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For Immediate Release


CONTACT: Ryan Lamppa, PRRO Circuit Media


NOTE: Corrected press release from February 13, 2025

PRRO Circuit Introduces Points System for $20,000 PRRO Super Bonus Qualification

Super Bonus points to be awarded retroactively to the first two PRRO Circuit 2024-25 events, 2024 Boilermaker 15K and Quad-City Times Bix 7; next points opportunity at the Gate River Run 15K in Jacksonville, FL on Saturday, March 1, 2025

BETHESDA, MD – (February 24, 2025) – The Professional Road Running Organization (PRRO) has introduced a points system to increase qualifiers for the PRRO Super Bonus, now at $20,000, at the PRRO Championship. The system will go into effect retroactively for the first two PRRO Circuit 2024-25 events, the Boilermaker 15K held on July 14, 2024 and the Quad-City Times Bix 7 on July 27, 2024. The first points in 2025 will be awarded at its newest member, the Gate River Run 15K on Saturday, March 1 in Jacksonville, FL.


“We are excited to expand opportunities for more PRRO Circuit athletes to race at the PRRO Championship and to have a chance at the $20,000 PRRO Super Bonus by winning the title. With the points system, the five PRRO Circuit 2024-25 races – Boilermaker 15K, Quad-City Times Bix 7, Gate River Run 15K, Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile and Lilac Bloomsday Run 12K – will produce more top runners toeing the line at the 28th PRRO Championship hosted by the Boilermaker 15K on July 13, 2025 in Utica, New York,” said Don Kardong, PRRO Circuit President.


The new points system will award at each PRRO Circuit event as follows:


Each PRRO Circuit race winner is an automatic qualifier to compete for the PRRO Super Bonus. Once auto qualified, any event winner will be removed from the points system.



Second place finisher = 10 points, third = 9 points, fourth = 8 points, fifth = 7 points, sixth = 6 points, seventh = 5 points, eighth = 4 points, ninth = 3 points and tenth = 2 points


NOTE: If a runner who is already qualified by virtue of having won a previous PRRO Circuit event finishes in the top 10 at another PRRO Circuit event, no points are awarded for that place. Those points do not “move down” to the next finisher (e.g., if the winner of Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile finishes third at Lilac Bloomsday Run 12K, the 9 points for third place are not awarded. Next finisher earns 8 points).


The top five point scorers on the current PRRO Circuit, and the individual PRRO event winners, are eligible to compete for the PRRO Super Bonus at the PRRO Championship. NOTE: Only the individual Circuit event winners are eligible for $1500 PRRO Event Champion’s Bonus if they don’t win the Super Bonus, but finish in the top 10 at the PRRO Championship. Tie breaker: If two or more runners have an equal number of points in the fifth position in the points standings, the runner who has won the most Open prize money on the current PRRO Circuit will be considered in fifth place.


Boilermaker 15K, July 14, 2024, Utica, NY

$65,100 in prize money ($14,500 U.S. prize money)

WINNERS: John Korir*, Kenya, 42:11 and Grace Loibach Nawowuna*, Kenya, 49:18


50th Quad-City Times Bix 7, July 27, 2024, Davenport, IA

$50,000 in prize money

WINNERS: Wesley Kiptoo*, Kenya, 32:27 and Rachael Chebet*, Uganda, 36:11


Gate River Run 15K, March 1, 2025, Jacksonville, FL

$57,000 in prize money ($16,000 U.S. prize money) plus $5000 Equalizer gender race and World, U.S. & course record bonus money


Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile, April 6, 2025, Washington, DC

$80,600 in prize money ($48,600 U.S. prize money) plus performance bonuses


Lilac Bloomsday Run 12K, May 4, 2025, Spokane, WA

$81,000 in prize money ($20,000 U.S. prize money)



Boilermaker 15K, July 13, 2025, Utica, NY

$65,100 in prize money ($14,500 U.S. prize money) as well as:

·       $20,000 PRRO Super Bonus to male or female champions who have won any of the PRRO Circuit 2024-25 races or finished top 5 in the points system (split if both eligible male and female win)

·       $2500 to male or female championship winners who have not won any races on the 2024-25 Circuit

·       $1500 to eligible PRRO event champions, males and females, finishing in places 2-10

* = Automatically qualified to compete for the $20,000 PRRO Super Bonus at the 2025 PRRO Championship.


Reigning PRRO champions Tebello Ramakongoana and Sarah Naibei, who won the 2024 PRRO Championship at the Lilac Bloomsday 12K, were the first two athletes to earn a chance to compete for the $20,000 PRRO Super Bonus at the 2025 PRRO Championship. In pursuit of the Super Bonus, the pair join the four qualified athletes who have won 2024-25 Circuit events thus far as well as any runner who wins one of the remaining three Circuit events listed above or finishes in the top 5 in the points system.


Only current PRRO Circuit event champions are eligible for the PRRO Event Champion’s Bonus ($1500 for eligible athletes who do not win the PRRO Championship but do finish in places 2-10 at the PRRO Championship).


If the male and/or female winners of this summer’s PRRO Championship at Boilermaker have not won any of the events on the current Circuit, they will be awarded $2500 each as the PRRO Championship winners in addition to the prize money at the PRRO Championship event.


To-date, PRRO Circuit events have produced 17 world and 19 U.S. road records, awarded more than $8.5 million in prize money and seen more than 2.7 million runners cross their finish lines. In addition, since 1996, the PRRO Championship race has paid out more than $2.2 million including $188,500 in PRRO Championship bonus money.


PRRO Championship and Circuit Year

The PRRO Circuit, launched in 1995, starts and finishes the Circuit Year at the same event that will also host the season-ending PRRO Championship race. The reigning titlists of the PRRO Championship, the event winners on the current Circuit and the top 5 in the PRRO Super Bonus points system are eligible to compete for the PRRO Super Bonus at the PRRO Championship.


Visit for more information, including its history and past champions, as well as how to join the PRRO Circuit.


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