Friday Newsletter

November 22, 2024

This Sunday

10 am: Worship Service & Sunday School

11:15 am: Coffee Hour

11:30 am: Election Debrief Listening Circle

11:30 am: New Song Chimes Rehearsal

3:00-5:00 pm: Advent Craft Event

6:00 pm: High School Youth Group

From your Session

The Westminster Session met for their monthly stated meeting on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 6:00 in Russell Hall. All Elders were in attendance. There was a discussion of Chapter 5 of the book Being Church in a Liminal Time. There were two focused discussions, one on the “Open Letter for Hope in Salem & Keizer” and the post-election listening session that was held after church on November 17. The second discussion was on considerations for the Nominating team who will be meeting soon. The motion to adjourn and closing prayer came at 7:45.

Sandy McLean, Clerk of Session

Looking Ahead

November 24 @ 3 pm: Advent Craft Event

November 27 @ 7 pm: Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Service at St. Paul's Episcopal

November 30 @ 10 am: Deck the Halls (church decorating)

December 9 @ 6 pm: Women's Night Out Cookie Exchange

December 16, 1-6 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive

February 2 & 9 @ 11:30 am: New Member Class

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email


Invite your friends and come for a cozy afternoon of Advent and Christmas crafting on Sunday, November 24, drop in from 3-5 pm. All ages welcome to enjoy the hot cocoa bar, music, and crafts, including the famous graham cracker houses!

Deck the Halls--we need all hands! Advent is coming, and we need help decorating the church. Please join us for the annual decorating party on Saturday, November 30, from 10 am 'til we're done, or maybe around 1 pm. Many hands make light work! (Un-decorating will happen Saturday, January 11.)

Women's Night Out at WPC! Cookie Exchange is Monday, December 9 at 6 pm. Bring five dozen cookies to exchange and a salad to share.


THERE'S A CHANGE! The Table of Plenty Boxes have been moved to Boulder Hall, and are located on the left hand side of the entrance. Also, we are designating the third Sunday of each month as TOP DAY! Any time is fine, but the TOP crew will be taking our food offerings to Table of Plenty on the third Tuesday of each month. December 22 will be our next "3rd Sunday/TOP DAY"! Thanks to all for supporting this endeavor. The folks who shop at TOP are a very grateful group.


Greetings all,

The big holidays for many of us are coming up this month and next. Many of us will EAT a prodigious amount near the end of November! It helps when one consumes foods that boost our blood hemoglobin (iron) levels. It can be disappointing to have an appointment and come out to Boulder Hall, only to be “deferred” until another time when one’s hemoglobin is at a more normal level. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and organs, and returns carbon dioxide to the lungs: so you can be sure it is important to the American Red Cross that your blood is at an appropriate level when you arrive to give! Each pint of blood we collect can help save up to three lives and will touch the lives of so many more. What a great way to pay it forward and make an impact on people in our community and across the country. We are very excited about the drive and I hope you are too. To sign up for a donation appointment please let me know at the contact information below OR use the Red Cross blood donor App on your smartphone or comuputer:

Kind Regards,

Bill Nelson and the rest of the Westminster Presbyterian Church American Red Cross blood program coordinator crew!  

The Caring Tree Project, a cherished tradition at Oregon State Hospital, helps make the Holiday Season special for OSH patients. Patient tags, each carrying a heartfelt wish, will adorn our Caring Tree in Westminster's narthex. These tags represent safe gifts requested by patients. With your help we fulfill some of those requests to brighten their lives. OSH officials report past contributions from Westminster members and friends have created lasting memories and brought smiles to the faces of OSH patients. We are excited to continue this tradition of kindness, and hope you will again join us spread Holiday love at OSH. Look for the Caring/Giving Tree in our Narthex, soon!


Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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