Click here to view this Sunday's Worship Bulletin.

First Presby Weekly Newsletter

March 20, 2025

Thank you to those serving this Sunday

Coffee Cove Volunteers: Christa Reynolds, Pastor Kate  

Counters: Dave Hartrum, Kathy Wike    

Liturgist: Jeanne Richards

Ushers: Dave & Nancy Hartrum, Jim Orlando, Jr. 


Lenten Practice Activity

Practicing Awe, Week 3: "Jesus and Curiosity"

Click here to view

Time to order Easter Flowers!

Order forms will be in the Sunday Bulletin for the next few weeks. If you'd like to order via email, please review the form, and email Kara at with your order. Or you may print out the order form and mail it to Kara's attention. Thanks!

* There are 2 tables left available to rent. Please get your request for one to Anna Greene ASAP.

* You may now drop off any donations for Tower Youth to sell. Please put items narthex/coat closet area in Fellowship Hall. 

* Contact: Anna Greene

Donations of plastic eggs filled with wrapped candy, stickers, or sensory friendly options, are needed for the hunt! Beginning this Sunday, there will be boxes of empty eggs in the Narthex that need to be filled. Help yourself. Please bring back to church by Wednesday, April 9th.



Thursday, March 20

6PM Girl Scouts/Cory Cehlar~FH

6:30PM Handbell Rehearsal

7PM Boy Scouts Leader Mtg~LH

7:30PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal


Friday, March 21

5-8PM Cub Scouts/Pinewood Derby Set-up ~FH

6:30PM Al-Anon~LH


Saturday, March 22

11-5PM Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby ~FH 

Sunday, March 23

10AM Worship

11AM WOW Choir Rehearsal

11AM Coffee Cove

1PM Phila Chorus Rehearsal~FH

5:30PM Confirmation Class

6:30PM Tower Youth


Monday, March 24

7PM Zoom Lenten Study

7PM Boy Scouts~FH


Tuesday, March 25

10AM Knitting~LO


Wednesday, March 26

9AM Springfield Garden Club~FH

6:30PM Session Meeting~Library


Thursday, March 27

6:30PM Handbell Rehearsal

7PM Boy Scouts Leader Mtg~LH

7:30PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal


Friday, March 28

6:30PM Al-Anon~LH


Saturday, March 29

8AM-12PM Tower Youth Indoor Yard Sale~Fellowship Hall

9AM Boy Scouts Meeting~LH



Here's how to get in touch with Pastor Kate...


call or text~ 856-889-6172

First Presbyterian Church | 610-543-5110 | | | FPC YouTube Channel | Facebook

Open Office Hours:

Monday through Thursday 9AM to 1PM