This Sunday, January 26, 2025

One service of Holy Eucharist at 9:30

The Nursery will be open during the 9:30 service and forum time.

Forum: Annual Meeting (see announcement with link

to our Annual Report below)

During the annual meeting, the nursery will remain open and staffed for little ones,

and the youth room will be open and supervised with games for older kids.

We continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube.

Sunday Bulletin

Worship Team Schedule

A Letter from Bishop Loya

Beloved in Christ,


St. Thérèse of Lisieux was a nineteenth century French nun who lived a short and mostly quiet life. She died from tuberculosis at age 24, and wrote an influential memoir that outlines a spiritual approach known as “the little way.” The idea is that Jesus does not expect us to do great things, but rather every small thing with the greatest possible love. Jesus does not expect perfection from us, but simply that we allow him to love us in our imperfections and failings, that we in turn might love others in theirs. 


On Monday, the president delivered an inaugural address full of language about recent immigrants, transgender persons, and other vulnerable groups that was dehumanizing and scapegoating, and signed a number of executive orders targeting many of these same individuals with specific policies. While faithful Christians can disagree about any number of political matters, rhetoric and policies that threaten the dignity and inherent worth of any individual or group is an affront to, and inconsistent with, the gospel of Jesus Christ.


St. Therese offers a helpful path for us to walk when we face realities like the one we find ourselves in today. In the face of a moment that can feel overwhelming, the reality is that none of us can fix or save the nation or the world. But our smallness does not let us off the hook from bearing witness to Jesus’ little way of love, which can, has, and will indeed save the whole world. In fact, the church throughout history has been most vital and faithful when it has consisted of small communities practicing a loving resistance from and with the margins. It has been most corrupt when it longs to be big, and tries to cling to the centers of power. 


Yesterday, Bishop Mariann Budde bravely and beautifully modeled Therese’s little way in her sermon at the Washington National Cathedral. She told the truth with humility, and through the lens of love and compassion. Her posture and voice in that moment provide a great model for how followers of Jesus are called to stand in the face of every challenge we might face.


You cannot, and do not need to, do or fix it all. We can, and must, give all our love to every small thing that is in front of us. In the midst of a world full of those hungry for power projecting a false lordship, we proclaim as the true Lord the one who achieves victory, not through becoming one more strong and violent actor who rules by defeating their enemies, but who fearlessly meets the world’s madness with a humility and vulnerability that are deeply rooted in the unshakable power of love. In these and all days, we are called to take refuge in that power, to bear witness to that Lord, and to radiate that love through every fiber of our small, broken, and beloved selves. 


 Grace and Peace,

The Right Reverend Craig Loya

Bishop X

Episcopal Church in Minnesota

On the Presidential Inauguration

Read a letter from the Episcopal Church on Trump administration immigration executive orders and learn how you can take action to advocate for your neighbors.


Watch Bishop Mariann Budde's sermon from Tuesday's service at the National Cathedral.

Before I get into programming details – this week has been tough for a lot of us. Trump’s executive orders directly affect several vulnerable populations, especially the LGBTQIA+ community. I want to be very clear and say that youth group and other church programming will always be a safe space for queer folks. If there are any concerns for safety or belonging, please be in contact with me. My schedule is always flexible to buy you and a friend coffee and to talk about current events. If there is a programming shift or change that can support you, please let me know. We can make it happen. Finally, please know and share this resource: live and immediate support from a crisis counselor through the Trevor Project -


The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5


Keep being the light.


With love – Anna Belz-Brock (she/her)

Children and Youth Minister


This Sunday: Godly Play during the 9:30 service

At forum time the grown-ups will be having the Annual Meeting. During this time, the nursery will remain open and staffed for little ones, and the youth room will be open and supervised with games for older kids.


Wednesday, January 29th – it’s one of those weird 5th Wednesdays. We’ll have a night off and come back together on February 5th for LIFT at St. David’s. And yes, we’ll have tater tot hotdish!


Sign up for Pre-YE – Middle School Retreat Feb 8-9th at St. Mary’s in St. Paul. Reconnect with friends from camp, see LIFT friends, and make new friends!


Youth Led Sunday – March 2nd!


Here are the prep meetings for youth who want to be involved:


Sunday, Feb 2nd 

11:45-1:15 - planning and learning about the liturgy – also counts as confirmation class #2 on worship and sacraments.


Wednesday, February 12th

6:30-7:30pm - more planning - picking music

Planning forum and snacks 7:30-8:30pm


Wednesday, February 26th - 

6:30-7:30 - music practice

Any other prep needed – 7:30-8:30pm


ECMN programming registration is live for Pre-YEDYEYouth Camp, and Family Camp

St. David's Annual Meeting

This Sunday, 10:45

This coming Sunday, January 26, we will gather in the undercroft at 10:45 am for the Annual Meeting.

We will review the highlights of this past year, recognize some of our amazing servant leaders, approve the 2025 Financial Plan, elect Vestry members, Wardens, Treasurer, and Convention Delegates, and look forward to the year ahead. 

Please click on the link below to view the Annual Report prior to the meeting. We will also have some paper copies available on Sunday.

Click here to download the Annual Report

Thank you for being part of the Body of Christ at St. David's. See you Sunday!

Your Leadership Team,

Katherine Lewis, Rector

Diane Curley, Sr. Warden

David Niles, Jr. Warden

“Being Disciples”, by Rowan Williams… a short but powerful read 

In 2024 St. David’s offered a “congregational” read of the book, “The Truth at the Heart of the Lie,” by James Carroll, which was read and discussed by over twenty parishioners. This year’s book, “Being Disciples—Essentials of the Christian Life,” by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, is intended to be a community-forming read inviting contemplation, sharing of stories, and transformation through active listening.

Our first discussion will be on Thursday, February 6th and will continue for the following three Thursday nights from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Kris Ferrario and Scott Clark will co-host the sessions and will develop questions for discussion. If you are planning to join this group, or have further questions, please contact Scott Clark. 

Australia: Seeing Beyond Kangaroos and Koalas

Tuesday, January 28 at 11:30


   In October of 2024 Marilyn and Scott Clark had the privilege of touring eastern Australia and Tasmania under the lens of seeing all forms of nature from birds, monotremes, marsupials, eucalypts to incredible landforms. Join us for a presentation of this tour that will be more than a travelogue, but instead a poetic endeavor to capture some of the essence experienced in a world of evolutionary wonders. The presentation will be at a potluck lunch on Tuesday, January 28 at 11:30, in the Jones Room of the ICA building.

In order to hear this incredible presentation, we ask that you sign up indicating what you would like to contribute to the potluck. Look for the signups in the Narthex or Undercroft. Hope to see you on the 28th!

See's Candy Sale to Support Youth Pilgrimage to Iceland 

Two of St. David's youth, Gavin Ferro and Emery Niles, will be participating in a Pilgrimage to Iceland this summer with youth from Trinity Excelsior. To raise funds to cover the costs of the trip for everyone, the group has organized a See's Candy fundraiser perfect for Valentine's Day. You get yummy See's chocolates, and a portion of the proceeds go towards trip costs for the Pilgrims and their chaperones. Just order from this link and the sweets will be sent directly to the address(es) you provide. If you don't want chocolate but want to support the pilgrimage, you can donate directly using this link. Thanks for your support!

Hats and Mittens Update

We have just experienced some brutally cold weather. Hats & Mittens is a local non-profit organization that provides free hats, mittens & scarves to children in need here in our metro community. At St. David’s during the winter months, we are collecting all sizes of hats, mittens & scarves to keep infants to young adults warm this winter. Hats & Mittens collection boxes are located at the two south church entrances. Please consider donating new or gently used (clean, please) hats, mittens and/or scarves. Being warm makes such a difference during this time of year. Thanks for considering donating. 

ICA is now serving a record number of families with a 30% increase since 2022. Just this past November, 1073 families were served. The local need is great, especially in this time of increasing grocery prices.


The next ICA Sunday at St. David’s will be on February 2nd. Looking at the Current Needs List, we would like to suggest donating in terms of a meal for a family. Some examples:

* spaghetti sauce, pasta & canned vegetables

* a couple cans of soup, box of crackers & large can of fruit

Also needed are personal care items such as shampoo, deodorant and sanitary pads


Of course, anything you wish to donate is always appreciated. If you are checking your pantry for items to donate, please check expiration dates to be sure items are still god to donate. 


ICA follows expiration date guidelines recommended by the USDA Food & Safety Inspection Service. Here are a few of those guidelines:

* dry rice/pasta products - use up to 3 years after date on package

* cereal, chips, crackers - use 6 months to 2 years after pkg date

* canned fruit, fruit juice, tomato products - use 12-18 months after pkg date 

* low acid canned products such as canned meat, poultry, fish, soup (not tomato), vegetables (not tomato) & pasta products - use 2-5 years after pkg date 

* dried box dinners - indefinite

* baking mixes such as cake, muffins / use 6 months after pkg date

* baby food/formula/cereal - do not use after date on container

Loaves and Fishes

Pease join us as we prepare and serve delicious meals for those in need

January 27th

February 11th

February 24th

Please contact Sue or Basil Owen to sign up or sign up in the Undercroft. Sue’s cell is 612-716-1945. Basil’s cell is 612-716-0683 or email at

Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?

Send it to before 9:00 am on Wednesday to be featured.

Saturday Morning Prayer at St. David's 7:45 AM
Monday Morning Meditation at Oratory Room 9:00 AM
Tuesday Bible Study at 11:00 AM
Compline held each night at 8:00 PM

What else is going on at St. David's?

Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it.

Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891

To add someone to the prayers, please contact

the office


The Rev. Katherine Lewis

We will include all individuals in the prayers list for four consecutive weeks, and then they will be removed from the list. If the prayer need is ongoing, please reach out and we will keep their names on the list. If anyone's prayer need is shorter than four weeks, please also note that. This way we will keep all prayer lists updated and recent.

Prayers and Passages

We pray for healing of body, mind or spirit for those we love, especially Bobbie (mother of Nancy Mark), Ron Brown, Carol Burchett, (sister of Sharon Engel), Kay Cady (friend of Joanne Allan, Maureen Golden and Susan Taylor), Jess Carter (friend of Vonnie Fiedler), Joanne Downs (friend of Virginia Haggart and Ned Sorley), Evren (friend of the Jurkovich-Handley family), Linda Halley (mother of Laura Hensley), Martha Hatcher, Sharon Herpers, Tom Lutz, David Maass (brother of Bill Jacobs), Nicki Notermann (cousin of Steph Pederson), Gervaye Parent, David Pearson, Amy Phung (daughter of Jeff and Laura Ronbeck), Lisa Popp (daughter of LaMar Popp), Jon Prescott (friend of Virginia Haggart and Ned Sorley), Jean Scheu, BobTriebenbach, and Kay Turner..

We pray for those who have died, especially Gene Seaver (friend of the Harvala family) and Jean Stark (friend of Joanne Allan).

We pray for our new President, Donald, for our country during this time of transition, and for the safety of the most vulnerable among us. We pray for the people of Israel, Gaza and Ukraine and all impacted by war and strife. We pray for all affected by gun violence, climate change, tornadoes, earthquakes and other disasters. We pray for all first responders and for hospital staff and all who help in times of tragedy.

For the world and its leaders, our nation and its people.


We pray for an end to racism and all systems of oppression.


We pray for those serving in the military, especially Aprille Mulvaney.


COVID-19 Resources Available

The Episcopal Church Click here

ECMN COVID-19 Response Resources Page Click here


St. David's Episcopal Church:

St. David's Youtube Channel: 

The Episcopal Church in Minnesota:

The Lectionary Page-Lectionary Readings:

The Episcopal Church: