This Week

  • Stations of the Cross- tonight at 7 PM
  • Men's Group- Saturday at 9 AM in Parish Center room 3/4
  • 40 Hours Sign-Ups- in the vestibule
  • Second Collection- at all Masses: Family Promise
  • 40 Hours Devotion- Sunday at 7 PM through Tuesday at 8 PM in the Church
  • Vocations Committee- Monday at 9:30 AM in the Parish Office
  • OCIA- Tuesday at 7 PM in the Parish Center Board Room
  • That Man Is You!- Wednesday at 7 AM in room 3/4
  • Quilters- Wednesday at 9 AM in the Rectory Basement
  • Divine Mercy Cenacle- Wednesday at 9:15 AM in room 3/4
  • Moms & Minis- Wednesday at 10 AM at Lone Lane Park, contact Cristina HERE
  • Bible Study- Thursday at 9 AM in Parish Center room 5/6

Church Information

Live Stream- at 9 AM HERE.

Daily Mass Times

6:30 and 8:30 AM, Monday through Friday

Weekend Mass Times

-Saturday Vigil at 4 PM

-Sunday Masses at 7, 9 and 11 AM

Stations of the Cross- Fridays at 7 PM (no afternoon stations)

Adoration Schedule

-Adoration is from 9 AM to 8 PM on weekdays.

-The Rosary is prayed in the Chapel from 9:00 to 9:30 AM after daily Mass and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3 PM when adoration is open.

Adorers needed for the following hours to serve weekly:

-Wednesday- 10 AM

-Thursday - 3 PM

-Friday - 1 PM, 4 PM

Email if you can commit to an hour or to join the sub list. Thank you!


-Friday 7:45-8:15 AM

-Saturday 9:00-9:30 AM, 3-3:45 PM

-By appointment call the Parish Office 610-395-2876

Prayer Requests- Click HERE

-To join our Prayer Team, click HERE

Capital Campaign donation link HERE

A Few Notes

There will be a second collection this weekend at all Masses for the Family Promise. You can find out more about their work HERE. Thank you for your generosity.

This Sunday you are invited to the Grand Opening of our Parish Center Hall after the Masses for coffee, donuts, bagels, refreshments and celebration. Good things come to those who wait, and we have waited!

This Sunday evening begins our 40 Hours Devotion at 7 PM, and it continues around the clock through Tuesday evening. You can find the schedule of events HERE. If you still have not committed to an hour, please check out the sign up sheets in the vestibule.

The Chapel will be open overnight every Friday during Lent. You may sign up for an hour HERE. Check the website HERE during inclement weather before you head over in case of cancellations.

As a reminder, if you have loved ones buried in Resurrection Cemetery, you must remove anything you wish to keep from the gravesite this weekend, as groundskeepers will be spring cleaning on Monday.

Mark your calendars for Pierogi Making. See below for all the information you need. This is a great opportunity to learn a new skill AND help our parish prepare for our International Food Festival in June.

We are still in need of a donor for two arrangements of tropical palm greens and pussy willow in memory of a loved one for Palm Sunday. If interested, please contact Anne in the Parish Office. The donation for both arrangements is $200. Thank you!

Many of you know parishioners Fred and Sandy Serino and their daughter Camille, and remember the tragic murder of their younger daughter Tara. Camille wrote a beautiful book called Cherished, about her sister's amazing conversion only months before her death. The story was just featured in our Diocesan newsletter, AD Today, HERE.

Jesus and Monsignor have something to tell you in this video:


The Men's Group will be focusing on the 5 Forms of Prayer on Saturday mornings during Lent. Fr. Brelinsky will be our speaker this Saturday, March 16th at 9 AM (after 8:30 Mass) in room 3/4 of the Parish Center. All men are welcome!

Vocations Committee Meeting

Want to share your gratitude for priests and have some fun? Join the Vocation Committee to pray, celebrate, encourage and support priests, deacons, marriages, the single life and ALL vocations. Interested? Attend our meeting in the Parish Office conference room this Monday, March 17 at 9:30 AM. Come and see!

The obligation for March Family Faith Formation is that all students and their families must attend at least one activity during 40 Hours BEGINNING SUNDAY March 16, 17 and 18. You can find the activities and times listed in the bulletin, or on the website HERE.

This week our Divine Mercy Food Pantry is in need of the following items: Pasta and Canned Vegetables

Thank you for your support. Items may be placed in the basket in the vestibule or brought to the Parish Office during the week between 9 AM-4:30 PM.

It’s that time of year again for Pierogi Making for the International Food Festival. Pierogi pinching will start at 9 AM in the Parish Center, and our goal is to make 12 boxes of Haluski Noodles and 400 dozen pierogies.

March 25 and 26 (Tuesday & Wednesday) and

April 1 and 2 (Tuesday & Wednesday)

We could also use help at 8 AM in the Parish Center kitchen to make the pierogi filling on the following Mondays: March 24 and March 31

A direct and compelling headline

NED Resiliency Ride Assembly- Students enjoyed a fun and engaging assembly featuring storytelling, humor, illusions, and impressive yo-yo tricks, all teaching the importance of resilience and perseverance.

Book Donation to Allentown Rescue Mission- Last week, students and families packed and delivered donated books to the Allentown Rescue Mission, sharing the gift of reading while giving back to the community.

40 Days for Life saves lives.  Through April 13, people will meet outside of the Planned Parenthood in Allentown to peacefully pray to end abortion, or will join in prayer, fasting and sacrifice wherever they are. If you are interested in participating in 40 Days for Life and would like more information and/or you would like to be paired with a prayer partner, please email Jo HERE

The Easter craft event planned by the Catholic Grandparents Association for tomorrow is cancelled due to insufficient registrations. We encourage grandparents to share their Easter experiences with their families as they fulfill their vocation of Passing on the Faith. May God bless your families this Lent and Easter.

You may be interested in Camelot for Children's Ruby Gala, as we celebrate 40 years of enriching the lives of children with special needs and medical complexities. Be among the first to explore a brand new museum showcasing inspiring exhibits, indulge in an array of delicious food options, sip on themed drinks, and let loose on the dance floor! Try your luck at exclusive raffles for a chance to win amazing prizes. Please help us make this celebration one to remember as we look forward to another 40 years of joy, hope, and support for these incredible kids! Don’t miss out on this spectacular evening on March 29th. Visit for more information or call 610-791-5683.

Click for an Appointment

Save the Date

-Youth Group- March 23, 5-7 PM

-Pierogi Prep- March 24

-Little Knights Story Time- March 24

-Pierogi Making- March 25 and 26

-Blood Drive- March 30

-Halupki Prep- April 9

-Halupki Rolling-April 10

-Easter Egg Hunt- April 13

-Women's Guild Bake Sale- April 13

-Deacon Anniversary Celebration- April 13

-School Golf Tournament and Auction- May 30th

Pray for Our Parish

Dear God,

I believe that you have the ability to convert everyone at St. Joseph the Worker Church and I beg you to perform miracles in our lives that we will come to love you and never want to offend you.

I beg you to let us see our sins and run to the confessional, that the lines will be out the door.

Set the hearts of our priests on fire so that they burn with the desire for the conversion of every soul in the parish.

I implore you to make St. Joseph's a beacon in our diocese, that souls will be drawn by the holiness they find here.

I ask that you blind Satan to every parishioner, that they might have the space to know and love you without temptation.

I offer myself to you completely at whatever the cost.


Continue to keep Pope Francis in your prayers!

Bulletin Submissions- Please submit your bulletin submissions to Gina Medvedz at by Monday morning at 9 AM prior to weekend edition.

E-News Submissions- due by Thursday for Friday's issue

Visit Our Church

The Parish Office is open from 9 AM-4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. If you have a question, email our secretary, Anne, at 

or call the office at 610-395-2876.

If you are interested in registering with the parish, please contact Gina at You must be a registered member for at least three months to be a godparent, Confirmation sponsor, marry, or baptize your child at St. Joseph the Worker. Please register, and remind your adult children to register in a parish near them.

Helping Hands are available for sale Tuesday-Friday, 11 AM-1:00 PM in the Parish Office, or before and after every weekend Mass.

Thank you for continuing to support our parish. You may mail offertory envelopes to the parish office, drop them in the lock-box hanging to the left of the office entrance, or bring them inside during office hours.

We also offer an online system where you have control over how much you donate each week. Click HERE to sign up!

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