Volume X Number 6/ Advent 2024

Deacon Candidates Installed as Lectors

Bishop Mark celebrated the Institution to Ministry of Lector during Mass on September 21, 2024, at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona.

The candidates who received the Rite of Lector are (Pictured left to right): Walter Zapotoczny, St. Joseph Parish-Bellwood, Brandon Solnosky, Cathedral of Blessed Sacrament-Altoona, John Fontana, Our Mother of Sorrows-Johnstown and Matthew Marafino, All Saints Parish-Boswell.

We pray for continued blessing to our candidates, their wives and families!

UPCOMING EVENTS text written on craft paper against the background of New Year s decor. View from above. Christmas or winter planning concept.

Academic Weekends

January 17-19, 2025

February 14-16,2025

March 28-30,2025

Antiochian Village Retreat Center

Chrism Mass

Monday, April 14, 2025

11:00 AM

Cathedral of Blessed Sacrament, Altoona

Annual Diaconate Retreat

Theme TBD at a later date

Fr. James DiLuzio, C.S.P., Retreat Master

June 08-12, 2025

Antiochian Village Retreat Center

Annual Deacon Picnic

Sunday, August 10, 2025

12:00 PM

St. Michael Church, St. Michael

Deacons of Diocese of Altoona- Johnstown held an India Cultural Awareness Dinner to help local priest

On August 25, 2024, Deacons from the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown held a fundraising event at St. Benedict Church in Johnstown, PA to help bring Fr. Anthony's mother and siblings here from India for a visit.

The India Cultural Awareness Dinner was an afternoon filled with authentic Indian cuisine and an opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of Indian traditions with Fr. Antony. A goodwill offering was taken and over $10,000 was raised at the time of the event.

In a letter he had written thanking everyone for their time and donations Deacon John Roth who spearheaded this fundraiser had this to say about Fr. Anthony and the event. Read more


by Deacon Greg Kandra

It happens every year during ordination season. Newly ordained deacons receive gifts from family and friends-nicely wrapped boxes that contain stoles, medals, statues, icons or prayer cards depicting one of the two great saints of the diaconate, St. Stephen or St. Lawerence. Once in a while, someone might also share an image of another legendary deacon, St. Francis of Assisi. And that's about it.

But are we forgetting someone?

The fact is, there's another servant saint who is too often overlooked-and who, in fact, is hiding in plain sight. He stands before us every week when we attend Mass, and he is there every time the deacon assists at the altar. Read more

Article taken from The Deacon

Dachau and the Diaconate: My Father's Encounter

by Deacon John Lohrstorfer, Jr.

In April 29, 1945, a young 20-year-old, Pfc. John Lohrstorfer, was assigned as an artillery observer for the 232nd Infantry Regiment of the 42nd Infantry Division, nicknamed the “Rainbow Division.” As he was driving his captain near the vicinity of the Dachau concentration camp in Germany, they received a call to report to the camp immediately.

Dachau had been one of the first concentration camps established by the Nazis in 1933 for political prisoners. At one time, it housed over 160,000 prisoners and was later known for medical experimentation. Nothing prepared the young private for the horrors that he witnessed upon entering the camp. Thirty-two thousand surviving prisoners were severely malnourished, starving, diseased and sick. Four thousand bodies were found in a warehouse near a crematorium. They were stacked high like “cords of wood.” Two thousand bodies were found in nearby railroad cars.

Among all these suffering prisoners were hundreds of priests. Priests? Private Lohrstorfer’s first thought was, “What are priests doing in Dachau?” As he found out later, cellblocks 26 and 28 were known as Der Priesterblocks, which housed at one time as many as 2,500 priests, of which 1,000 had already been executed. The Polish chaplain assigned to his American military unit recognized a few names of the priests from his order back home! Read more

Article Taken from The Deacon

snow covered green and blue pine trees winter illustration with soft falling snow and blizzard like white out weather conditions_ has copy space to add your own text or title

Advent Book Shelf

In Pursuit of Wisdom: Catholicism and Science Through the Ages

by Philip Campbell III

Ministry to the Incarcerated

by Dr. Henry G. Covert

What Do You Seek: Encountering the Heart of the Gospel

by Edward Sri

Exploring the World's Foundation in Christ: An Introduction to Writings and Thought

by Donald Keefe, S.R.

Rabbles, Riots, and Ruins: 12 Ancient Cities and How They Were Evangelized

by Mike Aquilina

For the Life of the World: Invited to Eucharistic Mission

by Bishop Andrew Cozzens and Tim Glemkowski

What Saint Paul Really Said: Was Paul of Taurus the Real Founder of Christianity?

by N.T. Wright

Everything Is Grace: The life and Way of Therese of Lisieux

by Joseph F. Schmidt, FSC

Click here for more Book Selections

Happy Birthday text on paper card with gift box present on wooden background

Click Here for Birthdays

Happy Anniversary typography text written on wooden blackboard with flower bouquet decorate on wooden background

Click Here for Anniversaries

Office of the Permanent Diaconate

609 Park Avenue

Johnstown, PA 15902

(814) 361-2000

Deacon Michael L. Russo, Director

Visit us online