UCSF CCMBM Events & Opportunities Newsletter - November 2024

CCMBM Events and Opportunities

The Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology & Medicine (CCMBM) defines itself

by emphasizing musculoskeletal-specific education and services that are critical to its members but not available elsewhere in the university system.


November 12, 2:30-3:30pm; Parnassus, HSW-301

CCMBM Seminar Series

Hiroshi Takayanagi, MD, PhD, Professor and Chairman, Department of Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine & Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo

"Osteoclasts, osteoimmunology, and autoimmunity"

Register to attend.

Hosted by the CCMBM & ImmunoX


November 19, 2:30-3:30pm; Mission Bay, MH-2103

CCMBM Seminar Series

Rachel Cooper, PhD, McArdle Chair in Ageing and Professor of Translational Epidemiology, Newcastle University

"Sarcopenia and multimorbidity through a life course epidemiology lens"

Register to attend.

Hosted by the CCMBM


November 15, 10:00-11:00am; Virtual Event

Bone Investigator Group (BIG)

Investigators can present their clinical research grants or data and receive feedback and informal consultation from peers and senior investigators. Please contact Lucy Wu to sign up for a practice slot.

Join via Zoom.

Hosted by the CCMBM


UCSF CCMBM Junior Investigator Travel Award RFP

Application Deadline: December 20, 2024, 12:00PM PST

Proposals reviewed and funded on a rolling basis.

CCMBM is pleased to announce the CCMBM Junior Investigator Travel Award, which is intended to support the travel of trainees to develop expertise, network, or acquire skills in a field at a scientific conference that the applicants may otherwise be unable to attend.

The award is particularly designed to encourage travel to a conference where the trainee may not be presenting an abstract, but where interactions with other attendees and participation in conference activities can serve as a springboard for trainees to transition to the next stages in their scientific careers.


Junior Investigator Grant Development Awards

The Grant Development Award provides funding for a junior CCMBM member to host a meeting (e.g., lunch or dinner) with 1-3 UCSF faculty members who are outside of the trainee’s current lab to: 

1) brainstorm/solicit informal feedback on a study idea or research direction

2) learn about the latest methods and techniques used in related fields

3) identify potential collaborators

4) promote inter-disciplinary MSK research

5) expand the trainee’s professional network

If you are not a member, you may concurrently apply for membership while your Grant Development application is being reviewed.

Apply via the online application form today! Contact Noah Bonnheim for questions on this funding opportunity.


CCMBM Grant Review Sessions

The CCMBM would like to help investigators strengthen their grant proposals in advance of any upcoming NIH deadlines. We invite CCMBM members to participate in the Grants Review program to receive 1:1 feedback and/or live panel review with peers as well as coaching from experienced investigators. If you are not a member, you may concurrently join during your grants review period.

Upcoming NIH Cycle III deadlines include:

K Series Grants: November 12, 2024

R03, R21, R33, R21/R33, R34, R36, U34, UH2, UH3, and UH2/UH3 Grants: November 16, 2024

Fill out the sign up form to attend an upcoming session.


November 7, 9:00-10:00am; Parnassus, HSW-302

ImmunoX Journal Club

Kai Trepka, BMS Graduate Student, Turnbaugh Lab, UCSF

Anita Qualls, BMS Graduate Student, Gardner Lab, UCSF

Hosted by ImmunoX


November 7, 11:00am-12:00pm; Mission Bay, Gladstone Institutes, Mahley Auditorium

Neuroscience Formal Seminar Series

Jonathan Kipnis, PhD, BJC Investigator & Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Immunology & Professor of Neurology, Neuroscience, and Neurosurgery & Director, Center for Brain Immunology and Glia, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

"Navigating Turbulent Neuroimmune Waters"

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes


November 7, 12:00-1:00pm; Parnassus, HSW-303

Craniofacial Seminar Series

Paul Trainor, PhD, Investigator, Stowers Institute for Medical Research

“Global Processes have Tissue Specific

Effects in Development and Disease”

RSVP to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Program in Craniofacial Biology


November 7, 12:00-1:00pm; Parnassus, HSW-302

BMS Journal Club

Alejandro Sweet-Cordero, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, UCSF

Zachary Holmes, BMS Graduate Student, Villeda Lab, UCSF

Hosted by the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program


November 7, 12:00-1:00pm; Mission Bay, HD-160

BBC Seminar Series

Nicholas Schork, PhD, Distinguished Professor & Co-Director, Division of Clinical Genomics and Therapeutics, The Translational Genomics Research Institute

"Emerging Bioinformatics Strategies to Enable Precision Medicine"

Watch via livestream.

Hosted by the PhD Degree Program in Biophysics


November 7, 12:10-1:30pm; Parnassus, HSW-300

Microbiome Special Research Seminar

Ling Zou, PhD, Senior Principal Scientist, Amgen

"Understanding Microbial Impact on CNS via Blood-Brain Barrier Penetration: A Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Perspective"

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine


November 7, 2:00-3:00pm; Mission Bay, GEN N-114

QBI Seminar Series

Karla Satchell, PhD, Professor of Microbiology & Director, Center for Structural Biology of Infectious Diseases, Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University

"Large Autoprocessing Proteins In Innate Immune Evasion During Cholera and COVID-19 Infections"

Register to attend.

Hosted by the Quantitative Biosciences Institute


November 8, 7:00am PT; Virtual Event

Avioli Musculoskeletal Research Seminar Series

Erica Scheller, DDS, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Musculoskeletal Research Center


November 8, 9:00am-5:00pm; Mission Bay, Neuroscience Conference Center

Quantitative Approaches to Drug Discovery and Precision Medicine

The symposium aims to build collaborative relationships between scientists from UCSF and Universit of Toronto. The intersection of drug discovery and personalized medicine with quantitative biology, machine learning and artificial intelligence opens new opportunities for discovery and training, ultimately leading to translation and new therapeutics for improved human health. The event will highlight cutting edge research with a view towards a partnership between QBI and PRiME.

Register to attend.

Hosted by the Quantitative Biosciences Institute


November 8, 12:00pm; Parnassus, HSW-1057

Diabetes Seminar Series

Abbey Blake, Graduate Student, UC Berkeley, Department of Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology at Vaisse Lab, UCSF Diabetes Center

"A systematic, in vivo CRISPRi-based approach to decipher the neuronal mechanisms underlying ciliopathy-associated obesity"

Hosted by the UCSF Diabetes Center


November 8, 4:00-5:00pm; Mission Bay, HD-160

Cancer Center Friday Seminar Series

Hunter Shain, PhD, Associate Professor of Dermatology, UCSF

"The journey from skin cells to skin cancer"

Hosted by the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center


November 12, 10:00-11:00am; Parnassus, N-225

iMicro Seminar Series

Victoria Prudent, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar in Microbiology and Immunology, UCSF

"The strategy of the emergent pathogen Candida auris for skin colonization: Hidden niche and Immune modulation"

Hosted by iMicro


November 12, 10:00-11:00am; Mission Bay, Gladstone Institutes, Mahley Auditorium

Gladstone-UCSF Institute of Genomic Immunology Seminar

Robert Manguso, PhDPrincipal Investigator and Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mass General Cancer Center and Harvard Medical School & Co-Director, Tumor Immunotherapy Discovery Engine and Associate Member, Broad Institute

"Novel Immunotherapies for Cancer"

Join via Zoom.

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes


November 12, 10:45am-12:00pm; Virtual Event

QBC Journal Club

William Ho, CCB Graduate Student, Wells Lab, UCSF

Jake Oxendine, PSPG Graduate Student, Yokoyama Lab, UCSF

David Gomez Siu, Biophysics Graduate Student, Dumont Lab, UCSF

Sara Smith, Bioinformatics Graduate Student, UCSF

RSVP to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the PhD Degree Program in Biophysics


November 12, 11:00am-12:00pm; Mission Bay, MH-1406

Computational Cancer Community (C3) Invited Seminar

Kun-Hsing "Kun" Yu, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School

"Enhancing Cancer Pathology Evaluation through AI: Foundation Models and Clinical Applications"

Join via Zoom.

Hosted by the Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute and the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center


November 12, 3:00-4:00pm; Mission Bay, RH-102

QBI Seminar Series

Marc Lavigne, PhD, Research Director, Department of Virology, Institut Pasteur

"Role of Guanine Quadruplexes In HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 Replication"

Register to attend.

Hosted by the Quantitative Biosciences Institute


November 13, 7:30am; Mission Bay, GenHall - Byers Auditorium

UCSF Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds Series

Jeffrey Kwong, MD, Resident, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, UCSF

Join via Zoom.

Hosted by the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery


November 13, 8:30-9:30am; Virtual Event

Endocrine Grand Rounds

Daniel Bikle, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, UCSF

Join via Zoom.

Hosted by the Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism


November 13, 12:00-1:00pmVirtual Event

UCSF Pain and Addiction Research Center (PARC) Seminar Series

Elyssa Margolis, PhD, Professor of Neurology, UCSF

"Opioid responsive circuits in the lateral habenula"

Tommaso Di Ianni, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, UCSF

"Circuit mechanisms of opioid-mediated responses to subanesthetic ketamine"

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the UCSF Pain and Addiction Research Center


November 13, 12:00pmMission Bay, RH-102

PSPG Seminar Series

Jaehyuk Choi, MD, PhD, Jack W. Griffin Professor & Associate Professor of Dermatology and Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics, Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine

Watch via livestream.

Hosted by the Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics


November 13, 12:00-1:00pm; Virtual Event

Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar

Chandan Singh, PhD, Senior Researcher, Microsoft

"Using LLMs to bridge data-driven models and scientific theories in language neuroscience"

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics


November 13, 4:00pm; Parnassus, HSW-302

BMS Seminar Series

Raymond Swanson, MDProfessor of Neurology, UCSF

Hosted by the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program


November 14, 9:00-10:00am; Parnassus, HSW-302

ImmunoX Journal Club

Courtney Tamaki, BMS Graduate Student, Cho Lab, UCSF

Karla DeLucas, BMS Graduate Student, Rutishauser Lab, UCSF

Hosted by ImmunoX


November 14, 12:00-1:00pm; Mission Bay, HD-160

BBC Seminar Series

Scott Coyle, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison

"Understanding and engineering cell biology in space and time with programmable reaction-diffusion systems"

Watch via livestream.

Hosted by the PhD Degree Program in Biophysics


November 14, 12:00-1:00pm; Parnassus, HSW-302

BMS Journal Club

Lily Zemelko, BMS Graduate Student, UCSF

Hosted by the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program


November 14, 12:00pm; Parnassus, HSW-1057

Diabetes Seminar Series

Perry Bickle, MD, Chief, Division of Endocrinology, UT Southwestern Medical Center

Hosted by the UCSF Diabetes Center


November 14, 1:00-2:00pm; Virtual Event

QB3 Webinar Series

Luciano Marraffini, PhD, Kayden Family Professor, The Rockefeller University

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by QB3


November 14, 2:00-3:00pm; Mission Bay, Genentech Hall, 1st Floor Atrium

IACUC Office Hours

Are you responsible for ensuring that your lab's IACUC protocol meets the highest animal welfare standards and will be approved as soon as possible? Are you wondering what the best blood collection technique for your study might be? Do you wish there was some way you could have someone show you how to use the RIO database for writing and submitting protocols? Get help with your questions at our bi-weekly office hours sessions.

Hosted by the UCSF Institutional Animal Care and Use Program

November 15, 7:00am PT; Virtual Event

Avioli Musculoskeletal Research Seminar Series

Thomas Gardella, PhD, Associate Professor, Endocrine Division, Mass General Research Institute & Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Musculoskeletal Research Center


November 15, 12:00-1:30pm; Parnassus, S-214

DSCB Journal Club

David Booth, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF

Francesco Della Ricca, DSCB Graduate Student, Aydogan Lab, UCSF

RSVP to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Developmental & Stem Cell Biology Graduate Program


November 15, 12:10-1:00pm; Mission Bay, MH-1407

Microbiome Ignite Talk

Vaibhav Upadhyay, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, UCSF

"Remote communication between the gut microbiome and lung: Bifidobacterium adolescentis-derived lactic acid stimulates lung epithelial mitochondria"

Ivan Zheludev, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher, Ott Lab, UCSF

"Viroid-like colonists of human microbiome"

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine


November 18, 9:00-10:00am; Parnassus, HSW-302

ImmunoX Seminar Series

Shane Crotty, PhD, Professor of Immunology, La Jolla Institute for Immunology

RSVP to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by ImmunoX


November 18, 9:00am-5:00pm; Mission Bay, Sandler Neurosciences Center

QBI Chromatin Symposium: From Bench to the Bedside

Under the leadership of Dr. Nevan Krogan, the Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI) seeks transformative results in biomedicine by supporting fundamental quantitative research in the biological sciences. In support of this mission, the symposium will highlight the latest advances in chromatin regulation.

Register to attend.

Hosted by the Quantitative Biosciences Institute


November 18, 10:00-11:00am; Virtual Event

Computational Cancer Community (C3) Monthly Meeting

Peng He, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pathology, UCSF

Watch via livestream.

Hosted by the Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute and the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center


November 18, 1:00-1:50pm; Mission Bay, Gladstone Institutes, Mahley Auditorium

Gladstone-UCSF Institute of Genomic Immunology Seminar

Kristen Hege, MDIndependent Board Member, Mersana, Adaptimmune, and Kelonia & Former Clinical Professor of Medicine in Hematology, UCSF & SVP Early Clinical Development, Hematology, Oncology and Cell Therapy, Bristol Myers Squibb

"Leadership (and Life) Lessons from the Pacific Crest Trail"

Join via Zoom.

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes


November 19, 10:00-11:00am; Parnassus, N-225

iMicro Seminar Series

Christina Homer, MD, PhD, Infectious Disease Fellow, Sil Lab, UCSF

"Large-scale transcriptomics reveal a kexin protease required for virulence in the fungal pathogen Coccidioides"

Hosted by iMicro


November 19, 10:45am-12:00pm; Virtual Event

QBC Journal Club

Yujie (York) Zhang, Bioinformatics Graduate Student, UCSF

Divya Kranthi, Biophysics Graduate Student, Shoichet Lab, UCSF

Tracie Luu, PSPG Graduate Student, UCSF

Javarcia Ivory, CCB Graduate Student, Williams Lab, UCSF

RSVP to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the PhD Degree Program in Biophysics


November 19, 1:00-2:00pm; Parnassus, HSW-302

Stem Cell Seminar

Sarah Bowling, PhD, Assistant Professor of Developmental Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine

"Resilience in mammalian embryogenesis"

Hosted by the UCSF Broad Stem Cell Center


November 20, 7:30am; Mission Bay, GenHall - Byers Auditorium

UCSF Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds Series

Mac Hogan, MD, David Silver Professor and Chair, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh & Chief, UPMC Orthopaedic Service Line & Chief, Division of Foot and Ankle Surgery & Senior Medical Director, UPMC Health Plan Orthopaedic and Musculoskeletal Care Services & Medical Director of Outcomes, UPMC Wolff Center for Quality, Safety and Innovation

Join via Zoom.

Hosted by the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery


November 20, 8:30-9:30am; Virtual Event

Endocrine Grand Rounds

Mikhail Kolonin, MD, PhD, Professor & Director, Center for Metabolic and Degenerative Diseases &

‌‌Harry E. Bovay, Jr. Distinguished University Chair in Metabolic Disease Research, The Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine

‌‌& McGovern Medical School, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Join via Zoom.

Hosted by the Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism


November 20, 11:00am-12:00pm; Mission Bay, Sandler Neuroscience Conference Center

Neuroimmunology Special Seminar

Thomas Korn, MD, Professor of Experimental Neuroimmunology, TUM School of Medicine and Health

Hosted by ImmunoX


November 20, 12:00-1:30pm PT; Virtual Event

CSR Wednesday Research Seminar

Jakob Hoeppner, MD, Research Fellow, Endocrine Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School

"Novel Insights into PTH receptor signaling regulation from Eiken syndrome"

Yizhong (Jenny) Hu, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Developmental Biology, Harvard School of Dental Medicine

"Piezo1-Mediated Mechanotransduction Controls Osteocyte Maturation and Dendrite Development via a Yap-Ccn-Src Signaling Axis"

RSVP to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the MGH Center for Musculoskeletal Research


November 20, 12:00pmMission Bay, RH-102

PSPG Seminar Series

Nick Cochran, PhD, Faculty Investigator, Hudson Alpha Institute

Watch via livestream.

Hosted by the Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics


November 20, 3:00-4:00pm; Mission Bay, MH-2700

Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar

Yanyuan Ma, PhD, Professor of Statistics, Penn State University

"Double flexible estimation under label shift"

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics


November 20, 5:00-7:00pm; Mission Bay, MH-1407

DSCB Journal Club

Feeling Chen, DSCB Graduate Student, DeGrado Lab, UCSF

Edward Valenzuela, DSCB Graduate Student, Crouch Lab, UCSF

RSVP to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Developmental & Stem Cell Biology Graduate Program


November 21, 9:00am-5:00pm; Mission Bay, Gladstone Institutes, Mahley Auditorium

CRISPR Cures for Cancer Symposium

Join the second annual CRISPR Cures for Cancer Symposium, a one-day event bringing together investigators from the CRISPR Cures for Cancer network. This tri-institutional initiative is dedicated to accelerating the design and development of novel cell therapies for cancer using cutting-edge genomic technologies.

Register to attend.

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes


November 21, 9:00-10:00am; Parnassus, HSW-302

ImmunoX Journal Club

Trishna Patel, BMS Graduate Student, Kamber Lab, UCSF

Lauren Tabor, BMS Graduate Student, Bruno Lab, UCSF

Hosted by ImmunoX


November 21, 11:00am-12:00pm; Mission Bay, Sandler Auditorium

Neuroscience Formal Seminar Series

Hillel Adesnik, PhD, Associate Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology & Neuroscience, UC Berkeley

"Optically probing the neural codes of perception"

Hosted by the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences


November 21, 12:00-1:00pm; Mission Bay, HD-160

BBC Seminar Series

Jared Toettcher, PhD, Associate Professor of Molecular Biology and Bioengineering, Princeton University & Deputy Director, Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute

Watch via livestream.

Hosted by the PhD Degree Program in Biophysics


November 21, 12:00-1:00pm; Parnassus, HSW-302

BMS Journal Club

Sarah Knox, PhD, Assistant Professor of Cell & Tissue Biology, UCSF

Celeste Garza, BMS Graduate Student, Ansel Lab, UCSF

Hosted by the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program


November 22, 7:00am PT; Virtual Event

Avioli Musculoskeletal Research Seminar Series

Burel Goodin, PhD, Professor of Anesthesiology, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Musculoskeletal Research Center


November 22, 12:00pm; Parnassus, HSW-1057

Diabetes Seminar Series

Ana Paula Arruda, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Science & Toxicology, UC Berkeley

"The role of endoplasmic reticulum architecture in liver metabolic regulation"

Hosted by the UCSF Diabetes Center


November 22, 4:00-5:00pm; Mission Bay, HD-160

Cancer Center Friday Seminar Series

Howard Chang, MD, PhD, Professor of Dermatology and Genetics, Stanford University

"Cancer genes beyond chromosomes"

Hosted by the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center


November 25, 9:00-10:00am; Parnassus, HSW-302

ImmunoX Seminar Series

Pablo Penaloza-McMaster, PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

RSVP to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by ImmunoX


November 7, 9:00-10:00am; Mission Bay, Gladstone Institutes, Mahley Auditorium

Media Training and Presentation Coaching for Scientists

Can you explain your science in a clear and memorable way to non-scientists? How confident are you when asked to speak to reporters about your research and why it matters? Whether you’re a seasoned investigator or a postdoc, you’ll encounter many situations in which you must communicate your work to a general audience. Maybe it’s a news interview, a fundraising event, or even a family gathering. In this session, you’ll learn to distill your story and share it in a confident and personable manner to connect with non-scientific audiences. Get useful tips and strategies you can use when the next media opportunity arises or when you’re speaking with potential donors.

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes


November 7, 12:00-1:00pm; Virtual Event

3D Printing Part 1: Intro to 3D Printing

Are you curious about the applications for 3D printing at UCSF? Join Makers Lab staff for the first pop-up in a three-part series covering the basics of 3D printing and how the technology can be used in the health sciences. Can’t make it to this pop-up? Self-enroll in the Makers Lab On-Demand CLE course to watch the recording.

Hosted by the UCSF Library


November 7, 14, 21, 12:00-12:30pm & November 12, 19, 26, 7:00-7:30am; Virtual Event

Compliance Educator Office Hours

Schedule time to meet with an Educator. Bring your coding and documentation concerns. We are here to help you.

Join via Zoom (Tuesdays).

Join via Zoom (Thursdays).

Hosted by the Office of Healthcare Compliance and Privacy


November 7, 2:00-4:00pm; Virtual Event

HDFCCC K12 Career Development and Leadership Seminar Series

Katie Kelley, MD, Professor of Clinical Medicine, UCSF

Alan Venook, MD, UCSF Professor of Medicine, UCSF

John McAdams, MS, CCRP, HDFCCC Director, Data and Safety Monitoring Committee

Edward Kuczynski, Director, UCSF Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)

"Informed Consent and Clinical Trial Ethics"

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center


November 8, 9:00-11:00am; Virtual Event

Document Classification and Sentiment Analysis using Python and Scikit-Learn

This workshop will introduce document classification and sentiment analysis using Python and Scikit-Learn. Participants will learn how to build, train, and evaluate a custom supervised machine learning classifier to predict the topic and sentiment of text documents.

Hosted by the UCSF Library


November 11 & 12, 9:00am-12:00pm; Virtual Event

Introduction to R Data Analysis

The scripting language R is considered one of the most powerful languages for quantitative analysis, statistics, and graphics. This workshop will help you get started using R to analyze your datasets and create graphs for visualization. You’ll do hands-on exercises to demystify data analysis using R.

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes


November 12 & 13, 10:00am-1:00pm; Virtual Event

NIH Grants Process Primer: Application to Award - Part One and Part Two

Understanding NIH's overall structure and the foundation of the agency’s grants process is vital to successfully applying for NIH funding. To help you on this journey, the NIH invites you to participate in a two-part webinar designed to help inform and clarify important elements from application preparation to award.

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the NIH Office of Extramural Research


November 12, 12:00-1:00pm; Virtual Event

Tips for Success: Faculty Mentoring Lunchtime Series

Kevin Shannon, MD, Auerback Distinguished Professor of Molecular Oncology & American Cancer Society Research Professor of Pediatrics, UCSF

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs


November 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27, 2:00-3:00pm; Virtual Event

Data Science Help Desk

Introducing the virtual Data Science Help Desk, a place to ask your general questions about data science including how to download software or code packages, prep for upcoming data science classes, get started with programming, connect with data science expertise, and more. No appointments required, just walk/drop in!

Join via Zoom.

Hosted by the UCSF Library


November 14 & 15, 1:00-4:00pm; Virtual Event

Introduction to scATAC-seq Data Analysis

This 2-day, hands-on workshop will provide an introduction to a typical single-cell ATAC-seq protocol and focus on the data analysis steps to address unique computational challenges before the downstream analysis. You’ll learn how to perform quality checks of raw data in the typical format provided by sequencing centers, how to process the data, perform dimensionality reduction for visualization, clustering and cell type annotation, generate a gene score matrix to identify cell types, and perform motif and peak enrichment using ArchR.

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes

November 14, 2:00-4:00pm; Virtual Event

HDFCCC K12 Career Development and Leadership Seminar Series

Elliot Stieglitz, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, UCSF

Nicole Elzie-Tuttle, HDFCCC Clinical Research Supervisory, Pediatric Oncology, UCSF

Rachel Carney, HDFCCC Clinical Research Manager, UCSF

"Types of Clinical Trials and Sponsors and the General Activation Process"

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center


November 15, 9:00-11:00am; Virtual Event

Document Topic Modeling with Python

This workshop will introduce topic modeling, a common natural language processing technique used to identify topics within a collection of documents . Participants will use Python, scikit-learn and Gensim to identify hidden patterns and topic clusters within a series of wide-ranging lectures. This workshop will also review methods to read and analyze transcripts from YouTube videos.

Hosted by the UCSF Library


November 18 & 19, 1:00-3:00pm; Virtual Event

Introduction to Linear Mixed Effects Models

More often than not, biological experiments involve repeated measures. The distinctions between biological and technical replicates become less clear in these scenarios. Standard statistical tests like t-tests and ANOVA are not applicable. Instead, analysis of such data requires more sophisticated approaches, such as Linear Mixed Effect Modeling. In this course, you will learn the motivation for the use of these models, the underlying description and assumptions behind them, example scenarios where they can be used, and code to implement and interpret these models in R.

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes


November 19 & 26, 12:00-1:00pm; Virtual Event

Education Scholarship Conference (ESCape)

Education Scholarship Conference (ESCape) is a weekly group consultation for scholarly work in health professions education with CFE faculty and other members of the UCSF education community.

RSVP for Zoom details.

Hosted by the UCSF Center for Faculty Educators


November 19, 2:00-3:00pm; Virtual Event

Bay Area Open Science Group - A checklist to guide sensitivity analyses and replications of impact evaluations

The Bay Area Open Science Group is intended to bring together students, faculty, and staff from the Stanford, UCSF, and Berkeley community to learn about open science, discuss the application of open science practices in a research context, and meet other members of the community who are interested in (or already are) incorporating open science practices into their work.

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the UCSF Library


November 19, 5:00-7:00pm; Virtual Event

Bio Startup Speed Teaming

The QB3 Bio Startup Speed Teaming program, in partnership with the UC Berkeley Life Sciences Entrepreneurship Center, introduces would-be startup founders with complementary expertise, with the hope of finding fruitful matches. Participants include technical experts with a potentially commercializable technology, and individuals with business, operational, or technical expertise who are interested in co-founding or joining a startup.

Apply by 11/12 to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by QB3


November 20, 12:10-1:00pm; Virtual Event

Clinical Trials Operations (CTO) Research Forum

This month's forum will feature a presentation from Maral Iftekhary, CHRC, CHPC, Research Privacy Specialist in the Office of Healthcare Compliance and Privacy, on privacy considerations.

Join via Zoom.

Hosted by the Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI)


November 22, 9:00-11:00am; Virtual Event

Classification, Sentiment Analysis, and Topic Modeling using Cloud Based APIs

This workshop provides and overview of cloud based, hosted APIs that provide generalized, hosted document classification, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling functionality. Participants will learn how to submit an API request to a pre-trained machine learning or generative AI model, read results for a text document, and evaluate the output. 

Hosted by the UCSF Library


November 22, 9:00am-12:00pm; Virtual Event

NSF & DOE SBIR/STTR Proposal Writing Workshop

In these challenging times for fundraising, federal SBIR (or STTR) grants are an attractive, nondilutive alternative to pitching investors. But applying for these grants is a complex, time-consuming process that presents its own opportunity cost. Why not make sure you take your best shot? Join this interactive, one-time, in-person workshop led by veteran energy scientist and grantwriter Michel Foure. Michel will cover grant writing best practices, tips, and do’s and dont’s that apply to all the proposals he has ever encountered, SBIR and other types, from many different federal agencies.

Apply by 11/8 to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by QB3


November 22, 1:00-4:00pm; Virtual Event

scATAC-seq and scRNA-seq Data Integration

This hands-on workshop will provide an introduction to integrating single cell ATAC-seq data and single cell RNA-seq data. Prior experience with scRNA-seq or bulk RNA-seq is required to attend.

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes

> UCSF Education & Research Events

> UCSF Data Science Events


November 7, 12:00-2:00pm; Virtual Event

Visa Considerations for Private Industry (with ISSO)

Interested in private industry positions, but uncertain where to begin? Join us for our Visa Considerations for Private Industry workshop in collaboration with the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO).

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Office of Career and Professional Development


November 7, 1:45-3:00pm; Virtual Event

The Successful Applicant’s Perspective: Interviewing and Negotiating for an Academic Position

Applying for an academic position can be a daunting process. In this panel discussion, you’ll hear from new investigators who recently went through the process of interviewing and negotiating for academic positions.

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes


November 8, 10:00am-12:00pm; Mission Bay, Genentech Hall, 2nd Floor Atrium

ASGD Coffee Hour

ASGD hosts monthly coffee hour events where students can socialize while enjoying free coffee and breakfast.

Register to attend.

Hosted by the Associated Students of the Graduate Division


November 13, 1:00-3:00pm; Mission Bay, Gladstone Institutes, 107 C/D

The Art of Lecturing: How to Give an Effective Research Talk

Learn from Robert Mahley how to give the most effective scientific presentation. In this session, you’ll learn how to structure the elements for a successful lecture, how to build a story, and how visuals can make or break your talk.

RSVP to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes


November 13, 4:00pm; Parnassus, CS-1102

Seminar Series for Junior Scientists

The Junior Scientist Seminar is a monthly seminar series and networking event exclusively for early-career researchers (pre-doctoral school). Our mission is to provide a career development and training opportunity for Junior Scientists to gain experience presenting scientific research in a supportive environment.

Hosted by the Research Development Office

November 19, 12:00-1:00pm; Mission Bay, MH-2109

OCPD Office Hours (for Graduate Students and Postdocs)

Join the OCPD team for drop-in office hours. Bring an application you are working on, questions on any subject, or just pop in to say hi! Depending on attendance, you can meet with our staff in small groups or individually. Our office hours are casually structured get you immediate support- feel free to arrive late and/or leave early.

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Office of Career and Professional Development


November 20, 1:00-2:30pm; Mission Bay, Gladstone Institutes, 107 C/D

Preparing a Chalk Talk for a Faculty Position

Your chalk talk is an important part of the academic job interview, but this piece of the process can seem mysterious to many applicants. Demystify the chalk talk and set yourself up for success.

RSVP to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes


November 21, 9:00-10:00am; Parnassus, CS-1102/1103

Bugs N Brew

Join other trainees for coffee and snacks. Socialize, hear what others are working on, and brainstorm other activities to engage and support the microbiome trainee community at UCSF.

Hosted by the Benioff Center for Microbiome Medicine


November 26, 3:00-4:30pm; Virtual Event

New Postdoc Orientation

Gain important knowledge about the following topics: Human Resources information and resources, Research grants – resources for finding your own funding, Careers – how to get the best job after UCSF, Ideas for maximizing your productivity and minimizing conflicts with your PI, and UAW Union Presentation.

Register to receive Zoom details.

Hosted by the Office for Postdoctoral Scholars

> Office for Postdoctoral Scholars Events

> Office of Career and Professional Development Events

OCPD Opportunities and Job Board


UCSF Human Performance Center Seed Grant

Application Deadline: November 15, 2024

The Human Performance Center serves primarily as a research facility, partnering with other research labs, scientists, and companies around UCSF, and the entire Bay Area, to carry out studies in the areas of biomechanics, exercise physiology, and sleep & athletic performance.

This grant will provide “seed” opportunities for faculty, researchers, and trainees that have research needs involving biomechanics and/or exercise testing of which the HPC can provide and might lead to future funding.  Proposals with novel ideas as well as proposals that are an add-on to a current research study will be considered if the goal is to acquire pilot data for possible future funding.

The maximal amount of funds available for this fiscal year is $5,000 in HPC Services.

Learn more on the HPC website, and direct any application-related questions to Brooke Schultz.

RFA-DE-25-004: Collaborative Science to Achieve Disruptive Innovations in Dental, Oral and Craniofacial (DOC) Research (RM1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Application Deadline: November 19, 2024

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed to support highly integrated research teams to address challenging questions with the potential to significantly advance dental, oral and craniofacial (DOC) fields of research. Each project should have a unified and well-defined scientific goal within the NIDCR mission that requires a team with diverse perspectives and expertise in a variety of intellectual or technical areas and is beyond the experience and capabilities of one or two investigators. Teams are encouraged to consider transformative, and disruptive innovative objectives with defined 5-year outcomes/deliverables. This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) requires a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP).

To learn more, view the NOFO here.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs)

Application Deadline: November 21, 2024

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs) are a set of programs established by Congress and designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. These programs may repay up to $100,000 of qualified student loan debt for a 2-year award to those committed to a career in biomedical research. The goal of these incredible and potentially life-changing programs is to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals in research careers by lessening the burden of student loans.

About 50 percent of LRP applications are funded each year and the mean award is $57,582. Many researchers have had all their student loan debt repaid by the NIH LRPs (over several awards).

Learn more about the different eligibility programs here.

Recognizing the need for collaboration of MSK scientists with experts outside of the MSK field, we are providing support to MSK Center members to host a meal for a creative and enjoyable in-person networking meeting to stimulate these interactions and to further develop new research ideas and plans to fund them. Faculty, staff, and trainees who are MSKC/CCMBM members are encouraged to apply to host an event.

If you are not a member, you may concurrently apply for membership while your Open MIKE application is being reviewed.

Apply via the online application form today! Contact Cristal Yee for questions on this funding opportunity.
UCSF Talks is a new resource for anyone interested in learning about the latest seminars happening at UCSF. It lists all seminars open to the entire UCSF community including regular seminar series, special seminars, supergroups, and thesis talks. If you would like to receive weekly event listing emails, you can sign up for the USCF Talks Google Group. To add an event to the website, please contact Jon Zhang.

If you have received a CCMBM grant, used one of our cores, or formed a collaboration at one of our events that led to a publication, please acknowledge our Center in related publications and presentations. We suggest stating:

Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30AR075055. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.