The Third Sunday After The Epiphany

January 26, 2025

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We invite everyone to share communion around God's altar. We strive to be a welcoming and relevant Christian community doing what matters through prayer, worship, teaching, outreach, fellowship, and service.

We will demonstrate the real life application of scripture, tradition, and reason by providing a safe place to respond to each other's needs, hurts, joys, and interests.

Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

1755 Duncan Bridge Rd. Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571


"The Episcopal Church in White County" 

Hello Resurrection,

Welcome to the latest edition of our eNewsletter.


Wherever you are on your faith journey, may you discover God's spirit here at Resurrection. May you experience God's love and feel God's blessing as you participate in the life of the parish. 


If you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care, please contact the parish office, a member of the clergy, or a member of the vestry.  Please do not hesitate to let us know of any needs that arise.

Susan Hall is undergoing treatment for lung cancer.

Hey, good people of Resurrection, can you answer this Bible question?


What are the first three words of the Bible?


If you answered, “In the beginning,”







This Sunday at 9:30 

All questions either answered, or at least tolerated!

Stay Tuned

For an important announcement


Children’s Chapel

This Sunday, Jan. 26

At both services

A Message From Your Nominating Committee

During the process of searching for a priest, the nominating committee would like parishioners to give responses and suggestions to a question of the week. The questions will relate to many of the CAT survey results. Each week a question will be published in the newsletter on Fridays. If you choose to respond, anonymously or not, leave your response in "The Question Box" in the Narthex.

Question of the Week!!!

Please list ideas on how Resurrection can become more flexible in accomplishing our mission?

Please be as specific as possible with your ideas for improvement.

The 2025 Flower Schedule is available by clicking on the "Sign up for altar flowers" button on the Home page of


Promise 686

Our church has had a wonderful opportunity through the White County DFACS Care Portal to help a young woman living in Cleveland. She has 2 children that have been in the foster care system for 2 years and a 5 month old baby that has not been removed from her care. The courts will reunify her with the 2 older children soon but she has had a series of life challenges that have caused her a great deal of grief and depression. Several ladies of our church come alongside her to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support to help her through this challenging period. It is truly the gospel of Jesus in action!

Our next Compassion Team meeting is Tuesday, January 28 at 6 p.m. Everyone is invited to join us in this rewarding ministry!nyon


Foyers is an opportunity for people in the parish to get to know one another better by sharing a meal on a monthly basis for a set period of time. Ideally there are four couples or individuals in each Foyers group but there is really no right way or wrong way to populate a Foyers group. In the past some groups have met at the host's house or at restaurants or gone on a picnic - anything that works for the group is fine. The group members take turns hosting the dinner. We hope you will consider participating with Foyers. Look for the sign-up sheet in the Narthex or talk to Sue Duffield for more information.

Women's Bible Study

The Women's Bible Study meets the first and third Thursdays of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the room across from the Sacristy. Please join us to study the book by Barbara Brown Taylor called Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others.

Sunday, January 26

8:30 Holy Eucharist

9:30 Christian Formation w/Father Dean

10:30 Holy Eucharist

12:00 Daughters of the King

Tuesday, January 28

10:00 Exercise Class

11:30 WRECs' lunch at Javi's Mexican Grill

6:00 Compassion Team Meeting

6:30 Boy Scouts

Wednesday, January 29

5:00 Choir Rehearsal

7:00 AA Meeting



Dave Maier


Dave Maier


Madeline Braswell



Richard Griffin


Nancy Phillips

Paul Kimball

Chalice Bearer

Nancy LaForce


Nancy LaForce


Larry Roland

George Case


Colley Case


Nancy LaForce

Streaming Tech

Nancy Cato

Vestry Person of the Day

Nancy LaForce


January 26, 2025

The Lectionary

Click here for full texts

Liturgy of the Word

First Lesson

Isaiah 62:1-5



Second Lesson

1 Corinthians 12:1-11


John 2:1-11

January 26-31, 2025

1/27 Stephanie Bolton

1/30 Wayne Hardy

None Known

The WRECs' Lunch Bunch meets for lunch at 11:30 a.m. each Tuesday. Below is the schedule for January:

1/7 Cowboys & Angels

1/14 Creekside Deli

1/21 Clyde's Table & Tavern

1/28 Javi's Mexican Grill

If you have any questions, please contact

Joanna Moylan (706) 969-1379 or Pat Roland (706) 865-1204

(If the designated restaurant is closed,

Creekside Deli is the backup location)

1/26 Steve Smith, John & Lisa Stump, Rick & Sherry Thomas

1/27 Lori & Stephen Van De Kreke, William Walden

1/28 Don & Holly Walker, Marty Welch

1/29 David & Helen Wilkins, the Williamson family

1/30 Frank & Jean Wollrab, Mark & Denise Workman

1/31 Denny & Alice Wydra, Steve Wydra

Our Deacon Lisa Parker is being reassigned to a Toccoa parish. We wish her all the best.

Do you want to help Resurrection purchase everyday essential items so the budget can focus more on our community mission and ministry? Through our new Amazon Wishlist, you can simply click on one or more of our listed essential items and it will be sent directly to Resurrection. Just click HERE to access the list. Thank you for your generosity!

Click here to subscribe to Resurrection's YouTube Channel
so you can watch Sunday services live or later on.

The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.

Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571



The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, Bishop

The Rev. Dean Taylor, Interim Rector

The Rev. Sue Duffield, Priest Associate

Donna Brown, Administrative Assistant

Julie Seabolt, Preschool Director

Dr. Lauren Ringwall, Minister of Music

Marie Meeks, Sexton


Nancy LaForce (2025) - Participation

Sherry McCollum (2025), Junior Warden - Compassion

Kevin Wilson (2025) - Formation

Collier Cato (2026) - Compassion

Denise Ingels (2026), Senior Warden - Compassion

Mark Ringwall (2026) - Formation

Holly Walker (2026) - Participation

Teresa Barry (2026) - Participation

Ellen Auchenpaugh (2026) - Compassion

Nancy Cato, Vestry Clerk

Andy Gilbert, Treasurer

Nancy Cato

The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

1755 Duncan Bridge Rd.
Sautee-Nacoochee, GA 30571

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