Dear Families and Partners,
At CODSN, we believe that all behavior is communication. Whether it's a child expressing frustration through outbursts or an adult navigating complex emotions in their own way, behavior serves as a signal—a message waiting to be understood. Often, behaviors reflect unmet needs, stress, confusion, or even excitement. It’s our responsibility as caregivers, educators, and community members to pause, observe, and respond with compassion.
Rather than labeling behavior as "good" or "bad," we can ask ourselves: What is this person trying to communicate? By approaching behavior with curiosity and empathy, we can support individuals of all abilities in expressing themselves in ways that promote connection, understanding, and growth. Let’s continue to foster environments where everyone’s communication is heard, valued, and met with kindness.
I also invite you to join us for our upcoming Understanding School Behavior virtual training on November 6th. This session will help families, caregivers, and professionals deepen their understanding of behavior and offer practical strategies to support students. We hope to see you there as we continue to learn and grow together!
Dianna Hansen
Executive Director, CODSN and Parent
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Air Purifiers to Improve Your Health -- Now Available
Don't miss out on your opportunity to receive a free high quality air purifier.
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Bilingual? Join Our Wonderful Team!
We are hiring! Contact us for more information: on our website here, 541-548-8559 or
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Check out our upcoming events. Visit our calendar and events webpage for more details and registration! Click the title of each to see its flyer. Click the "Register Here" text links at the end to register.
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Deschutes County
Becoming a Champion for Your Child Workshop. Parents, prepare for Special Education by learning about your child's strengths and future possibilities, create an "All About Me" page and learn how to use; receive organizational tools/materials. November 2, 2024, 10:30 - 1:30 PM in Redmond. Register here.
Family Respite Night ~ Jason's Run & Recharge Program. Join us on Tuesday, November 12th from 5:00 - 8:00 PM at Eagle Crest River Run Lodge. Vouchers available! Register here.
Emergency Preparedness Training. Join us and the Crook County Health Department on Wednesday, November 13th from 5:30 - 7:00 PM at the Bowman Museum in Prineville. Create your own Go Kit to keep! Register here.
Youth Meetup: Friendsgiving. Youth ages 14-26 enjoy a Friendsgiving together with friends! Join us on Sunday, November 17th, from 2:00 - 4:00 PM at the CODSN office in Bend. Bring your favorite food to share. Hang out, eat, play games, crafts, together time! Register here.
Ladies Who Lunch ~ Redmond. Come to our new Redmond area event, now meeting the third Wednesday of each month. This month we will meet on November 20th from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM at Redmond Burger Company, Redmond. RSVP to or 541-548-8559.
Monthly Group of Spanish-Speaking Parents and Caregivers. Join us on November 21st from 6:00 - 8:00 PM upstairs at Church of the Nazarene, Bend. No RSVP needed.
Ladies Who Lunch ~ Bend. Now meeting the last Tuesday of each month. This month we will meet on November 26th from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM at Cascade Lakes Pub in Bend. RSVP to or 541-548-8559.
Winter Celebration! Save the Date! December 7th from 12 Noon - 3:00 PM at Sunriver Resort. Register here.
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Interpretation is available with 72-hours advanced notice. For questions or help registering for any of these events, call 541-548-8559 or
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November is Epilepsy Awareness Month. For facts and information about ways to recognize this month, visit the Epilepsy Foundation here.
Financial Security Strategies. Our friends at Creating Opportunities are offering this virtual class on November 7, 2024. Learn about the Oregon ABLE Savings Account and other financial programs that provide financial safeguards for people with disabilities of all ages. Register here.
We Still Have Free Air Purifiers Available! OHA is generously offering free air purifiers again this year. For those interested who have Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Open Card and are eligible for the air purifier program contact CODSN so we can help you apply. You can contact us at 541-548-8559 or email
Respite Night Volunteers Needed. CODSN is in need of a volunteer caregivers to help safely entertain children during the evening of November 12, 2024 in Eagle Crest! We will have staff available as well, and will have activities for the kids. If you are interested, please contact 541-548-8559 or email
Klamath County Take Root's "Parenting Different Aged Kids at the Same Time" Workshop. Get tips on how to split your time when you have different aged kids. November 13, 2024, 5:30-7:00 PM Klamath Community College Bldg. 2, 7390 6th St., Klamath Falls. Childcare and meal provided. Call 541-670-6123. Register here.
Assistive Technology Funds Available. This is a friendly reminder that Community Vision has Zetosch funds available for educational equipment. You can get more info about Zetosch funding by clicking here for their website.
Looking for even more information and event opportunities? Join our Central Oregon Disability Support Network Facebook and Instagram pages (or Kintsugi in Harney County and CODSN Klamath Falls in Klamath County for Facebook) where we share additional community events of interest.
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Special Education Highlight | |
Introduction to Disability and Special Education
Join our friends at FACT Oregon for a series of three introductory trainings on disability and special education on Wednesdays through the month of November! In these virtual sessions, you will learn key concepts related to disability, understand the purpose of special education and the six main principles of IDEA, and explore how to advocate for your child and work with their school team effectively. You can attend 1 or all 3 trainings in the series.
Session 1 (Nov. 6): Key Concepts in Disability Justice
Session 2 (Nov. 13): Understanding Special Education
Session 3 (Nov 20): Collaborative Communication
Trainings will be provided in English and Spanish. Please request other language supports at least fourteen (14) days before the event.
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Applying for a Job: The Young Adults Guide (Revised 2023)
Have you seen this tip sheet? This resource is for your young adults beginning their job search. Check out their key topics such as choosing in-person versus remote jobs, opportunities for growth, and evaluating pay. Find valuable resources and information to support your job journey!
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Our Emergency Preparedness Video Library has over 34 videos to help you be prepared for an emergency. You can watch them all here: | |
FASN has Changed to CODSN Klamath County
Changes are complete! Since 2017 the Family Advocacy Support Network (FASN) has been a program of CODSN, with a goal of creating positive vision, long-term success, and a community of belonging and support for people with disabilities along with their families. These goals have not changed, but the name FASN has caused some confusion over the years. So we changed the name from FASN to ... CODSN Klamath County. What hasn't changed is our support and offerings. We look forward to continuing to serve you. Please contact us at with any input or questions.
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Support CODSN Via BottleDrop's Holiday Give 2024!
Between November 15 and December 2, BottleDrop will be hosting a holiday match as part of their Holiday Give 2024 program andCODSN is taking part! If you drop your CODSN Blue Bag at any bag drop location, or donate online to us from your BottleDrop Green Bag accounts during that time we'll get the match from BottleDrop Give! So grab some blue bags from our office (or use your green), start saving your bottles and cans now, and be sure to drop them off or donate to us starting November 15th! This give period has a per non-profit cap in matching funds of $600. These donations and matching funds would help us provide extra support through scholarships to families in need. Bags and donations will be matched on a first-come, first-served basis until the overall Holiday Give cap is met or by December 2nd. So save now, and turn them in starting Friday, November 15th. Click here to see how to donate online! Thank you for your support!
Ever curious to see what happens to a blue or green bag and its goodies? Check out this short video below to find out!
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Any information provided by CODSN, its staff, and/or its volunteers is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any information expressed or implied is not intended nor should be construed as legal, medical, or other professional advice. This email may contain information that is confidential. If you are not the addressee, or if it appears that you have received this email in error, please advise me immediately by reply email, keep the contents confidential, and immediately delete the message and any attachments from your system. | | | | |