Highlighting outstanding donor and volunteer impact
throughout Center For Family Services. 

Gifts that Keep on Giving

Your online donations are the reason help is available to meet ongoing needs. Online giving in 2024 helped make many great things happen.

Because of you,

  • Two young adults who live in a supportive housing program were assisted with their security deposit for their very first apartments.
  • Rent assistance was provided to a young mother.
  • A mom who escaped domestic violence was able to pay for her driver’s education course.
  • A family with complex medical needs received 3 air conditioning units for their home in order to remain safe and healthy in the summer heat.
  • 4 cribs were provided for 4 new moms who escaped domestic violence.
  • A young woman was able to pay for her mental health medication during a major depressive episode.
  • A basketball hoop was installed at one of the safe housing programs, giving teens a safe outlet to release stress, engage in healthy competition, and get exercise.

Thank you for making help available when it’s needed most! 

A Bed of One's Own

There’s something special about getting into bed with new sheets and a cozy comforter after a long day. There is a teenager living in a safe home who may not have experienced that before, and you can help give them bedding they can call their own.

With your donation of new, twin-size bedding sets, you will show a teenager in your community that they are remembered. Not only will they be able to experience that wonderful feeling of new sheets, but they will also learn how to care for and maintain their bedding, giving them a sense of ownership and responsibility to carry into their life after the safe home.

Click here to make a monetary donation, or drop off new bedding sets to 1 Alpha Avenue in Voorhees any week day.

Thank you for being the one to make a difference for a teenager in your community!

Holiday Joy Because of You

The holidays were happy for more than 1,100 families in New Jersey this year because of your generosity.

Through your donations, workplace collections, online fundraisers, and more, families and individuals in your community had everything they needed to celebrate the holiday season.

A parent of a 4 year old boy was amazed that her counselor picked out a gift that was perfect for her son – an Avengers action figure. On Christmas, he asked his mom, “How did you know I liked Avengers?

That’s something I told Santa Claus!” 

One mom said, “Thank you so much for the presents,

you made the holiday really good for us.”

Staff at a domestic violence safe home said, “The donors really blessed the children. They gave our kids a lot and put a smile on their faces. The togetherness with the parents and their kids is something we will remember fondly about this year.”

In the safe homes for teenagers, the teens were so excited to open their gifts and the anticipation the night before was palpable. A few kids asked “Do we have to go to bed early or can we stay up a bit later??” with one kid insisting, “I’m going to bed early so I can wake up early to open my gifts!”

One of the safe home staff members said, “Picking up the gifts for the kids felt like my Christmas. Thank you to everyone who supports them and

made the holidays special.”

In every safe home, the gratitude was felt for the weeks following the holidays and your donations helped put smiles on many faces.

Your donations help instill a positive message of support and hope that carries on into the new year. 

Your donation makes a difference! Thank you to:

Abbey Carpet of Woodbury

Helen Albright Troxell

Alicia DeMichele Boutique

All Grounds LLC

Alloy Silverstein Accountants and Advisors

Allstate Insurance Company

Kate Anderson

Randolph Angermann and Barbara Lombardo

Ann A. Abbott Charitable Trust Fund

Charles Ansert and Karen Ansert

Atlantic Medical Imaging

Leonard Baker and Angela Baker

Bank of America

Mary Barbato

Lori Baron

Susan Bass Levin

Joyce Bass-Wright

Becker’s School Supplies

John Beckett and Catherine Beckett

Diane Benfield and Tom Benfield

Dorothy Benyola

George Beppel and Lorraine McGlynn

Rebecca Berger

James Bigley and Maureen Bigley

Andrea Bihary

Victoria Binetti

Maurita Bivans

Robert Blass and Andrea Blass

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Alden Blyth and Linda Blyth

Michael Bonaventure

Deanna Bonewicz

Victoria Bonnette

Bonnie Bornstein

Bowman & Company LLP

Boy Scouts of America

Kenneth Boyko and Frances Foresta Boyko

Kellie Brady

Barbara Brancu

Brave Minds Psychological Services, LLC

John Brennan

Christina Briggs and Washington Flores

Annette Brinkmann Page

Diana Brocco and Jeffrey Bobb

Brown & Brown of Lehigh Valley

Genna Brunetta

Michele Buckmaster

Victoria Buhrman and Friends

Rachael Calingo

Mario Canal

Marissa Cantu

Martha Cantu and Joseph Cantu

John Canuso and Celeste Canuso

Cassara Chiropractic Center

Anna Catania

Erica Cerio

Charin Cetkowski

CFI Workspace

Lois Chapman

Cherry Hill Mall

Church & Dwight

Diane Cimino

Suzanne Clemente-Smith and Edward Clemente-Smith

Columbia Sportswear Company

Community Foundation of New Jersey

Conner Strong & Buckelew

Jasmyne Cordero

Barbara Cortese

Bill Cossaboon and Pam Cossaboon

Ray Costello

Eileen Couturier

John Covello and Paula Sollami Covello

Janet Covici and Anthony Covici

Sheryl Croce

Susan Croll and Paul Monasevitch

Cruzcial Church

Brien Cummings

Irene Curry and James Curry

John D'Augustine and Barb Alzner

Edna Davie

Jeanne Davie and Paul Davie

Davis Enterprises

Linda Delany and Thomas Delany

Delta Phi Epsilon

Del-Charrese Densley

Janet DePalma

Pamela DePompo

Cynthia DeRenzo

John DeSalis

Nicholas Devestine

Bridget DiDonato

Patricia DiFilippo

Vito DiGiovanni and Linda DiGiovanni

Gioia DiLeonardo and Mario DiLeonardo

Anthony Diulio

Joe Dobias and Kathy Dobias

Joe Docimo

Dollar General Wenonah

Henry Dombrowski and Joan Dombrowski

Michael Dougherty

Cathy Dratman and Ralph Dratman

Molly Dubow

Sam Duklewski and Mary Tobin Maginnis

Bailey Eaise

EDNI Counseling Services, LLC

Victoria Egan and Ryan Egan


Patricia Erickson

Marlene Esposito and Frank Esposito

Essex Fells PTA

K. Bosic Evans

Bob Fatzinger

Nancy Faure

Forman Family Foundation

Beverly Franklin

Colette Gabriel and Friends

Loriann Gagliardi

Maria Gallagher

Holly Gallo

Mohan Ganesan and Gayathri Ganesan

Nellie Gaynor

GE Mechanical, LLC

Janet Geisz

Monica Gelinas

Margaret Genay and Greg Genay

Genoa Healthcare Pharmacy

Erin Giacobbe

Adrienn Giannotti

Maria Giliotti and Robert Billings

Joseph Gillespie and Ann Gillespie

Jenny Giuffre

GLK Services

The Goddard School

Michael Goodman

Robert Gormley and Laurie Sutter

Amanda Graham

Cara Grayson

Barbara Greenstein

Caitlin Griffin

Eleanor Halford

Christine Hall

Elizabeth Hammill and William Hammill

Jen Hammill and Bill Hammill

Mary Harrington

Haviland Avenue Elementary School

Barbara Hawkins

Eileen Henderson and Robert Henderson

Martin Herring and Janet Herring

Hikma Pharmaceuticals

Hilltop Church

Leslie Hodge

Holman Automotive

Pamela Holmdal and Bradford Hathaway

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

Robin Homer

Gayle Horn and Bob Horn

Jean Horn and Robert Horn

Brett Horner

Audrey Iacobucci

IBEW Local Union 351

Interact Club at Mary Volz School

Katherine Jacobs and Michael Jacobs

Ronald Jaghab

Liz James

Jaws Youth Playbook

Jeffrey M. King Architect LLC

Danielle Joffe

Johnson Electronic Services

JP Morgan Chase

Janet Kelly

Kathryn Killebrew

Rita Kirlin Clark and Jim Clark

Fred Kirvan

George Knorr

Mark Kraus

Marlyn Kress

Deborah Kroop and Howard Kroop

Amy Lackpour

Roxanne LaRoc

LaScala’s Fire

Jane Leichner

Angela Lekan and Bob Lekan

James Lemon

Dana Lentz

Mitchell Levinson and Sheri Levinson

Nancy Levy

Sandra Lewis

Laurie Lipiecki

Littleton School PTA

Burke Loeffler and Kimberly Loeffler

Christine Long and Terry Long

Donna MacPhee

Michael Madden and Marjorie Madden

Madden & Madden, PA

Lawrence Maggi

Jeffrey Margolis

Tom Marx

Michael McBain

Marianne McCafferty

Maryann McLaron and Howard McClarnon

Kathryn McDevitt

Kiera McFadden Roan

Meredith McGee

Cathie McGeehan and John McGeehan

Mary McGeehan

Kelsey McKeen

McPeak Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors

Yasmin Medina

Michelle Meloy

Michelle Mento

Merck & Co, Inc.

Nancie Merritt

Gregg Metzinger and Darlene Scott

Joshua Meyer

Mickleton Monthly Meeting

Morris Milillo

Robert Millilo

Ernest Mitchell

Renee Mitten

Moorestown Mall

Harry Moppert and Douglas Moppert

Glenn Moramarco

Michael Morgan

Dawn Morice

Angela Morrison

Elizabeth Mosolovich and Thomas Mosolovich

Michael Moyer and Tracey Moyer

Kathy Mullins

Linda Mur

Nancy Nace

Joseph Nardi and MaryEllen Nardi

New York Life Insurance Company

Newport Healthcare

NFL Films

Dianne Norton

Liz Norton

Novick Brothers Corporation

Jamie O'Brien

Office Basics, Inc.

Barbara Ogden

Kemi Ogunkola

Old Navy Cherry Hill

Karen O'Reilly

Charles Oropallo

Joan O'Shea

Jennifer Ostile

Our Lady of Mercy Academy

Destiny Pagan

Sade Paige

The Pajama Program

Johanne Palermo

Bruce Paparone and Cheryl Paparone

Parsippany Moms Club

Chirag Patel

Anna Payanzo-Cotton

Paypal Charitable Giving Fund

Eric Pedersen

Leslie Pellegrino and Mark Pellegrino

Stacey Penn


Joanne Plessas

Joshua Podell

Julie Polisiakiewicz

Precious Cargo, LLC

Presbyterian Church at Woodbury Board of Deacons

Ellen Preston

David Proctor

PROforma-Dynamic Resources

The Promenade at Sagemore

Vasudevan Raman

Frederick Ramundo and Janet Ramundo

Daniel Reed

Jeannette Rhodunda

David Ricci and Robin Lefebvre-Ricci

Riana Rizzo

Cecilia Roan

Talaya Rodriguez

Rita Roedig and Christine Gentile

Christopher Romanoski

Nancy Ronga

Wendy Rose and Dennis Green

Carole Rosen

Joel Rosen and Kari Rosen

Ross Inventories

Patrick Rumaker

Laura Rutkiewicz

Frank Rutolo and Maria Rutolo

Merilee Rutolo and Greg Rutolo

Catherine Rymsza

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Parish

Mary Sanchez

Marisa Sánchez

Alexis Santos and Karen Santos

Elizabeth Sarson and Robert Sarson

Ian Schaad

Betsy Schaming and W. Bernard Schaming

Jordan Schlump and Maria Schlump

Hilary Schultz

Robert Schumin

Perry Schwartzburt and Jeanette Schwartzburt

Bonnie Schwebel

Schwenk Family Charitable Trust

Scientific Search

Claire Scott and Eric Scott

Rita Shannon

Gail Shast

Mary Shaughnessy and Daniel Shaughnessy

Sheeran Real Estate

Nancy Sher

Trevor Sherba

June Siegel

Todd Simon

Marianne Simone

Skoloff & Wolfe, P.C.

Christine Slachta

Sandra Slimm and Payne Slimm

Stephen Slusher and Jon Carl Lewis

Dana Smagala

Charlene Smith and Paul Garrett

Mary Ellen Smith

Rachel Smith

Lisa Spencer

St. Ann's Samaritans

St. Bridget's Church

St. Peter's Episcopal Church

David Stagliano

Geraldine Stagliano and Richard Stagliano

Joseph Stagliano and Geralyn Stagliano

The Standard

Meta Stelmach

Denise Stevens

Ruth Stevens-Dunker

Nancy Stock-Allen and Eric Allen

Anne Stone

Jody Struve

Marguerite Stubbs

Subaru of America, Inc.

Robert Sweet and Karen Sweet

Sweet Escape Charity Committee of Camelot

Steven Swetsky and Donna Swetsky

Synergy Comp Insurance Company

Paul Sznoluch and Heather Sznoluch

John Taima and Susan Taima

Jennifer Tapner

Target Gloucester Township

Target Turnersville

Tavistock Country Club

Tax Help

Jaclyn Taylor

Rachel Taylor

Pamela Tedesco

The Beauty Closet

The Michael and Maryann Camardo Foundation

Dorothy Thomas

Thomas Matthew Designs LLC


Wendy Tomasello and James Tomasello

Jane Tonkin

Sandra Townsend

Patricia Toy and Thomas Toy

Jenny Tran

Megan Trendler

Charlotte Triestman Mento

Joshua Trufant

Maureen Tyler

Unity By The Shore

Lizvette Vargas

Ida Varon and Albert Varon

Tonia Vincent

Joanne Walko and Karl Walko

Washington Township High School

Patricia Weinberg

Kenneth Weinstein

Matthew Weinstein

Meghan Welch

Well of Salvation Church

Wells Fargo Advisors Marlton

J Werbickas


Westmont Associates, Inc.

Harold Wharton-Hege and Patricia Wharton-Hege

Rose White

David Williams

Michael Williams and Marla Russell

Monika Williams Shealey

Suzanne Winderman

Jake Wong and Gypsy Cooper

Woodside Associates Inc.

Mary Ellen Woodward and Scott Woodward

Andrea Worrall

Wyanoke Group

Teresa Young and Dennis Young

Thankful for You

A huge thank you to partners who made Thanksgiving an event to remember for so many families this year. Thank you to:

500 bags of food were delivered to families in the Northern region because of you. Read more about the successful Thanksgiving food drive here.

Because of the Sweet Escape Charity Committee of Camelot, moms and children living at Mother Child had a Thanksgiving to remember with all the fixings.

And thanks to the Hilton Garden Inn, the young adults residing at Mary’s Place had a food-filled, festive day.

Thank you all for your donations to make this possible! 

Go FundMe Goes Far

Rallying your workplace to support a great cause is easy with GoFundMe. Thank you to Skoloff & Wolfe partners for your holiday fundraising through GoFundMe, raising $2500 to support families this past holiday season. Your support gave families the chance to experience a festive meal together and provided gifts for those in need.

Your fundraiser not only raised money, but also helped to spread the word about the needs for folks in your community, making your impact even greater than the monetary total. Thank you for being such a wonderful partner to make a difference in New Jersey.

You can set up a GoFundMe to share your campaign far and wide, and reach friends and family who want to give back.

Charity League was in the Spirit

You made the season bright! Thank you to the Charity League of Atlantic County for your holiday fundraiser to support local families.

Your help put food on the table and kept the heat on for families in need of extra support this holiday season.

Thank you for your continued kindness and generosity! 

Zonta Members Inspire Hope!

Zonta Club members made another holiday season special for children in Mercer County by providing funding for holiday gifts!

As Zonta Club members, your dedication to volunteering your time, talents, and resources is an inspiration! Thank you for your continued commitment to support the teens and young adults living in safe housing programs in Mercer County.

Your partnership makes magic happen! 

Become a Mentor

Mentors are needed. Your support as a volunteer mentor can change a young person’s life. If you’re looking to stay involved or volunteer this year, consider becoming a mentor to help shape a positive future for a young person in need of your support. Mentors are needed across the state of New Jersey.

Your commitment to one year of service as a mentor will uplift a young person and provide them with a positive role model.

For more information and to apply, visit:

Operating Support From Ocean First

A big thank you to Ocean First Bank and Foundation! Your continuing support makes it possible to put resources right where they’re needed.

Thank you for empowering staff to be creative in meeting unique needs for families. Partners like you, who understand the importance of flexible funding, are the reason that community needs can be met.

Your help is very appreciated!

Recovery Within Reach

A huge thanks to Emma O. for your donation of recovery kits! The items inside each drawstring bag provide healing for both a person’s body and mind as they follow a path to recovery. Your support means that folks facing substance use disorder feel remembered, cared for, and are better able to care for themselves on their healing journey.

Thank you for being the one to make a difference in your community!

Cozy in new Coats

Partners at local Subaru locations and Operation Warm are ensuring kids are warm and cozy this winter.

A total of 480 children will be provided with a brand-new winter coat thanks to:

RK Subaru of Vineland

Prestige Subaru

Subaru World of Newton

Subaru of America

Thank you for your collaboration to be sure children in tough circumstances can stay warm and cozy during the rest of the winter season. Your donation provides comfort and hope in challenging times.

MLK Day Marked By State-wide Service

AmeriCorps Members Serve

Martin Luther King Jr.'s dedication to service lives in our AmeriCorps members who are committed to making a difference every day of the year. This year, members focused the day of service on making fleece blankets and packages filled with essential items for individuals in recovery and those struggling with housing insecurity.

Thank you for your dedication to uplifting your community through service! 

NJFWC - Women’s Clubs Collect Essentials

On MLK Day, the NJ State Federation of Women’s Clubs banded together to collect household supplies, baby items, teen essentials, and self-care tools to support families in need. Across the state, the outpouring of support means that there are high-needs items immediately available to families and teens who need them. Typically, donations are harder to come by during this time of year, but thanks to you, that is not the case this year!

Your donations inspire hope and assist on the pathway to healing for so many individuals in the care of Center For Family Services.

Thank you for collecting much-needed items to give people a chance at a better life. 

Celebrate 30 years of Golf

Save the date for this year’s 30th Annual Golf Tournament, taking place on Monday June 2, 2025 at Laurel Creek Country Club.

Join for a day at the course, or for our evening banquet, to celebrate the impact you make through your donations and sponsorship dollars.

Reach out to Liz Madden for more information.

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Your involvement means everything. Tag us @centerffs or send pictures of your involvement in changing lives to be featured on on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and X.

To stay updated about your impact, follow Center For Family Services on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and X.

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