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eNews for February 14, 2025

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  • Gateway Center Monthly Meal - SIGN UP
  • Feast of Absalom Jones Service - 2/15
  • February Artist to visit on Sunday - 2/16
  • Walk in Love shoe drive - ends 2/16
  • Contemplative Practice Meets on Sunday - 2/16
  • Endowment Applications - DUE 2/26
  • Chez Epiphany Class - RSVP for 2/27
  • Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - 3/4
  • Ash Wednesday - 3/5

This Sunday

Livestream Options:

YouTube Link | Zoom Link

Bulletin for 2/16

Worship with us at 10:00 a.m.


Adult Formation

Sundays at 11:30 a.m. • parish hall

Join the Rev. Amy Dills-Wright and the Rev. Carmie McDonald for the final part of the four-part adult formation series, “Returning to our Roots.” We will explore our Anglican/Episcopal identity including our history and governance, theology, sacraments, and spirituality.

Formation Play List

You can find the playlist for the current formation classes at Epiphany's YouTube Channel, as well as previous courses: Visit the playlist.


Children & Youth

Sundays at 11:30 a.m. • locations vary

Click here to register your children and youth or check out the bulletin boards on either the 1st and 2nd floors.

  • Godly Play—Ages 3 - 3rd grade, Room 203
  • Youth & High School Formation—4th - 12th Grade will meet together in the donut den this week for a confirmation panel discussion! Youth and adults who were previously confirmed will answer questions and tell their stories of finding home in the Episcopal Church.

Community Engagement

We regret to inform you about the passing of the 49th Aga Khan (Prince Karim), the spiritual leader of our Ismaili Muslim neighbors with whom we have a longstanding relationship and collaborate for our annual River Clean-Up. The Aga Khan foundation does humanitarian work around the world, and Karim was an especially beloved figure who served as the Aga Khan for sixty-eight years. Please take a moment to offer condolences by signing the sympathy card that will be available during coffee hour on Sunday. Epiphanite and Emory professor Jim Hoesterey will be available to answer any questions you have.

Click here for an AP article about Prince Karim Al-Hussaini >>


Annual "Walk in Love" Shoe Drive

This Sunday is the deadline to donate shoes.

Epiphany’s Youth are collecting new athletic shoes to support our friends at Church of the Common Ground through our annual “Walk in Love” Shoe Drive.

You can help by donating new women’s and men’s shoes, especially men’s sizes 10-13. Please bring donations to the church by February 16.


Contemplative Practice

Sunday, February 16

Come gather with us on Sunday at 4:00 p.m. for a time of reflection, meditation instruction, and gathering with others seeking a more grounded way of being in the world. Led by Bobbi Patterson, Elizabeth Ura and Amy Dills-Wright.

Contact: The Rev. Amy Dills-Wright, Rector


Youth Group will not meet this Sunday

There will be no youth group this week because of winter break. We look forward to seeing you next week.


Art Ministry

Now Showing for the month of February

Epiphany’s Art Ministry welcomes art made from recycled materials by Carol Veliotis for the month of February. The items she uses are collected from her daily walks.

Carol is visiting with us Sunday. Please come and great her in the gallery.

Click here to learn more about the artist and the art ministry >>

Altar Arrangements & Sanctuary Light Sign Up

For Sunday, February 14:

  • The Arrangements at the Altar and the Sanctuary Light are given to the Glory of God.

Altar Arrangements & the Sanctuary Light can be given in honor of an anniversary, birthday, or in memory of a loved one. Click the button link to reserve dates that have meaning for you.

Sign up for Altar Arrangements or the Sanctuary Light

This Week at Epiphany


Weekday Services

visit for details

  • Weekday Morning Prayer—9:00 a.m. online, request the login link from the parish office.
  • Tuesday Morning Prayer (Holy Eucharist 1st Tuesdays)—7:00 a.m. in the side chapel
  • Wednesday Noonday Prayer—12:00 p.m. in the side chapel, a Healing Service and Eucharist follows at 12:15 p.m.


Endowment Grant Submission CLOSES ON FEBRUARY 26

Grant Application

The 30-day period for requesting disbursements from the Epiphany Endowment Fund opened on the day of the Annual Parish Meeting, January 26, 2025.

Request forms are available at fund of the Epiphany website. Application Deadline is Wednesday, February 26, 2025. Please return them by email to the parish office.


Parent Feedback Session

February 23 at 5:00 p.m.

2/23—Parents of our youth are invited to join the Rev. Carmie McDonald and Taylor Irwin to discuss their experience with youth programming at Epiphany. The session will be held on Sunday, February 23 during youth group. Please join us to share your thoughts, ask questions, and connect with others on the parenting journey!

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Register for a session
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2/27—The next Chez Epiphany Cooking Class with Joel Fowler will be Thursday, February 27 from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. The topic for this session is Pasta Making! We'll make fresh pasta using rolling machines and rolling pins, and then, of course, cook and eat what we've made. No previous experience is needed. The cost is $30 per person, which includes the class and the dinner we have together from what we cook.

Register for the class


Shrove Tuesday

Tuesday, March 4

Come to the parish hall at 5:30 p.m. to help decorate the Alleluia Banner. All ages welcome! Then join us at 6:00 p.m. for pancakes (cooked by our Youth) and/or potluck Cajun (you bring it). There will be King Cake for dessert. The Burning of the Palms Liturgy will follow in the Courtyard at 6:45 p.m.


Pancake Supper & Mardi Gras Potluck - Tuesday, March 4

Served from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m.

The Epiphany Youth will be preparing a pancake supper to celebrate Shrove Tuesday, and to raise money for the youth pilgrimage this year to Suwanee, TN.

One serving is 3 pancakes (with toppings) and 2 pieces of bacon or 1 vegetarian sausage. There will be a gluten-free option available as well.

Please RSVP so that we know how much batter and bacon/veggie sausage to buy and cook. We also encourage you to bring a topping or a side—the theme is cajun food, for Mardi Gras!

RSVP for the Pancake Supper
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What Cajun item will you bring**

** PLEASE NOTE: If you plan to just enjoy the pancakes, you do NOT need to bring a dish to share. And you do not need to RSVP for pancakes if you are just planning to sample the Cajun fare.

Pancake Volunteers Needed

We need a minimum of 5 adult volunteers who can help with chaperoning, organizing, and cleaning.

Volunteers need to be at the church from 5:45-6:30 p.m.

Help the Youth


Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, March 5 at noon and 7:00 p.m.

3/5—We will observe the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday services at 12:00 & 7:00 p.m. in the nave and online.

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Epiphany Book Group

2nd Mondays at 7:00 p.m. location varies

3/10—The Epiphany Book Group meets on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. See listing below for titles and location. All are welcome. Log into Realm to contact Linda Ryder-Wolf if you have any questions.

  • March 10: Soil by Camille Dungy (at Epiphany)
  • April 14: The Easter Moment by Shelby Spong (at Epiphany)
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Gateway Center Meal Ministry

Served 2nd Fridays of the month

3/12-14—Volunteers cook in the Epiphany kitchen and then serve the meal at Gateway Shelter on 2nd Fridays. Sign up to help shop, prepare, cook or serve the meal this month.

Learn more about Gateway >>

Help out with this Meal Ministry


Family Eucharist Service & Service Project

all activities take place in the parish hall

3/18—Join us for a Family Eucharist at 6:15 p.m. Arrive by 6:00 p.m. if you’d like to eat pizza together, or come at 5:00 p.m. to take part in the Family Service Project.

RSVP for Pizza

Other Ongoing Meetings and Programs

Week of 2/16/2024

2/18—Men’s Breakfast Group—Tuesdays following the 7:00 a.m. service

2/18—Choirs for Children & Youth—Tuesdays at 5:00/5:30 p.m. • Music Suite

2/18—Trivia Group—Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. • Wild Heaven in Avondale Estates

2/19—The Munch Bunch—3rd Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. • Thinking Man Tavern

2/19—Epiphany Ringers—Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. • Choir Loft

2/19—Epiphany Choir—Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. • Music Suite

Upcoming Ongoing Meetings and Programs

2/24—Community of Hope’s Circle of Care—Last Mondays of the month

3/7—The Grief Pastoral Care Group—1st Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. • Zoom

3/9—Contemplative Practice—2nd Sundays at 4:00 p.m. • Choir Loft

3/14—Caregiver Group—2nd Fridays at 11:45 p.m. • Zoom

3/18—The Episcopal Church Women (ECW)—2nd Tuesdays at 9:30/11:00 a.m.

Prayers of the People

For members who are bidding our prayers: Bruce & Ann Fort • Joey Saavedra • Kim Boswell • Louise Bedrossian (wife of Bob Thompson) • Lindsey Mitchell • Mary Katharine Williamson • John Wyman • Pam Hall • Jerry Wall (husband of Lucy Davidson) • Barbara Belcore • Esther Harbert • Veta Smith (mother of Cecilia Democko) • Chris Miller & Ron Hutcheson • Brandon Laird • Anne Warner • Francis Lee • Brett Boatright • Laura, John & Sarah Keys • Robin Hairston • Beth Towers • Sally Brockington

For those awaiting the birth of a child: Bekka & Freyja DePew

For friends and family: Marshall & Betty Keys, brother & sister-in-law of John Keys • Carrie & Mark Larson, sister & brother-in-law of Cristin Davis • Missy Aue, friend of Brenda Lloyd • Frank Klingberg, friend of Susan Williams • Gloria Davis, mother of Jeremy Davis • Sullivan Sears, friends of Kim Finnegan • William Sean Mahan, brother of Kim Boswell • Louise Peters, grandmother of Tristen Webb • Sherri Sharpe, cousin of Terri Lawrence & Julie Ryder• Dave Tipton, brother of Pam Tipton • Isabel, granddaughter of Mike & Beth Towers

For members who desire our continuing prayers: Jewel Allen • Mary McCall Cash • Wende Crowe • Rod MacLeod • Sally McClintock • Chris Miller & Ron Hutcheson • Tom Mundy • Ann Rowles • Pat Spivey • Michael Towers, Jr. • Wayne & Judy Urban • Larry Wilcox • Colleen

For those who have died: Eric Olson • Francis “Coota” Whitworth, friend of Marion & Mike Curry • Jane Moser, friend of Barbara Ryder

For all those serving in the armed forces, especially: Stewart Mundy

For those celebrating anniversaries the week of 2/16-22: Cliff Edge & Les Howell

For those celebrating birthdays the week of 2/16-22: Cookie Gold • Anne Kerner • Matt Cook • Taylor Irwin • Jewel Allen • Johanna Hinman • Susan Williams • Wende Crow • Lauren DeMotte-Kelly • Evan Gibbs • Cristina Montesinos

For our Haitian siblings and the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti.

For racial justice: For the leadership and unhoused congregants of Church of The Common Ground in downtown Atlanta as they share God’s love, mercy, and grace with one another.

For our fragile and beautiful Earth: The red-tailed hawk. Our neighbor in the sky. A hunter. We are grateful this bird is not imperiled.

Did we miss your anniversary or birthday? Send the full date of your anniversary and/or your date of birth to the parish office so that we can update our records.

The weekly deadline for submission of announcements for the Friday Morning eNews

and the Sunday bulletin is Wednesdays at Noon. Please send your submissions

ready to go to the parish office.