Fourth quarter is a busy time for seniors, full of celebrations and final academic achievements. Here’s an overview of upcoming Senior Events. Please see below for important details regarding each event.
- Wednesday, March 26 & April 2: Senior Thesis Defenses, times vary
- Tuesday, April 1: At-home Learning Day for Seniors
- Friday, April 4: Senior Survey in Naviance due
- Saturday, April 12: Spring Formal for Seniors/Juniors (Guest Forms due by 3/28, Ticket Sales End 3/31)
- April 14-16: Senior Exit Interviews with College Counseling
Wednesday, April 30: Class Speaker Submissions due to College Counseling (
- Friday, April 25: Art Walk, 4:30-6:30 PM
- Thursday, May 1: College Decision Day Celebration Lunch (Students only)
- May 7-13: Senior Finals
- May 7: Foreign Language / Fine Arts
- May 8: Physics / Logic & Computation
- May 9: Calculus / Rhetoric
- May 12: Humane Letters Capstone Seminar
- May 13: Senior Drama Performances, Gym
- Monday, May 12: Senior Dinner, 6-8:30 PM (Student and Parents only)
- Tuesday, May 13: Senior Drama Performances
- Wednesday, May 14: Senior Walk, Graduation Rehearsal, Cap & Gown Photo
- Thursday, May 15: Awards Assembly/Moving Up Ceremony
- Friday, May 16: Graduation, 7 PM, Trivium Prep (Students arrive at 4PM)
Senior Thesis Defenses
- Defenses are scheduled for March 26 and April 2 either at 2:30pm or 3:40pm.
- Students may invite family and friends to attend. Students must meet their guests at the breezeway gate and escort them to the defense room 15 minutes before their defense begins. Late arrivals will NOT be able to attend.
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At-home Learning Day for Seniors - Tuesday, April 1
Due to the demands for state testing, Tuesday, April 1 will be an asynchronous at-home learning day for all 12th grade students.
Note: Parents/Seniors who ordered My Hot Lunchbox on April 1 must cancel their orders before noon the day before to receive credit.
Seniors will be assigned work to complete at home on that day that must be returned the following school day in order to receive credit for attendance. More information will be shared by senior teachers in advance of this date. All other students will attend school on this day and participate in state testing.
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Senior Exit Survey in Naviance due by April 14
During the at-home learning day on April 1, seniors will complete the Senior Exit Survey in Naviance. Information from this survey is considered part of the Exit Interview requirements for college counseling and is shared as a part of our Senior Spotlights. Each year, we feature our graduating class on social media through our Senior Spotlights. This is a fun way to honor our graduating class and celebrate their time at Trivium Prep. This survey must be completed before the Senior Exit Interviews which begin on April 14.
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Spring Formal - Saturday, April 12
Tickets are on-sale now for the Trivium Prep Spring Formal for Seniors and Juniors. The event will be held at the Vic at Verrado on Saturday, April 12 from 7-10 PM. Tickets are $65 per person and pre-sale ends Sunday, March 31 and tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Guest forms are due by March 28. More details, including details on dress code and guest registration, are in the link below.
Purchase Tickets for Spring Formal
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College Counseling "Exit Interview" - April 14-16
Seniors will meet with college counseling during the school day for an exit interview. During this final meeting, seniors will confirm college plans and scholarship information and ensure all exit interview requirements are completed. Once this is complete, they will receive their cap and gown and tickets for graduation.
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Trivium Prep Art Walk - Friday, April 25, 4:30-6:30pm
The Trivium Prep Art Walk will take place on Friday, April 25 from 4:30-6:30pm in the Trivium Prep MPR. Student artwork from throughout the school year (both semesters) will be on display during this open-house event. All are welcome to attend! Admission is free; enter campus from the south student entrance.
Students currently enrolled in art class (semester 2) should plan to attend at some point during the evening. There will be student musical performances, poetry recitations and light refreshments. Prizes will be awarded to the most outstanding works. Please reach out to your student's art teacher with any questions.
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Class Speaker for Senior Dinner Submissions due by April 30
Any student who would like to be considered for Class of 2025 Class Speaker is invited to submit a 3-minute speech to be delivered at our Senior Dinner in May. Speeches should be submitted in writing by Wednesday, April 30 to College Counseling and presented to a panel on Friday, May 2. Finalists will be notified after that date. All are welcome to participate!
This speech should be a light-hearted reflection on the experience of the Trivium Prep Class of 2025 and is an opportunity to share both humor and insight with your classmates. If there is someone you think would represent your class well, encourage them to submit a speech! Email your entry to by April 30.
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College Decision Day - Wednesday, May 1
National College Decision Day is May 1. To celebrate, Trivium Prep seniors will have lunch together in the breezeway during their regular lunch time on Wednesday, May 1, with lunch provided by school. If you normally order hot lunch, you may consider canceling your order on this day.
Seniors are also encouraged to wear a t-shirt representing their intended college of choice on May 1 along with the rest of their school uniform on this day.
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Senior Finals
Senior Finals will be held May 7-May 13. Seniors will still attend all their classes on these days, following the regular schedule, with only the courses listed below hosting finals on the assigned day. Seniors are expected to attend school for the full day during this finals period.
| | Date | Final | Wednesday, May 7 | Foreign Language, Fine Arts | Thursday, May 8 | Physics II, Logic & Computation | Friday, May 9 | Calculus, Rhetoric | Monday, May 12 | Humane Letters Capstone Seminar | Tuesday, May 13 | Senior Drama Performances, Gym | | |
Last Week of School for Seniors - May 12-16
The last week of school for seniors is May 12-16. During this week, seniors are expected to attend school Monday-Thursday for scheduled senior events. On Friday, May 16, seniors prepare for graduation off campus, on their own. Seniors do not return to campus after Graduation on May 16.
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Senior Dinner - Monday, May 12, 6:00-8:30 pm, Tuscany Falls at Pebblecreek
The senior dinner is a wonderful night of celebration when we gather with seniors and their parents to reminisce, hand out honors cords, and find out who the valedictorians will be. Appetizers will be served at 6:00pm, with dinner at 6:30pm. The senior dinner is for the student and parents only (no siblings). If you need an additional ticket for a step-parent, please contact Ms. Bradshaw at
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Senior Drama Performances
Locker Clean-out/Textbook Return - Tuesday, May 13
Current 12th grade drama students will perform the play they have been preparing all semester. Parents and family are invited. The teacher will send out more details about times when we get closer to the date. Seniors not currently enrolled in drama will attend the performances on this day.
Seniors will be assigned a time on/before Tuesday, May 13 to empty/clean out their lockers and return all school-issued textbooks. Students will not return to their lockers once locker clean out is complete.
Once all textbooks have been received, families will be eligible to receive a refund of their textbook deposit which is typically paid during initial enrollment at Trivium. Families will be given the option to donate this amount to the school as a tax-deductible gift closer to graduation.
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Senior Walk / Yearbooks/ Cap & Gown Photos - Wednesday, May 14
The Senior Walk is a time for seniors to celebrate with underclassmen by walking the halls lined with all the students of the school, Kindergarten through 11th grade while dressed in their graduation cap and gown. Parents/families are not invited to this but can watch later through a video link sent out by the school.
This is also the tentative date for yearbook distribution to seniors. Seniors will have the opportunity to sign yearbooks at this time.
A group photo and individual cap & gown portraits will be taken on this day. These will be available for purchase through Dorian Studio after graduation. Look for more information to come.
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High School Awards / Move-up Ceremony - Thursday, May 15
The awards assembly is a time for the high school students and faculty to gather and celebrate each other’s academic achievements through the year, and it culminates with the traditional Move-Up Ceremony. The seniors do not return to campus after the Move-Up Ceremony.
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Graduation - Friday, May 16, 7 PM
Trivium Prep Graduation will be held on Friday, May 16 at 7 pm at Trivium Prep. Students arrive at 4:00pm for rehearsal. Doors open at 6:30 pm to families and guests. A streaming video link will be made available to share with those who cannot attend.
Each student will receive 10 tickets for family/guests. Tickets will be handed out to students, along with their cap and gown, upon completion of their "exit interview" with College Counseling in mid-April. During this final meeting with college counseling, students will confirm future plans, scholarship information and complete all required exit forms.
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