Greetings! I hope this October day finds you well. When I was in high school, running for my fourth year as class president, one of my classmates asked me, "Why should they vote for you over the other very capable candidate?" At that time, I had no answer. I answered, " I don't know, I think he is a great and capable person."
Jumping ahead, 53 years later, I have been asked a very similar question. The question being "What is the difference between McDonald Physical Therapy and other places?" For years, I have found it challenging to answer because I have never liked verbally comparing another facility to ours. I’ll give you an example, though, which may begin to help you see some of the differences.
Several years ago, after closing at 7:30 pm, one of our physical therapists was driving out of our parking lot, heading for home after a long day at work. Just before she turned, she noticed her 5:00 pm patient sitting on the bench out in front of the McDonald Physical Therapy entrance. She stopped, turned around and asked the patient how she was getting home. The patient said her ride was supposed to have been there at 6:00 pm when her treatment had ended.
This particular physical therapist lived in Berrien Springs, Michigan. Her patient lived in Osceola. The fact that this physical therapist had worked a full day was not a factor, nor was the distance she had to drive, as the only thing that mattered to her was getting her patient home safe and sound. Our physical therapist drove her patient home at 7:30 that night because she knew it was the right thing to do. Putting our patients first is something we preach and strive to put into practice every day! People with this attitude are the type of people we look to hire. It is the very essence of who we are and what we believe in. I believe strongly that THAT is the answer; that is what sets us apart. This is only one of many stories that happen at our clinic every day, and it's why we love going to work. We truly know we make a difference because our belief, our core value, is that we are here to truly help our patients in any and every way possible.
I have heard that physical therapy is the same everywhere you go. This upsets me as I know that not to be so.
I know that the physical therapy culture at McDonald Physical Therapy is unique, and I know what makes it unique. Like any organization, whether it's an exceptional business, school, music group, or sports team, they are exceptional because they have exceptional leaders, principals, teachers and/or coaches who see the picture a little more clearly and uniquely than most. With their vision, they also tend to work more consistently on the significant fundamentals necessary to make a bigger difference!
I truly believe, because we are privately owned and continue to work together to take responsibility for every one of our patient's back, neck, shoulder, knee, hip, and ankle injuries, that we are unique in the care we give. We take it personally and will get you back to the life you hope to lead as you heal. If we can't, we will do research and get you to the physician who can help you.
So, if you ever hear someone say that all physical therapy is the same, please stop and re-think the question.
Have a great week and continue to strive for the best in all you do!
Enjoy the journey,
Fran McDonald President/CEO