Santa Fe MPO news & updates

January 2025 new year, new initiatives!

Please enjoy the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization's Quarterly Newsletter, where people-powered transportation planning happens! Each quarter we share developments in our programs, plans, and projects driven by the voice of the public.

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As part of the update to the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, the MPO is asking for your input to help draft a vision and goals to guide future development of the notorious Cerrillos Road Corridor. This initiative focuses on the following questions: “What does the corridor mean to you today and for what purposes do you use it? What do you envision for the next 25 years, 50 years, and even 100 years for the corridor?”.

You can take the survey now, and additional activities will include community events and resident interviews over the next 3-4 months.

City Begins Using New Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines

What may sound like a standard bureaucratic process is actually a groundbreaking first of its kind in Santa Fe! Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines are used to determine if and how the transportation network should be modified when a new development occurs.

Prior to the adoption of these guidelines, developers used State highway guidelines on all local roads to make decisions such as when roads should be widened with right or left turn lanes. The new guidelines were written for the context of slower and safer local streets and require developers to include bicycle and pedestrian level of stress in their analysis. This is a huge step forward in making our streets safer for everyone!

Transportation Data, Delivered

The MPO website has a new suite of pages dedicated to sharing transportation data and data resources. For example, did you know the MPO has eight people-counters on our trail system? Yearly summaries are on our Bicycle & Pedestrian Counts page.

On our Crash Data page, you can use the UNM Earth Data Analysis Center's interactive crash map to explore crash locations and hot spots in Santa Fe and the entire state. We also included the Highway Safety Improvement Program's Vulnerable User Dashboard to make bicycle and pedestrian crash data more accessible.

Visit the main data page to link to the above pages, traffic counts, our map gallery, summaries of public engagement, and data resources.

El Camino Real Academy Trail Grand Opening

Was a Success!

On Halloween Day, students leaving El Camino Real Academy were in for a literal treat as City staff and community partners doled out goodies along the length of the new trail connecting to Cottonwood Village Mobile Home Park.

The Halloween Grand Opening was conceived by the City's Capital Projects Manager & BPAC Staff Liaison, Romella Glorioso-Moss, who also steered the project from inception to completion! Community partners such as the MPO, City Affordable Housing Staff, and BPAC set up along the trail and the contractors, Wilson & Co., donated a bike for a raffle.

The project was designed and constructed with U.S. Department of Housing and Community Development Community Development Block Grant funds.

Mourning Chuck Malagodi

New Mexico lost a pillar in the bicycle community on Sunday, January 19th, when Chuck Malagodi was killed by a vehicle while biking in Albuquerque.

Chuck worked for decades educating kids on bicycle and pedestrian safety for the City of Albuquerque and helped get the Esperanza Bicycle Safety Education Center started. More recently, he helped establish the Santa Fe Safe Routes to School safety education program and spent hours volunteering with the Free Bikes 4 Kids program. Read more from Elena Kayak here.

People should not be killed while using our streets; these deaths are preventable. The MPO continues in our resolve to work for safer streets for all road users.

Plan and Program Updates

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Public comment for the TIP formal amendment 6 is open from January 24th through February 7th. More details are available on our website.

2025-2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) update is underway!

In addition to our public engagement effort focused on Cerrillos, we are updating the MTP content. You can expect more accessible content with this update, including interactive maps and key points available in a storymap.

Fun stuff!

Routes Bike Tours is opening a Santa Fe shop in the Santa Fe Railyard Depot! In addition to tours, they are offering city bike rentals with helmets and locks.

We have another new shop to welcome: F1 Cyclery on Parkway Dr. off of Rufina. F1 provides a variety of services and aims to foster inclusivity in the cycling community.

The Santa Fe Regional Airport has gotten more bicycle and pedestrian friendly with the new renovations! Improvements include bike racks, sidewalks, and trail connectivity potential!

p.s. Bike Month planning is beginning! Want to get involved or share an idea? Email Leah.

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