Trinity Episcopal Church
139 Ocean Ave.
Cranston, RI 02905
(401) 941-4324
Visit Our Web Site
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Located in Historic Pawtuxet Village of Cranston, Rhode Island
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WATCH for an Email about Sunday Services due to a possible parking ban
If there is snow there will be another email probably Saturday
Contact info for the Reverend Susan Wrathall
You may email Mother Susan at For pastoral emergencies, the contact number is 401-384-0455. To make an appointment, you may either email or call the parish office at 401-941-4324.
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Thank you
I would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to everyone for the generous gift I received at the Annual Meeting. It has been an honor to serve as Senior Warden at Trinity Church and to work, worship and pray alongside some of the finest people on earth. YOU are what make Trinity the wonderful community it is. Thank you.
Last Sunday's Sermon
By Mother Susan
Today is known as The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple. It is that time when according to Jewish law every firstborn son had to be dedicated in God in memory of the Israelites’ deliverance from Egypt, when the firstborn sons of the Egyptians died and those of Israel were spared.
Click to continue reading
Those whom we are remembering in prayer:
Marcia, Bev, Kate, David, Marie, George, Ginny, Becca, Daniel, Billy, Bruce, Eric, Gabi, Corey, Henry, Manny, Tim, Sandy, Harrington, Joan.
Grocery Cards Available Every Sunday
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2025 Episcopal 101
Saturdays, February 1, 8, 15, 22
9-10:30 am
For anyone with questions about the ways in which we worship, think, and act as Episcopalians. Required for all who seek confirmation or reception in the Episcopal Church.
ZOOM is an option!
February 1 – Introduction, Episcopal vocabulary, the Church year
February 8– How Anglicans view/use Scripture, Praying Shapes Believing
February 15 – Sacraments
February 22 – Anglican Temperament, Church history and Polity
Each week we begin and end with your questions!
The book will be provided – sign up below.
Social Outreach
FOOD DONATIONS Always needed for the
Ecumenical Food Closet
This week’s report from the Food Closet echoes what we have heard for the last few months “cereal goes as fast as it arrives.” A new suggestion this week is:
VIENNA SAUSAGES IN A CAN (yummy). And why not throw in a can opener…
All donations are appreciated, especially:
Tomato sauce
Milk - boxed or powdered
Snacks for school children
Chef Boyardee - Spaghetti and
meatballs are a favorite!
Whenever possible, please use strong bags or double bag.
Thank you,
Sue Hinckley, Social Outreach Committee Chair
Contact Sue if you have any questions:
Sunday ⬅️Bulletin link Service at 10am is live streamed on the Trinity Church facebook page: @trinitypawtuxet
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