Dachau and the Diaconate: My Father's Encounter
by Deacon John Lohrstorfer, Jr.
In April 29, 1945, a young 20-year-old, Pfc. John Lohrstorfer, was assigned as an artillery observer for the 232nd Infantry Regiment of the 42nd Infantry Division, nicknamed the “Rainbow Division.” As he was driving his captain near the vicinity of the Dachau concentration camp in Germany, they received a call to report to the camp immediately.
Dachau had been one of the first concentration camps established by the Nazis in 1933 for political prisoners. At one time, it housed over 160,000 prisoners and was later known for medical experimentation. Nothing prepared the young private for the horrors that he witnessed upon entering the camp. Thirty-two thousand surviving prisoners were severely malnourished, starving, diseased and sick. Four thousand bodies were found in a warehouse near a crematorium. They were stacked high like “cords of wood.” Two thousand bodies were found in nearby railroad cars.
Among all these suffering prisoners were hundreds of priests. Priests? Private Lohrstorfer’s first thought was, “What are priests doing in Dachau?” As he found out later, cellblocks 26 and 28 were known as Der Priesterblocks, which housed at one time as many as 2,500 priests, of which 1,000 had already been executed. The Polish chaplain assigned to his American military unit recognized a few names of the priests from his order back home! Read more
Article Taken from The Deacon