Join us for to appreciate our dedicated community of Democrats…

For this special meeting, we are foregoing our usual pot luck dinner and invite you to bring a hearty appetizer or tapas. No forks! And please, no messy chips/dip. We will have red and white wine, beer, water, and soft drinks. Or bring your own, if you prefer.

  At 6:15pm, we will start the discussion with a thank you to the many volunteers who worked their tails off to win this election.

  And there WERE many wins, so we will then congratulate those who did succeed and appreciate the efforts of those who had an impossibly gerrymandered district.

  Finally, we will open the floor for a group discussion of the next steps. Please limit your remarks to three minutes.

Please let me know if you are coming and your preference of beverage.

Congratulations to our Grafton County candidates who will represent us in the next session

Congress D2, Maggie Goodlander

Executive Council D2, Karen Liot Hill 

NH Senate D5, Suzanne Prentiss 

NH House of Representatives

HD2 - Jared Sullivan 

HD3 - Jerry Stringham

HD4 - Heather Baldwin 

HD7 - Janet Lucas - won her recount!

HD8 - Bill Bolton, Sallie Fellows, Peter Lovett 

HD9 - Thomas Oppel

HD12 - Russ Muirhead, Mary Hakken-Phillips, Ellen Rockmore, and Terry Spahr 

HD13 - Laurel Stavis

HD14 - George Sykes

HD15 - Thomas Cormen

HD16 - David Fracht

HD17 - Susan Almy


D2 Commissioner - Martha McLeod

D3 Commissioner - Katie Wood Hedberg - Recount, 11/18@1pm

Attorney - Martha Ann Hornick

Probate - Chuck Townsend

Register of Deeds - Kelley Monahan

Sheriff - Jill Myers 

Treasurer - Mike Cryans

PLYMOUTH AREA DEMOCRATS serves the towns of Ashland, Alexandria, Bridgewater, Bristol, Campton, Ellsworth, Groton, Hebron, Holderness, Lincoln, Plymouth, Rumney, Thornton, Wentworth, Woodstock, and Waterville Valley.

GET TO KNOW THE GRAFTON COUNTY DEMOCRATS: The Grafton County Democrats publish a regular newsletter on legislative issues impacting our area. Sign up for their most recent newsletterYou can also follow GCD on Facebook.

Can you spare a couple of dollars a month? 

We love recurring donations. . . DONATE TODAY to Plymouth Area Democrats' Act Blue account. Or send a check to the post office address below. Thank you for your generosity.

Plymouth Area Democrats

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