News & Updates

Biboon (Winter) 2025

Boozhoo! (Hello & Welcome!)

We hope you will enjoy hearing about the good work happening.

Maada'ookiing (“the distribution” in Ojibwe) is a Native-led program of the Northland Foundation designed to strengthen relationships with and offer support to Native American community members doing individual or small group work outside of formal nonprofit organizations or Tribal nation entities.

A grant opportunity is offered three times per year, awarding up to $5,000 per grant for Tribal citizens, descendants, or individuals with kinship ties or affiliation to Native American communities for projects happening within the foundation’s geographic service area. Grant applications are accepted any time.

Maada'ookiing Grants Awarded

Congratulations & Miigwech Summer/Fall 2024 Grantees!

Cassandra Losh, Deer River: $2,500

To hold classes teaching traditional Ojibwe floral art on various mediums in District 1 of the Leech Lake Reservation.


Danielle Fairbanks, Duluth: $2,500

To hold classes for the Duluth Native American community to learn about traditional moccasin construction and design.


Chantel Novak, Cass Lake: $2,500

To hold a multi-day class teaching native youth beadwork in District 1 of the Leech Lake Reservation.


Emma Carlson, Grand Portage: $5,000

To provide supplies and space for Grand Portage elders to gather and create sewing projects.


David Wise, Sawyer: $5,000

To support a series of classes about harvesting, processing, and utilizing bison.


Jessica Bobrowski, Deer River: $2,500

To support a series of classes that bring community members together with native artists in Itasca County.


John Daniel, Redby: $2,500

To support documenting and sharing audio and video Ojibwe language speakers in the region.

Sharon Nordrum, Laporte: $5,000

To support a series of gatherings at Leech Lake District 1 to play Snow Snakes, a traditional Ojibwe wintertime game.


Victoria McMillen, Cloquet: $2,500

To support gatherings where community members can create cultural items and learn about leatherworking on Fond du Lac Reservation.


John McMillen, Cloquet: $2,500

To support community gatherings where men and boys can create drumsticks and learn drum teachings at Fond du Lac Reservation.

Maada'ookiing in the News

Earlier this month, William Lien with WDIO-ABC Duluth talked to Program Officer, Cayla Bellanger DeGroat, about Maada'ookiing. We talked about the program and the impact our grantees' work has on their communities.

Click for the story and video!

“The secret of our success is that we never, never give up."

-Wilma Mankiller (Cherokee), activist, social worker, community developer, Principal Chief of Cherokee Nation

Next Grant Round

To be considered for the next round of funding, apply by

February 15, 2025.


Since the program began in May 2021, 88 Maada’ookiing grants totaling approximately $240,000 have been given to a diverse range of projects that:

  • Support Native American youth.
  • Strengthen use of or access to Native American language (including also digital apps, dictionaries, video, and other creative projects).
  • Share Native American culture/spiritual practices.
  • Sustain Tribal civic engagement, sovereignty, and self-determination (including non-partisan get out the vote or civic education). 
  • Shift the narrative and increase visibility of contemporary Native American communities.
  • Promote Native American leadership and experiences (projects that provide training, networking, and education opportunities).
  • Engage in Native American grassroots organizing (projects that strengthen community well-being and/or respond to Native American community issues).

Do you have a great community project idea? You can submit your application at any time, using the website portal, and now can request a grant up to $5,000.

Questions? Need assistance? Email us at

Keep in Touch - Photos Wanted!

Are you a current or former Maada'ookiing grantee? We would love to hear from you and possibly share your project with others!

Please contact us at with stories or photos of your experiences doing your project work.

Funding Eligibility

map of northland foundation service area with all or parts of the 5 reservations and 7 counties highlighted

This opportunity offers grants to individuals or informal groups (not official nonprofits organizations). Applicants must be citizens, descendants, or have kinship ties or affiliation to Native American communities.

The project or work to be supported must be taking place within the Northland Foundation's service area: the Tribal lands of the Zagaakwaandagowininiwag (Bois Forte Band of Chippewa), Gichi Onigaming (Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), Nagaajiwanaang (Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), Gaa-zagaskwaajimekaag (Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, District I) and Misi-zaaga'igani Anishinaabeg (Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, District II) as well as the Minnesota counties of Aitkin, Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, and St. Louis.

Ojibwemowin-Ojibwe Language Vocabulary


there is a crust on the snow

Land Acknowledgement

The Northland Foundation’s geographic service area rests on ceded territory established by the Treaties of 1837, 1854, 1855, and 1866 between the Anishinaabe/Ojibwe Nations and the United States government. This region is the traditional homelands of the Ojibwe, Dakota, Northern Cheyenne, and other Native nations, and Indigenous people continue to live here. We humbly acknowledge that we are on traditional Indigenous land that holds a long history that continues to grow. Our relationships today shape and define our ongoing shared history. Together, we are actively building mutual respect based on trust and understanding. See a more detailed acknowledgement of this land and its history.

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