We have been on our Lenten journey for 3 weeks and hopefully are breathing more comfortably and frequently with God. As we breathe more with God, our faith and relationship with God increases – it is inspirational one might say. This Sunday is Outreach/Community Ministry Sunday so we can explore the way we demonstrate our faith in the community. As it is asked in the book of James, “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but no works?” These go hand in hand and are all part of our worship and relationship with God.
This Sunday ~ and future Sundays ~ we have opportunities to spend quality time as God’s hands and feet right here in Olney.
This Sunday there are three options which include:
1. Refilling Birdfeeders – If you built a bird feeder on the Day of Service, perhaps you and your building partner can go and check how much food is in the feeder. There will be a bag of birdseed outside behind the Parish Hall to refill the feeders.
2. Visiting our neighbors at Brookdale – Some members of our community visited residents at Brookdale senior living. If you would like to go back, or visit for the first time, the residents would love a visitor. Visiting is possible between 1:30 and 3:00 on Sunday afternoon. See Deacon Nancy for a special visitor badge.
3. Planning a ‘Walk for Water’ Event – As part of our African Palms ministry, we want to explore ideas to bring attention to our future micro-loans and the important work happening in Masasi, Tanzania. We will gather in the Parish Hall to explore ideas for a simple Walk for Water Event this summer.
Each Sunday we will have one or more ways we can participate in our local and larger community. Here are some other upcoming opportunities here in Olney and Maryland.
Brookdale and/or Cadence Visiting Team – Both Brookdale and Cadence Senior Living Communities are hoping to have folks visit residents in their communities, especially residents who may not regularly receive visitors. Our intention is to have a cadre of folks who will want to visit, perhaps a couple of times a year on a Sunday. Please see Deacon Nancy for more information and to sign up.
Brookdale gardening partners – A boy scout troop built raised beds for the Brookdale senior living community. They are hoping to find some volunteers to come and be gardening partners with their residents over the spring and summer. If you have a green thumb – or any thumb – and this sounds like fun and a way you may wish to serve, please let Deacon Nancy know.
Advocating for Immigration Justice – On Monday afternoon, March 24th, Congregation Action Network is hosting a Day of Action to support bills before the Maryland legislature related to immigrant justice. We will be advocating for the 2025 Immigrant Justice Package: the Maryland Values Act (HB1222), Maryland Data Privacy Act (HB1431/SB977), and the Protecting Sensitive Locations Act (HB1006/SB828), bills that will ensure that our state does not aid or abet unjust federal actions that harm our neighbors, tear families apart, and violate the dignity of Maryland immigrants. Deacon Nancy will be going to Annapolis about 3:00 pm and would be happy to take others who want to be part of this Day of Action!
Kairos Prison Ministry - Kairos brings together inmates for a 3½ day Weekend retreat held in the prison, and led by same gender Kairos volunteers. The Weekend is based on a series of talks, discussions, chapel meditations, and prayer. The concept is to build the Christian community inside the institution where the inmates pray and fellowship together weekly. The women’s team that will be leading a Weekend Retreat at the end of June will be meeting in our Parish Hall on five Saturdays in May and June. Volunteers are needed to help prepare meals and to serve on the weekend. If you might be interested, please see Deacon Nancy.
World Pride Parade – Save the date – Saturday, June 7th.
There are many opportunities to love God through our faith and works. I hope to see you as we love God through both!
In Christ’s love and service,
Deacon Nancy+