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Use OPTION 2 TO PROVIDE WRITTEN TESTIMONY. You can submit written testimony for up to 24 hours after the deadline. Enter your position as CON. Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and enter your testimony and submit Registration. You may write your own testimony, you may use some or all of the bill summary provided below as your testimony, or you may simply state you OPPOSE this bill. Option 2 holds more weight.
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Bill summaries provided by the Skagit Click & Send Team
BILL TITLE: Concerning school district elections.
Bill Summary of SB 5186 This bill changes the percent of voters voting in an election to 55% in giving approval for the indebtedness of a school district, regardless of the total number of voters voting on the proposition. Currently the requirement is 60% of voters and is based on the number of voters who voted in the last general election. By approving this bill, school boards may borrow money and issue and sell bonds with 55% of voters’ approval. This bill is also not tied to achievement by our students. About half of our students are not at grade level in math, English or science. This again, bypasses the safeguards put into place to ensure an actual majority of voters give approval. This bill would make it very difficult if not impossible to vote down school district bonds.
This bill is scheduled for a public hearing in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education on Jan 16 at 10:30 AM . Deadline to respond is Jan16 at 9:30 AM
Option 1 CLICKHERE to state your position.
Option 2 CLICKHERE to submit written testimony. You can submit written testimony for up to 24 hours after the deadline.
Option 3 CLICKHERE to testify via ZOOM.