Farewell Prayers for the Tiffany Windows THIS Sunday at 8 am and 10 am
In preparation for the removal of the Tiffany Windows for auction in New York, we will say a set of prayers of thanksgiving and farewell this Sunday during the 8 am and 10 am services. When an object which was devoted to a sacred purpose is retired to secular use, the custom of the church is to formally 'secularize' or 'desacralize' the object to mark the transition. These prayers will honor the window, the family that donated the windows, and the feelings of the current congregation as we let them go.
| | Judgment, Accountability and Clarity | |
At Morning Prayer on Thursday, March 13, we read a passage from the Gospel of John that is both very familiar and very unfamiliar. I want to crack it open for you because these words of Jesus are so comforting. Through them we gain insight into how God approaches us and I believe what we learn will dispel some of our fear of judgment.
The familiar part is John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This may be the verse that even the most biblically illiterate Christians know.
The unfamiliar part follows and adds a great deal of nuance: John 3:17 -21.
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
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| | Becoming Beloved Community | |
Becoming Beloved Community: Sacred Conversation on Race
An Anti-Racism training for Spiritual Growth and the building up of an Inclusive Community
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Our theme for Lent, “Loved into Clarity” includes, for those who are ready, the opportunity to seek clarity about racial justice and all the ways that the racism prevalent in our culture has affected our souls. This 5 session training will be offered after church on Sundays in Lent. The course objectives include:
- To provide a spiritual growth opportunity based on the mission of the church and our baptismal vows that brings us closer to the Beloved Community of Jesus Christ.
- To educate members at St. Luke’s in the skills and awareness necessary to become a community that welcomes all people across race and other forms of difference.
- To develop the lens of anti-racism to help us to see and acknowledge racism in our church and our world.
- To build up our capacity to be present and committed to each other through difficult and painful conversations.
The future of the Episcopal Church is diverse and we will either prepare to embrace that fact or wither on the vine. Racism is not yet healed in our country and the church is called to play a role in that healing and restoring work.
| | Keep Watch with Jesus - Vigil at the Altar of Repose | |
Jesus spent an agonizing evening praying in the garden of Gethsemane between the last supper (Maundy Thursday) and his arrest. A long-standing tradition in the church is to accompany Jesus through the night between Maundy Thursday and Good Friday at a special altar where we keep the reserved sacrament in a garden like setting. Essentially, we accept Jesus' request that we "watch with him." This is a wonderful time for prayer and meditation in the quiet of the church at night.
We will offer hour-long shifts for up to four people, or just one person. We will have the bible, prayer books and other resources available for prayer. One custom is to read the Gospel one chapter at a time through the night. More on that later.
The Altar of Repose will be in the Atrium area and accessible through the parking lot door.
Sign up using the button below or the sign-up sheet in the atrium.
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Running through April 20th (Easter)
In what has become a tradition at St. Luke's, parishioners are invited to read, reflect, and write on daily readings.
Interested in writing a Lenten blog? Contact Betsy efornal@aol.com
Click on the button below to subscribe for automatic email notifications when new blogs have been posted! Previous blog subscribers are automatically signed up.
| | | Easter Flower & Music Memorials | | |
We are now accepting donations for flower and music memorials in honor of Easter. The deadline for submissions is April 6, 2025. Please make checks payable to St. Luke's Church, indicating "flower memorials" or "music memorials." Checks can be placed in the Sunday offertory, brought to the church office, or mailed to: St. Luke's Church, 99 Peirce Street, East Greenwich, RI 02818. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Recommended donation per name: $10
| | No Other Land: The Conditions of the Palestinian People | | Movie and Discussion: Join the Interim Rector for a viewing and discussion of "No Other Land" at the Avon Cinema on Thayer Street in Providence at 6:20 pm on Sunday. This Oscar winning documentary film produced by Palestinian and Israelis takes a revealing look at the conditions of the Palestinian people in the West Bank. Please note that this film is best suited for mature audiences. The Interim Rector has spent time on the West Bank with Christian Peace Makers Teams and is eager to watch this film and discuss it. | | | |
St. Luke’s will host Vacation Bible School (VBS) from July 21–25, 2025, for children ages 4–12. This summer’s theme, Waves of Gratitude, will feature a full-day summer camp program filled with fun, faith, and creativity. Parents can expect:
-Water fun
-Music & Movement
-Creative crafts
-STEAM projects
For more information, contact: Amy Weigand, Director of Youth and Family Ministries
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If you are walking through the grief journey because of the death of someone close to you within the last few years, this group is for you!
Please join us in the Blackburn Room tomorrow and let’s navigate through the challenging journey of grief together.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Contact: Nancy Arnold, Certified Grief Counselor nancearnold@yahoo.com
| | | Partner Diocese in South Sudan Needs Funding to Save Lives | | The Diocese of Rhode Island has a long-term partner relationship with the Diocese of Morobo in South Sudan. The desperate situation in South Sudan was made even more deadly by the recent chaotic dismantling of USAID. While individual giving will never match the scale of federal funding supplied by USAID, it is still good and right to give from our abundance to children of God who are facing starvation and disease. Major international charities such as World Vision, Save the Children and Catholic Relief are reeling from the loss of grant support from USAID. We can give directly to the Diocese of Morobo through the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island and be sure that our funds will go directly to that Diocese and used for the stated purpose. Please write checks to St. Luke's and put South Sudan in the memo line. We will collect the funds during Lent and Easter and transfer them to Sudan through our Bishop's office. | | The Diocese of Rhode Island has a long-term partner relationship with the Diocese of Morobo in South Sudan. The desperate situation in South Sudan was made even more deadly by the recent chaotic dismantling of USAID. While individual giving will never match the scale of federal funding supplied by USAID, it is still good and right to give from our abundance to children of God who are facing starvation and disease. Major international charities such as World Vision, Save the Children and Catholic Relief are reeling from the loss of grant support from USAID. We can give directly to the Diocese of Morobo through the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island and be sure that our funds will go directly to that Diocese and used for the stated purpose. Please write checks to St. Luke's and put South Sudan in the memo line. We will collect the funds during Lent and Easter and transfer them to Sudan through our Bishop's office. | | Action Alert: Act Now to Safeguard Our Right to Vote | | | During this time when many of our government institutions are being threatened and dismantled, it is imperative we protect the systems and processes that safeguard our right to vote. General Convention called for reforms that would expand voter registration, increase voter eligibility, and make voting processes more accessible. Legislation recently introduced would restrict these rights and cause harm, with the potential for millions of eligible voters to be disenfranchised. | |
Monday, March 24th at 6:30 PM
We have an exciting meeting lined up for this month, featuring a special talk from Mark Cordle, our Master Gardener, on "Gardening for the Birds: What Homeowners Can Do to Bring Our Birds Back." If you're passionate about nature or looking for ways to make your garden more bird-friendly, you won’t want to miss this!
We'll also be reflecting on the great work done at the ECC during our October Retreat, and discussing upcoming opportunities, including the St. Luke’s Work Party at the ECC on Saturday, April 5th. Come ready to sign up and make a difference!
Plus, we’ll be talking about organizing a meal prep evening to support a local group in need. And don’t miss an update from the recent “Christian Nationalism” conference, attended by several of our TOT members and St. Luke’s Clergy.
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Women of Grace will be meeting Monday, April 7th, 7:00pm in the dining room at St. Luke’s. We will be discussing the book, American Jezebel, by Eve LaPlante. “Considered one of the earliest American feminists, Anne Hutchinson was a spiritual leader in colonial Massachusetts who challenged male authority—and, indirectly, acceptable gender roles—by preaching to both women and men and by questioning Puritan teachings about salvation.” (https://www.womenshistory..org)
In exile from MA, she settled RI (which later merged with Roger William’s Providence Plantation) becoming the only woman to co-found an American colony. One wonders if women face similar challenges today. This is sure to be a fascinating discussion.
Please feel free to bring a savory or sweet to share. Kindly RSVP deblukens73@gmail.com, (908) 500-4573.
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First, we learn that God’s intention for the world is salvation not condemnation. Jesus is here to rescue us not to sentence us to punishment. Many people inherit an image of God as a judge who sentences us as if we are charged criminals. This image simply does not work when compared to what Jesus teaches in the passage above.
God does accountability through clarity.
When a child makes a serious violation they usually hide or lie or both. When I broke my mother’s vase I hid the broken glass, made myself scarce, hoped she would not notice and made up a cover story in case she did. Why? I was ashamed and afraid of punishment. Fear caused me to cover up, deceive, and withdraw from relationship.
Now, faced with this situation as a parent, I could yell and scream, threaten, and get physical. Or, I could simply stand in the truth with the child. This vase is broken, it meant a lot to me, I am sad and I would like you to tell me what happened. This is what it means to choose the light, to trust the truth to do the work. The child is already suffering punishment enough for their misdeed. We can see that pain under the shame and fear. As a parent, the truth will suffice and the way I handle it will make the situation redeeming or scarring.
“Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.”
Light illumines and exposes for the sake of trustworthy relationship. God is not pictured as taking vengeance or harshly condemning. God is imagined as the light and truth that set us free from falsehood, deceit, waywardness and shadow. Our turning away from the light is our judgment inflicted on us by us. When we choose to live in the shadows we enjoy the consequences of a life in the shadows - separation, isolation, desolation, fear, suspicion, conflict with God (sin), character deformation, and soul death.
God only wants to draw us into truth through love that takes away the shame we might fear in our exposure. God does accountability through love and clarity,
Now, I would not blame God for being unhappy with me and humanity in general. We are despoiling all the gifts God gave us. Our humanity, the planet we are called to steward, our relationships, our culture and our economy, and our international relations are all marked by the shadow of our disobedience. The results of sin are evident all around us. Those who enjoy relative prosperity and privilege can ignore, show indifference, live in denial, segregate themselves away, and cast blame in the face of the pain of the world. Or we can follow Jesus into the pain. The way we answer that question reveals our character and commitments and is itself a moment of clarity and accountability.
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St. Luke's Episcopal Church | (401) 884-4116
admin@stlukeseg.org | http://stlukeseg.org
99 Peirce Street
East Greenwich, RI 02818
Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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