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University Unitarian Church eNewsletter

January 24, 2025

Sunday, January 26

All Ages worship services at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. in the chapel and via livestream

This Sunday is our monthly All Ages worship service. Children and teens are warmly invited to attend the service with their parents/caregivers. With the help of Piedra the Otter, we will explore another of the 5 Jagged Rocks of Unitarian Universalism: "Courageous Love Transforms the World." Through story and song, we will learn about times the people of our faith tradition have responded to oppression and injustice with courageous love, and we'll think about times we have been courageous ourselves.

Order of Service

(More info on Sunday worship at the bottom of this newsletter)

Should UUC Host Tent City 3 Again This Spring?

Sunday, January 26: Four more opportunities to share feedback

From UUC's Homelessness Ministries Team

On January 19, 59 congregants joined the conversation. So, this Sunday, we'll offer four more opportunities to learn more, with an invitation to express your support, questions and concerns about whether UUC should host Tent City 3 beginning in March. 

Please join a Tent City 3 (TC3) information/feedback session this Sunday from 10:30–11:15 a.m. or from 12:30–1:30 p.m. downstairs in the Knatvold room. These sessions will feature an update and an invitation to express your support, questions, and concerns about whether UUC should host Tent City 3 beginning in March. 

If you cannot join one of these meetings, you may stop by our TC3 learning station this Sunday in Nathan Johnson Hall between services or after the second service.  

Share Wheel / Tent City 3 has asked UUC to host them again this spring for a period of at least three months.  This comes at a time of significantly increased homelessness (including unsheltered family homelessness).   

UUC hosted Tent City 3 during the period of March–June, 2023.  During this time, the congregation shared our parking lot with TC3, offering use of about 2/3 of our lot. TC3 operated the camp using their established self-management approach, which includes a strong code of conduct for all residents. In reflecting on the experience of hosting TC3, many members said that this was a valuable and important representation of our UUC values and an opportunity to do something meaningful amidst the ever-increasing housing & homelessness crisis. In a survey of UUC members following the close of TC3's time in our parking lot in 2023, 82% of respondents said that we should host again. Congregational engagement around homelessness grew during and beyond that initial hosting, including preparing food and helping with TC3's move, and children and youth of all ages focusing on our unhoused neighbors through our Family Ministry programs.  

If you are unable to join one of these meetings or to visit our learning station in NJH, but would like to share questions or feedback, please contact any of the individuals listed below (click on a name for email address).  As we would like to have a sense from the congregation of any additional input since we last collected feedback after UUC hosted TC3 in 2023, it would be helpful if you could join one of the four opportunities above after Sunday services, or reach out to one of us by Sunday, January 26.  

Pam Smith Mentz

Sallie Dacey

Cynthia Salzman

Laurie Mann

Walter Hatch

Dave Mentz

David Kendall

Debbie Maranville

Mary Mason

Interweave Potluck and Meeting

Friday, February 7, 6–8 p.m. in Knatvold and via Zoom

Together for Pride

Our next gathering will be on February 7, with our potluck starting at 6:00 p.m. followed by a gathering/meeting/discussion commencing at 7:00 p.m. New administrations are in place at the state and federal levels. How does this change the path forward. As Reverend Doug reminds us, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” [Continue reading]

The Road Ahead: An Informational Town Hall

Sunday, February 9, 12:45 p.m. in the Knatvold room

Please join us downstairs in Knatvold on February 9 after the second service at an important information session that will cover:

  • The state of staffing transitions and what to expect
  • A primer on UUC finances
  • A peek at next year's budget and the giving campaign to support it

We hope to see you there.

Faith Land Initiative Update

Since the Board of Trustees approved UUC’s participation in the Faith Land Initiative (FLI) in October, our FLI cohort team (comprised of Gayle Childers, Patricia Graesser, Dave Mentz and Rev. Beth Chronister) has participated in two day-long training sessions along with teams from two other congregations.

Applying a faith- and racial equity-rooted model, the cohort team has started mapping out a process for the congregation to discern how our building might be used to benefit the community. [Continue reading]

2024 Annual Giving Statements

Next week, 2024 Annual Giving Statements will be sent to all donors who gave at least one gift between January 1 and December 31. (Donors without email addresses on record will receive statements via U.S. mail.) These statements include details and totals for potentially tax-deductible gifts that you made to University Unitarian Church during the 2024 calendar year. [Continue reading]

Blessing: Broken Systems

[Ed: Aria Curtis, our Director of Family Ministry, ran this last week in the UUC Family Ministry Newsletter she sends out each week. I am offering it here as well.]

I offer this blessing to myself and to you, adapted from "for courage when you don't feel very brave" out of The Lives We Actually Have by Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie:

Spirit of life, I am done with broken systems

Let me harness this anger; channel it into worthy action.

Blessed are we, who choose not to look away.

Empower us to see and name what is broken, what is ours to restore.

Let us find coherent and beautiful alternatives

that foster life, hope, and peace.

Blessed are we who choose to live in anticipation,

of the world we hope to create.


K-1 Our Whole Lives (OWL)

Register by January 27

This winter, UUC will offer an Our Whole Lives (OWL) class for Kindergarten and 1st graders on Sunday afternoons from 1:15–2:30 p.m. Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Grades K–1 is an eight-workshop curriculum that helps five- to seven-year-old children begin the lifelong process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and values about identity and relationships, safety and health. The class will begin on February 2, with a special parent/child orientation, and will wrap up on April 6. The lead facilitators for this class are Katie Renschler and Claire Applemans, both experienced OWL facilitators, who bring a sense of warmth and curiosity to the room. [Continue reading]

Exploring UU & UUC Classes

Registration open for Saturdays, February 8 & 15, 9:30 a.m.–noon

Through sharing, discussion and reflection, videos and printed resources, and Q&A with church leaders, and whether you’re new to UUC, a long-time leader, or somewhere in-between, come learn about Unitarian Universalism (UU) and University Unitarian Church (UUC).

This informal, introductory course is offered several times a year in a variety of formats and times. This one is scheduled as a two-part class on consecutive Saturdays, February 8 and 15, 9:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Coffee, tea, and morning refreshments will be provided each day. [Continue reading]

Chalice Camp 2025

Registration now open

Chalice Camp is UUC’s annual summer day-camp for Unitarian Universalist kids. Each week of Camp is full of fun, including music, art, games, worship, and meaningful field trips. Each year, we strengthen children’s Unitarian Universalist identity through these activities, and by supporting the development of friendships that last throughout the year.

In summer 2025, we are offering two full weeks of camp. [Continue reading]

Care Team Asks "How Can We Help You?"

The UUC Care Team serves people in the UUC community when they encounter illness, grief, medical events, and other life issues. We all need a little help sometimes. If you find yourself needing a listening ear or a little help, please email the Care Team or leave a message on our confidential voicemail at (206) 454-7722. We are trained lay volunteers. We check for messages twice daily and keep your information confidential.


Catherine Ruha's Lily

Many UUCers who attend services in person became friends with Catherine Ruha’s dear service dog, Lily, over the years. Lily passed away on Thursday, January 16. This past year, Lily had been living with a heart condition and in the past week, her health declined precipitously. She stopped eating or being able to keep anything down. Her body was telling her it was time to let go. [Continue reading]


Donate Blood at UUC

Wednesday, February 19, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. by appointment in Nathan Johnson Hall

February is Heart Health Month, a perfect time to care for yourself and others. Did you know 1 in 2 U.S. adults has high blood pressure, and 1 in 7 hospital patients needs a blood transfusion? Here’s how you can make a difference: donate blood with Bloodworks Northwest. Each blood donation includes a quick health check, where you can monitor your blood pressure and pulse over time. Your donation helps local patients battling cancer, recovering from surgeries, or facing emergencies. [Continue reading]

All Church Potluck

Friday, February 28, 6–8 p.m. in Nathan Johnson Hall

UUC members and friends of all ages are invited to connect with our community at this All Church Potluck. Details and signups will follow, but mark your calendar now!

Book Discussion: Red Paint: The Ancestral Autobiography of a Coast Salish Punk

Sundays, March 2 and 16, 12:45–1:45 p.m. in the King room

UUC's Acting for Racial Justice Team is sponsoring a two-part discussion of Red Paint: The Ancestral Autobiography of a Coast Salish Punk by Sasha taqwšeblu LaPointe. Catherine Ruha and Mike Kasprzak will co-facilitate the in-person sessions.

Registration for the book group will begin in a couple of weeks—stay tuned. Please plan on attending both of the sessions.

[Continue reading]

Upcoming Services

Sunday, February 2

Rev. Doug Wadkins will lead the services. Music by the Bell and Loft Choirs; Danny Szydlo, tenor; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.

Sunday, February 9

All Ages Worship

The Youth will lead the services. Music by the All Voices Choir; Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.

Sunday, February 16

Rev. Doug Wadkins will lead the services. Music by Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.


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Sunday Worship at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.

Join us for our Sunday morning services at 9:30 and 11:15 our chapel or via our live stream.

Click here for information on Sunday programs for children and youth.

Current health safety protocols at UUC: Facemasks are optional but welcomed, especially while singing. For the well-being of everyone in our community, please STAY HOME if you have cold or flu-like symptoms, even if you're sure it’s "just a cold."

UUC monitors Public Health – Seattle & King County COVID-19 data dashboards and advisories, updating our health safety protocols accordingly. We also consult CDC About COVID-19 resources to inform our decisions. We additionally track Washington State Department of Public Health Resources and Recommendations for Business and Workers for guidance around COVID-19 safeguards for staff and visitors.

Please continue to check in at a kiosk or on the paper sign-in sheet when entering the building. This helps us better understand attendance on Sundays and for programs and meetings throughout the week. If you would like to be added to our email list for church-wide announcements, please include your email address and phone number on the paper sign-in sheet.

Click here for more information about Sunday mornings.

The Gateway eNewsletter is sent out each Friday. Announcements received by 9 a.m. Tuesday will be included each week.

Email submissions to Please put the date and name of your event in the Subject: line of the email.

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