Weekly News from St. James' Episcopal Church | Leesburg, Virginia

February 7, 2025


Sunday Worship

February 9 | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

View the 8 a.m. Service Order

10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

(live streamed)

View the 10 a.m. Service Order

Watch the Service Live on YouTube
Watch the Service Live on Facebook

Watch the service live at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning or at your leisure at a later time.

Wednesday Worship (February 12)

11:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

This Sunday at St. James'

Adult Forum: Is Jesus God?

Sundays, Feb. 9-Mar. 2, 9 a.m., Parish Hall

Join Michael Fabian and bring your questions as we discuss Jesus’ nature and divinity in this four-week series. Questions/discussion topics include: Did Jesus Exist? How do we know about him? Are the Gospels historically accurate? Please join us for thought-provoking and meaningful conversations that can help us grow together in our faith.

St. James' Newcomer Class

Sunday, February 9 | 11:30 a.m. | Parish Hall

Join Fr. Chad to hear more about the history, values, and mission of St. James, and discover what it means to be a member of the Episcopal Church. You will also learn more about our active ministries and ways to get involved.

Register here

Stewardship 2025

Stewardship 2025: Walk In Love

Many thanks to all those who have made a pledge for 2025! We have received 188 pledges for a total of $862,479. In 2024, we received 192 pledges. If you haven’t done so, please consider making a pledge to help us fund the wonderful ministries and mission of our beloved parish. No amount is too small. You may pledge online by clicking the link below or filling out a pledge card in the Narthex. Thank you for Walking in Love with your St. James’ Family.

Make a 2025 Pledge

Christian Formation

Children's Formation Registration is Open!

Register on Realm 

Teachers needed! To best serve multiple age groups, we would love a team of regular teachers. Reach out to Jess Eastridge if interested in teaching

Calling all Children's Chapel Assistants

Help welcome and support families and visitors in this essential ministry. As partners with Children's Formation Minister, Jess Eastridge, no weekly preparation is required of Children's Chapel Assistants. To volunteer and then receive access to the schedule, let us know more about you.

YOUP is for Youth Group

All 6th through 12th graders are invited to join Youp (a portmanteau of "Youth"+"Group") led by fantastic team of couples and parents. If you are interested in getting your student involved, let us know. 

Youth Sunday School

6th through 12th grade

9:00 AM Sunday School and snacks in the Youth Room

We're currently discussing the Biblical theme of deliverance.

Please join us!

Questions? Email Jon Coate

SAVE-THE-DATE: March 4 Mardi Gras Beignets

Proceeds benefit the Youth Ministry-more details soon!

Take the YOUP Survey

Rector's Bible Study

Wednesdays | 10 a.m. | Janney Parlor

Join Fr. Chad for this lectionary-based Bible study where we will discuss the upcoming scripture lessons for each Sunday.

Men's Service Ministry Book Study

All men of St. James are invited to join a weekly MSM meeting at 7 p.m. Mondays in the lower level of the Parish House.  For additional info or should you have questions, please email Mike Scott.

St. James' Preschool

2025-2026 Registration now open!

Providing children with a creative learning experience in a Christian atmosphere of love and acceptance since 1972.

The Preschool has a brand-new website! Check it out:

Visit the NEW Preschool Website

Opportunities to Serve

Acolyte Training

Sunday, February 16 | 11:30 a.m. | Nave

Instead of watching, you can be an important part of the Sunday service. If you are in grade 6 to 12, join the Acolyte Ministry and become a Torchbearer. Questions? contact Dottie Brannock.

Ministry Volunteer Training Slideshow

Did you miss the recent volunteer training? Never fear...you can view the slideshow from the training here! Questions? Contact Jeff Brannock.

Creating Community

Spring 2025 Women's Ministry Retreat

Fri. May 23 - Sun. May 25, 2025 | Claggett Center

All women of St. James' are invited to our annual Women's Ministry Retreat in Adamstown, MD (about an hour from Leesburg). We have 5 more slots open for registration. The total cost of the retreat is $310 and includes a private room with ensuite bath and 5 meals over the weekend. The deposit to secure your spot is $75. Our goal is to welcome everyone who wishes to attend the retreat. Please reach out to Rev. Marybeth for financial aid. All requests will be kept confidential. 

Register Here

Shrine Mont Summer Camp Registration is Now Open

Registration for Shrine Mont summer camps is now open. Last summer, we had several campers from St. James' and Rev. Marybeth served as chaplain for one of the St. George's sessions. We would love to continue to strengthen the connections between St. James' and Shrine Mont. Click here for more information and to register: https://www.shrinemontcamps.org/

2025 Shrine Mont Retreat: Join the Planning Committee

It is time to plan our 2025 Parish Retreat. It will be the 100th Anniversary of the Cathedral Shrine of the Transfiguration and we would like to make this retreat special. The Retreat dates are September 19-21. If you would like to be on the planning committee, please contact Dottie Brannock (703-431-1820). The first meeting will be in February.

Parish Life

Parish Budget Information Sessions

Sunday, February 23 | 11:15 a.m. | Parish Hall

Monday, February 24 | 7:00 p.m. | Zoom

Ministry Leaders (and all those interested) are invited to join our Treasurer, Stacy Cleveland, for an information session to better understand our parish budget generally, and your ministry budget more specifically. We’ll also discuss the role of the ministry leader in helping to manage expenses, request reimbursements, and answer any questions that you may have.

All Ministry Leaders are encouraged to participate, so we will offer this session twice (see above). If you would like to participate in the Zoom session, contact Stacy Cleveland.

2025 Annual Parish Meeting

Thank you to everyone who participated in last Sunday's Annual Parish Meeting. The meeting was well-attended, and it was a wonderful time of learning about the wonderful work of our ministries in our community and beyond over the last year.

View the Meeting Livestream (recording)
View the 2024 Annual Report

Ordination Date Set for our Seminarian: Kara Laughlin

Saturday, March 1, 10:30 a.m. | St. George’s Episcopal Church, Arlington, VA

Everyone is invited to the ordination ceremony for Kara to the Sacred Order of Deacons. The address is 915 N. Oakland St, Arlington, VA 22203. The service will be available by livestream at saintgeorgeschurch.org/live.

(Asterisk * denotes those in the St. James’ community)

Those Requesting Prayers This Week: The Householder family, Pamela Scott, Erik deVriendt, *Elaine Nunnally, *Dan Thomas,*Bill Rice, and *Harold Neely. 

Those on Our Long-Term Prayer List: Katie B. Sullivan, *Steve Page, Neil Gwinn, Ruth Ann Fox, Timothy McKimmie, Charlotte Giblin, *Rachelle Graves, *Charlotte Woods, Virginia Cogger, *Michael Fabian, Stephanie Kreuger, The Porter family, Ralph Dale, Dwayne Traylor, Brayan Cruz, Jefferson Zapata, *Michael Dowling, Darrell Ackman, Kaleb Cortes, Tony Beltrano, Emily, Mary Ellen Hurley, *Barbara Roark, *Fran Smith, Nicholas Rodney, Ed, *Scott Clark, *Pam Mossburg, Virginia Laughlin, and *Alice Lynn.


Those who have died: Olivia, *Page Barrett,*Peter Schweitzer, Annie Jackson, *Jane Gable, Trudye Pember, and Joe Shircliff.


Those Who Need Our Prayers: All those affected by the fires in California, all those impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton, for the lives lost and that God will sustain them for the recovery ahead, for all those across the globe who suffer the effects of natural disasters; for those who continue to be affected by COVID-19 and for protection of the most vulnerable through the coming flu season and cold weather; for those who are unemployed or underemployed; for those who suffer acts of violence around the world, especially for Ukraine and for the Holy Land; and those serving in the armed forces at home and abroad. 

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: In thanksgiving for God’s Creation and those who care for it. 

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan

Do You Need Prayer or Care?

"In case of illness, the minister of the congregation is to be notified." (BCP p. 453)

Make a prayer request here.

Call the Church Office | Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

(703)777-1124 ext 1 | info@stjamesleesburg.org

After Hours Pastoral Care Line | (202)750-4247

Prayer List Changes

The clergy and Pastoral Associates of the Parish have been considering ways to deepen the prayer life of St. James’. Our parish prayer list is a vital part of our corporate and individual prayers. We also know there are many in need of prayer who are known to God alone. 

One of the ways we hope to hold our St. James’ family in prayer is to denote St. James’ congregants using and asterisk in our printed list. This way, whether on the short-term or long-term, those praying in worship will be able to hold those closest to us in mind. We will always continue to pray for friends and family. 

Though we only name a few names out loud, please use the long-term list in your personal prayers. Many who reside on the list are our home bound folks we send communion to. They are a part of us. Please check our weekly email each week for suggested prayers and our diocesan and Anglican prayer cycles. For questions or suggestions, please reach out to Rev. Marybeth

Click the image to view our full weekly calendar

St. James' Episcopal Church | stjamesleesburg.org

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