21 - 22 Adar || Vayakhel/Parah || March 21 - 22, 2025

Friday, 3/21

7:00am Shacharit

8:10am Shacharit

6:50pm Candle Lighting

6:55pm Mincha

YIS Eruv is up

Shabbat, 3/22

8:15am Hashkama Minyan

9:00am Main Shul

9:00am Sephardic Minyan

9:30am Teen Minyan

6:50pm Mincha

7:50pm Havdalah

Sunday, 3/23

7:00am Shacharit

8:30am Shacharit

7:00pm Mincha/Maariv

Monday, 3/24

6:45am Shacharit

8:00am Shacharit

7:00pm Mincha/Maariv

Tue - Wed, 3/25 -3/26

7:00am Shacharit

8:00am Shacharit

7:00pm Mincha/Maariv

Thursday, 3/27

6:45am Shacharit

8:00am Shacharit

7:00pm Mincha/Maariv

Friday, 3/28

7:00am Shacharit

8:10am Shacharit

6:57pm Candle Lighting

7:00pm Mincha

YIS Eruv is up

Mezonos Kiddush

w/ kokosh, rugelach, coffee, and cakes

8am - 10am

Torah Reader

Jason Ingerman 

Friday Morning Shiur


Kiddush Sponsor

YIS Kiddush Fund

Hashkama Kiddush Sponsor

Aria and Phil Fried

on the occasion of the Aufruf and upcoming wedding of their son, 

Avi to Orli Mashiach, 

daughter of Talia and Shmuel Mashiach of Chicago, IL

Shalosh Seudot Sponsor


Mazal Tov

Aria and Phil Fried

on the Aufruf and upcoming marriage of their son,

Avi to Orli Mashiach,

daughter of Shmuel and Talia Mashiach of Chicago, IL

and to brother and sister-in-law, Shimon and Davida Fried,

and to sister, Allegra Fried,

and to the extended Mayer and Fried families

Sirena Silber

and we remember Dan Silber, z"l

on the Aufruf and upcoming marriage of her son,

Joseph to Naomi Galel,

and to parents, Jill and Yori Galel of Boca Raton, FL

Fern & Lou Oppenheim

on the engagement of their son, 

Jonathan to Alexa Mund, 

daughter of Debbie & Scott Mund of Los Angeles, CA

Lisa and James Shenwick

on the engagement of their son, 

Daniel to Kelly Sterman, 

daughter of Dr. Harris and Dalit Sterman of Teaneck, NJ 

Boris Shtonda

on his engagement to Anna Rotem Kozinets

Have a Mazal Tov to Announce? Click HERE!

Safe Travels

צאתכם לשלום

To the Leffell 8th Graders who will be embarking on a journey to Israel.

May their trip be inspirational, meaningful, and safe!

Sarah Scharf

Jordana Schwartz

YIS Capital Campaign - Parlor Meeting Sign Ups

In an effort to provide additional information regarding the expansion plan, we will be hosting parlor meetings at homes of Young Israel of Scarsdale families. These parlor meetings will be hosted over the coming weeks and will give you an opportunity to ask any questions and provide other feedback. The following parlor meeting dates are scheduled prior to Pesach.

Please note we are limiting each parlor meeting to a fixed number of congregant families to facilitate dialogue. As a result, we will follow-up with you to confirm the date of the parlor meeting you will be attending. 


Support the YIS Kiddush Fund

Each week, YIS caters a full community-wide kiddush for the Hashkama and Main minyanim. Thank you to the many families who have contributed to the Kiddush Fund in support of this tasty initiative.*  

To keep this weekly initiative active, we need more help from the community.  Please consider participating if you haven’t already donated to the Kiddush Fund this year.

*If you have chosen to opt into the Kiddush Fund, please log into your ShulCloud Account to submit payment.

A Note from the Office...

Please remember to settle any outstanding commitments as your support ensures that YIS can continue to provide the wonderful programming that you enjoy.

Please reach out to Marsha for wiring instructions to Wells Fargo Advisors if you are transferring stock. We are no longer using Wedbush.

You can contact Marsha, at if you have any questions or need assistance processing a payment.

Add Your Checking/Bank Account to Your ShulCloud Account!

The simplest way to pay your bill is to pay online via eCheck (automatic debits from your checking account.)

eCheck is easy and efficient, and there is NO FEE. It is time-saving for you (no need to write a check and mail it) and very efficient for YIS (no handling necessary). Credit cards are accepted, but please note there is a 2.9% processing fee. To use your Checking account, please click on the button below for instructions on setting up eCheck.

Click Here for Instructions on How To Add to Your Account!

Introducing the YIS Professional Network

We are launching an initiative to create a vibrant professional networking and mentorship platform within our synagogue. Our goal is to connect those seeking career guidance, job opportunities, or internships with experienced professionals who are willing to share their knowledge and insights.

By working together, we can create a powerful network that nurtures professional growth, facilitates job opportunities, and empowers our members to achieve their career aspirations.

Click Here to Take the Survey

Learning w/ YIS


Sponsor a Day or Weekend of Learning
Sponsor the Friday Morning Shiur, Kiddushim, Shalosh Seudot for a LIfe Cycle Event

Rabbi Sacks, zt"l Weekly Parsha


Web Yeshiva Daf Yomi YIS Classes Streamed Live & Archived

Rabbi Dr. Gidon Rothstein via livestream

7:30am Sunday

6:15am Monday-Friday


Support Israel with YIS

Pray for the Peace of Israel, its citizens & the IDF

Support the Neshama of Am Yisrael: WHAT WE CAN DO SPIRITUALLY
YIS Tehillim for IDF Soldiers WhatsApp Group - In which we recite rounds of Tehillim together in support of our community’s and all of the brave IDF soldiers in Israel
Advocate on Behalf of Am Yisrael: ACTIVISM WE CAN DO

Click below to view our December YIS Solidarity Mission 2.0 to Israel


Our community is honored to have the following young men and women affiliated with YIS families serving as IDF Soldiers. Please click the link below to our YIS WhatsApp Group to daven for our community and all of the brave IDF soldiers in Israel

YIS Mishebeirach for Our Chayalim WhatsApp Group

Please keep them in your prayers always:

Miriam Emunah Bienenfeld

Simcha Bryks,

Yehuda Meir Bryks,

Yaakov Eyal,

Cfir Feinberg,

Eitan Feinberg,

Ori Feinberg,

Zohar Feinberg,

Ahron Finkel,

Asher Fredman,

Shlomo Fried,

Gedaliah Freund,

Yaakov Freund,

Yehuda Freund,

Yishai Freund,

Yehuda Gannon,

Ariela Guigui,

Miki Hill,

Mara Hochheiser,

Michael Kesselman,

Ronen Kesselman,

Liam Lourie,

Netzach Lourie,

Kliel Nidam,

Daniel Mestel,

Eitan Mestel,

Gaby Mestel,

Jacob Rivkin,

Zach Schwarzbaum,

Natanel Saker,

Eden Shmuel,

Liam Shmuel,

Raquel Schnall,

Benjamin Sipzner,

Yitz Taragin

Click Here to Download the Emissary App

Academy of Jewish Studies

  • The Sunday Morning Halacha Shiur - w/ Rabbi Klinger 7:45am

  • Women’s Tehillim - Mondays 9:30am | @ Home of Vicki Bienenfeld (15 Reyna Lane, New Rochelle)

  • Torat Rav Kook: Insights on Talmudic Tales of Jewish Life and the Jewish Soul w/ Rabbi Morgenstern - Tuesdays 7:40am (following 7am Shacharit)

  • Daf HaShavuah w/ Reb Ariel Schneider - Wednesdays 7:45am (following 7am Shacharit)

  • "This Week's Parsha": Uncovering the Hidden Dimension of the Parsha w/ Rabbi Morgenstern - Fridays after the 7am Shacharit w/ Full Breakfast

  • Daf Yomi Shiur - w/ Rabbi Dr. Gidon Rothstein - Sunday 7:30am; Monday-Thursday 6:15am

Upcoming Events @ YIS

Click Here to RSVP

Save the Date:

Peace of Mind is coming to Young Israel of Scarsdale

May 18-25, 2025!

We are thrilled to be hosting a group of IDF veterans through Peace of Mind. We have the opportunity to provide these heroes space, hospitality and chizuk as they participate in a weeklong therapy workshop in a Jewish community outside of Israel. We need our community’s participation to make this experience meaningful and impactful for our IDF veterans.

There are so many different ways to get involved to create a memorable and impactful experience for our IDF heroes and for our community. We need lots of volunteers to help coordinate all aspects of their visit!  

Please click here to read about the various committees created to manage different aspects of the program and please indicate if you would like to be a part of any of these committees.

Save the date for a community Friday Night Shabbat Dinner with our IDF Heroes on May 23, 2025. More details to follow.

Click Here to Donate

Prepping for Pesach @ YIS

Help Us Welcome and Host Our Benot Sherut!

Please help YIS welcome Nitzan and Meitav by hosting them for a Shabbat/Chag meal! Your hospitality will have a significant positive impact on their experience and our community.

Click Here to Sign Up for Our Meal Train for the YIS Banot

Community Calendar


The powerful new documentary, October 8, exposes the alarming rise of antisemitism in the U.S., particularly on college campuses, following the Israel-Gaza war. It reveals how student protests escalated into something far more insidious.

Despite being rejected by film festivals, denied advertising, and struggling for funding, the filmmaker fought to get this story out—and now, for just one week starting March 13, AMC Theatres is giving it a platform.

Right now, seats are still empty—and we need to fill them! Let’s show AMC they made the right decision. Buying a ticket isn’t just watching a film—it’s taking a stand.

🎟 Get your tickets now and help spread the word! Click below for your local showing.

Ongoing @ YIS

YIS Sisterhood


For Pickup orders, Click Here
To Purchase and Ship the Book, Click Here

YIS WhatsApp Groups

Stay Connected!

YIS Community Am Yisrael Chesed Group

Click above to access timely announcements and messages from the Rabbis and Shul leadership

YIS Parsha Project

Click above to learn the weekly Parsha with the YIS Community!

Scarsdale Babysitting

Connects our community's teens and parents looking for babysitters. Parents post in the group with their babysitting needs, and teens can respond that they are available.

YIS Mikveh

YIS has had an operational Mikveh for more than 40 years. Please support our Mikveh which is open every evening by appointment for women. All are welcome.

To make an appointment, call: 914-472-0946.

Lisa Septimus is available to answer women's questions regarding Mikveh,

Taharat Hamishpacha, family planning and other intimacy-related matters. 


YIS Shidduch Initiative:

The YIS Singles Network Live (SNL) - WhatsApp Group Forum

A resource for singles and shadchans alike to see what singles events are being offered in the Tri-State area, in particular, and in other geographic areas, as well - for those singles who may be traveling outside of the Tri-State area.

To Join the WhatsApp Group, Click Here

Singles can also private message us anytime:

Vicki Bienenfeld 917-405-0273 | Sharon Freudenstein 914-715-9193

Life Cycle Links

Mazal Tov Announcement

Click above to add your Mazal Tov to next week's Young Israelight!

Mishebeirach Prayers

For anyone in need of a Refuah. The names will be added to the weekly Tehillim list.

Donation E-Card

Send an email acknowledgement In Honor Of/In Memory of or Make a Dedication

Yahrzeit Notification Form

To add to our records and receive notifications.

Yahrzeit Plaques

Illuminated every year on your loved ones yahrzeit. Cost $750. Contact Ken Chorzewski: 914-235-0860

Cemetery Plots

YIS maintains a dedicated section @ Beth El Cemetery, Paramus, NJ for members and their families. Click above if interested in purchasing burial plots. If you wish to obtain information about Beth El Cemetery, please  click here - Beth El Cemetery.

Community Assistance


Lends available Shabbat compliant electric scooter, wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs, etc. to Shul members. 

Established by the Aspis and Bryks families in memory of Israel Friedrich, Yisroel Meir ben Mordechai and Thelma Herskowitz, Tova Leah bat Yitzchak Tzvi Hacohen

Safety Reflector Vests Available

Help us keep your family safe when walking to/from Shul at night. Please pick up at the Shul office.

Courtesy of Sandra and Ira Greenstein

Other Links/Information

Access YIS Zoom Meeting Room
Reserve a Shul Cubby

To store your Tallit and other weekly shul-related items. Cost is $50/yr custom nameplate included. Contact Ken Chorzewski @ 914-235-0860