This Week at WPFUMC

Week of March 18, 2025


We need non-perishable food items - such as peanut butter, jelly, canned meats, soups, mac & cheese, and cereal - as well as toiletries, especially shampoo and soap. You can drop items by the church office

or put them in the pantry. And, as always, monetary donations are both

needed and appreciated!


March 19, 6:00 pm


Chicken/Wild Rice Casserole,

Manager's Choice Veggie,

Salad Bar, Dessert

Children up to age 12 - $5

Adults - $10

Maximum per household - $30


Seasonal Adult Studies

Join Pastor Ed on Sunday afternoons during the Lenten season to look at

some key values of God's Kingdom through the teachings of Jesus. 

 No materials required as handouts

will be provided.

 Date: Sundays

 Location: New Beginnings Classroom

Time: 3:30 pm

Children & Youth Ministry

PreK - 4th graders learn Bible lessons through storytelling and play.

Wednesdays, 5:15PM - 6PM in the Children's classrooms on the 2nd Floor.

5th - 8th graders engage the Bible through activities and storytelling.

Wednesdays, 5:15PM - 6PM in the Children's classrooms on the 2nd Floor.

6th - 12th graders gather for fellowship, games, and Bible study.

Adult Studies


When there is a Fifth Sunday in the month (4 per year) we're going to participate in noisy Sunday. On these Sundays, we're going to invite the congregation to bring all of their loose change for the offering and allow the kids to go around and collect it making ALL the noise they want! All the change collected will go towards a special offering. This month, it will go towards the North Georgia Housing and Homeless Council, so be sure to be here and bring your loose change!

Serve with our Children & Youth!

In the UMC Baptismal Covenant, we are challenged to nurture our kids and students in the life of the Church and the Christian faith. Studies show it takes at least 5 adults beyond their parents to help nurture young people into a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ. Be a part of passing down faith to the next generation by serving with Children or Youth on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Contact Pastor Mychal

We celebrate that we served 29 people last Thursday at Soup Kitchen (March 13)!

If you would like to serve with one of our Soup Kitchen Teams contact the church office, or Helen here.

You are invited to get involved in the church through serving on the altar guild! Call the church office to sign up!

Contact Pastor Mychal if you are interested in serving!

Rumi said, “There is no proof of the soul.” But isn’t the return of spring and how it springs up in our hearts a pretty good hint?”

~Mary Oliver

It must be a great disappointment to God if we are not dazzled at least ten times a day.

~Mary Oliver

Complimentary copies of the March/April Upper Room Devotional Guides are available in the elevator lobby - both regular and large print.

If you would like to add or remove a name from the prayer list,

please contact the church office. 


Sarah Auler, Margaret Bartlett, Bentley Bryant, Sharon Cowart, Elmo Emily,

Robert Gordon, Joe Guntherberg, Ron Hamilton, Al and Jackie Hammer,

George and Diane Hester, Jacob Grubbs, Andy Mabrey, Sam and Barbara Payne,

Lakin Rayfield, Margaret Rollison, Jim Rouquie, Barbara Ruddick, 

Lisa Ann Soehnel, Elizabeth Stokes, Nelle Sturdivant, Tracy Vaughn,

World Conflicts, Our Country, Unspoken Requests,

Those impacted by fires and storms

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