuit challenging Immigration and Custom Enforcement’s (ICE) “sensitive locations policy.” The case, Mennonite Church USA et al. v. United States Department of Homeland Security et al., was filed in federal district court in Washington, DC. Churches, as well as schools and hospitals, had previously been protected from ICE enforcement actions, but a Department of Homeland Security memo rescinded that protection on January 20th.
Please read the entire UUA Executive Message for more information and suggestions for how you can get involved.
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Still Time to Bid in the Services Auction
If you missed the Services Auction on February 1st, you can still bid on some great services. Below is a link to the on-line catalog which lists the services available. If you are interested, please send your bids to Pat Rohan. A few things:
Several of the items have set bid amounts, either because they were originally offered that way or because the bid amount was determined by bids at the Services Auction. For items where there is a set price, it will be first come, first served. So please do not delay.
For items with competitive bidding, Pat will update the competing bidders on what the leading bid is.
Please note that some items have a set date.
The deadline for submitting bids is Monday, February 19th at midnight. View the available services here:
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Donations Needed for Rosie's Place
The FUUSN Housing Crisis Committee, organized and headed by FUUSN youth Skye Larson and Emily Riordon, is sponsoring a drive on behalf of Rosie’s Place. We will be collecting donations of items needed by the unhoused women who are Rosie’s Place clients. Please help us provide this small bit of comfort to these women.
The items they are requesting include:
- Personal care items in SMALL (travel) or REGULAR sizes, such as
- Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Floss
- Deodorant, Soap, Body Wash
- Lip Balm, Face Cream, Hand Lotion
- Shampoo, Conditioner
- Hand Sanitizer, Wipes
- Personal care items – same as above, but FULL-SIZE; and in addition:
- Disposable shaving razors
- Hairbrushes, picks, and combs
- Elastic hair ties
Sunday, February 16th is the last opportunity to donate. There are two boxes set out for collection, one in the narthex and one in the parking lot vestibule. Please bring your donations on Sunday (or any time) and leave them in one of the two boxes.
Thank you for helping us offer comfort and dignity to Rosie’s Place clients.
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Honor a Loved One, Anniversary, or Something Special by Decorating the Chancel
The Chancel in the front of the Sanctuary is decorated for each Sunday service by either the Chancel Art Committee or a member of the FUUSN community with support from the committee. Decorating is creative and fun and there is a wide range of options for flowers and decor that you can purchase or arrange with help from one of the committee members.
Please consider signing up for one or more weeks. This is a gift to the whole community and a beautiful way to honor someone or something meaningful to you. Your contribution will be acknowledged with a message or note that you can write for the order of service for that week.
You can find the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board opposite the FUUSN office or as part of the Sunday Services Roles signup (look for Chancel Decoration).
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Call for Summer Services
Summer Sunday services at FUUSN are lay-led and informal, taking place in the Parish Hall and via Zoom. Please let us know if you have:
- Feedback about summer services
- An idea for a summer service that you would like to lead (perhaps to share a personal journey, explore an issue, share some music, consider a favorite thinker)
- An idea about a service that you hope others might lead
Send ideas and feedback to Curt Lamb or call 617-895-8208.
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Alternative Coffee Hour
Sunday, February 16, 2025, 11:40am
Are you looking for a different way to experience coffee hour? After you grab your coffee, feel free to join a small group (7 or 8) of fellow FUUSNites to discuss topics arising from the service. Just come to the Member Services table and you will be assigned to a group and meeting room at random.
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Thursday, February 13
6-7:30pm: RE Committee Meeting, online
7-9pm: Band Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Sunday, February 16
11:30am-1:30pm: Band Rehearal, Sanctuary
11:40am-12:15pm: Alternative Coffee Hour, Alliance Room, Children's Chapel, Ministers' Parlor
3:30-5pm: JourneySongs Rehearsal, Children's Chapel
Tuesday, February 18
7-9pm: Operations Council Meeting, online
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Dinners for 7
February 22, 2025 at 6pm
Dinners for 7 is a great opportunity to socialize with a small group at a member's home. Everyone brings an assigned dish, and the host provides the main dish.
Sign up to host or to attend a dinner.
Any questions, please email Lynne Karlson.
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FUUSN Musicians Concert
Sunday, February 23, 2025, 2-4pm
Come and hear the wonderful musicians of the First Unitarian Universalist Society in concert on Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 2pm in the FUUSN Sanctuary. This concert is a fundraiser for the UU Urban Ministry. You’ll hear classical chamber music by pianist Paul Antonucci, cellist Debra Minard, and guitarist Bob MacWilliams. Of course, the intrepid FUUSN Band will be rocking the house. Enjoy the fantastic array of musical styles and moods: a cappella singing, classical works, bluegrass tunes, jazz and more. And we’ll continue our tradition of Cookies at Intermission!
The concert is free and open to the public. Donations will be gratefully accepted for the UU Urban Ministry.
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Over 60s Event: How to Tell a True Personal Story
Sunday, March 2, 2025, 11:45am-1:45pm
Telling true personal stories is sharing what it is like to be human. We connect - tellers and listeners - because true heartfelt stories, whether joyful, poignant, or funny, illuminate how we are really all the same. Crafting a personal story can also be a powerful way to find meaning in your life.
Introduction to Storytelling: Open to all!!
On Zoom and in-person attendees in the Alliance Room (zoom link to be posted later). Learn more on our website.
We hope to see you on March 2, 2025, 11:45 – 1:45 pm! A light lunch will be served at 11:30 am. Alliance Room.
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Eleuthera Trio Concert at FUUSN
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 3pm
The Eleuthera Trio, a Boston area-based piano trio (Lois Shapiro, piano, Francine Trester, violin & Julie Reimann, cello), will perform at 3pm on Saturday March 8th, 2025, at First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton. The concert benefits the PKD Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding treatments and a cure for polycystic kidney disease (PKD), a genetic disorder that results in kidney failure requiring transplant for survival. This concert is in memory of Trio member Lois Shapiro's brother Paul Steven Shapiro (1947-1981), who died from PKD. We hope you will join us for an afternoon of music and community.
Tickets and Details - The program includes the Poulenc Trio, Mozart Kegelstatt Trio, and Dvorak Dumky Trio. Admission is free, although donations to the PKD Foundation are gratefully accepted and can be made to reserve tickets online or at the door.
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Kudos To Sunday February 9th's Snow Worship Team
Thank you to all who, with just two days notice, created our outstanding worship service online this week. We are so glad that nearly 140 people were able to join despite the snowstorm. Thank you to Rev. Debra, Anne Watson Born, Rev. Joel, Nancy Mattei, and Christine Lookner for all they did, and an especial appreciation to Helena Froehlich for not only creating the wonderful dance but filming and editing it.
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Enjoy CreationDance's Video from Sunday, February 9th
CreationDance put together this beautiful video for the worship service on God that had to go online. Enjoy this beautiful five minutes again at https://youtu.be/xgdBchDJfOw
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The UU Plant-Based Eating Club would like to thank the organizers and hosts of the three plant-based potluck dinners held on February 9: Jeff Baker, John Dundon, Julia Huston, Elsa and Tom Lawrence, and Kate and Norm Thibeault. It was wonderful to gather on a snowy night to take a break from all the craziness surrounding us, and focus on the joy of eating in a healthy and sustainable way! | |
Parent's Night Out is Getting Popular!
Many thanks to Bob Persons, Connie Stubbs, and Nathan Persampieri for providing childcare for 5 children on Friday Feb 7 so their parents could have a free evening of babysitting! Next month's Parents Night Out is on Sat, March 15 from 4-8pm. This will help parents whose children have those early bedtimes!
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Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Agatha, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.
Submissions for each newsletter must be sent in by the preceding Tuesday at 9am.
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FUUSN Contacts
Anne Watson Born, Director of Music Ministry, (617) 286-2622
Agatha Clancy, Office Administrator, (617) 286-4105 (9am-3pm or emergencies only)
Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner, Co-minister, (617) 286-4668
Rev. Joel Miller, Co-minister, (617) 286-4226
Devin Shmueli, Director of Family and Community Ministries, (617) 286-6257
Lay Minister On Call for February: Nancy Mattei, 617-340-9299
Care Crew contact: Sheila Ardery, 617-564-1769
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First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton www.fuusn.org | 617-527-3203 | | |
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