
February 17, 2025

Our New Pastor - Rev. Jacob "Jake" Steele

On Sunday, February 16th, Matt Cox, co-chair of our Staff-Parish Relations Committee, shared that is Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett’s intention to appoint Rev. Jake Steele to be the pastor of Forrest Burdette Memorial UMC, effective July 1, 2025. The SPRC met with Jake and his family on Tuesday, February 11th, and is excited to welcome the Steeles to FBMUMC. Here is part of Matt’s announcement on Sunday: 

A husband to Emily, a father to Brody (11) and Bethany (6), and a passionate follower of Jesus, Rev. Jacob “Jake” Steele and his family understand the church to be a place where people learn and love through community, are transformed by community, and  are deployed to lead in the community as well. 

The Steeles are natives of WV, hailing from East Fairmont (Go Bees!), but also know that home has been wherever they’ve landed. Before kids came along, Jake served as the associate pastor of Bellpoint Community Church in Columbus, OH for 6 years. After they got married, Jake and Emily moved back to WV where they served Wayne UMC for 5 years.  

Since 2016, the Steele Family has led the congregation of Christ UMC in Wheeling, and they’re excited to see what the Lord has in store when Hurricane becomes home in June. Jake is a “PK” (Preacher’s kid), a cradle Methodist, and it remains his joy to serve Jesus alongside the people who raised him. In a digitally rich, social media-saturated space, Jake believes we live in a world that is searching deeply, and starving for a connection that is ultimately found in a community with Christ at its core. As Pastor at Forrest Burdette, Jake understands the importance of creating a place where the community can encounter Christ…but he also knows encountering Christ in a place only comes as a result of encountering Christ in a people. Are you one of those? Are you ready to grow together? Then, let’s go! See you at church on Sunday…and in the community on Monday!

Are you interested in writing a brief devotion for one of our Monday E-Connections? If so, please contact the church office to be scheduled!

Coming Up This Sunday

This Sunday's sermon, “Love & Forgive NOT Judge & Condemn,” will be based on Luke 6:27-38. Please read the scripture to prepare for worship, and invite someone to join you as we continue to walk with Christ.

Sundays at 10:30 a.m., join us in person,

or participate in our live-streamed worship service

on either our Facebook page:

or our YouTube Channel:

Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 9:15 a.m.

The Grand Sweep:

365 Days from Genesis through Revelation

We are reading through the Bible with Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett. The Grand Sweep, developed by Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas, is guiding us from Genesis to Revelation.

Week 8: February 16-22

  • 2/16/25 Numbers 7-8, Psalm39     
  • 2/17/25 Numbers 9-10, Psalm 40    
  • 2/18/25 Numbers 11-12, Ps. 41-42    
  • 2/19/25 Numbers 13-15
  • 2/20/25 Numbers 16-18
  • 2/21/25 Numbers 19=20, Ps. 43-44
  • 2/22/25 Numbers 21, Ps. 45-46

JOY Fellowship (55+ "Just Older Youth")

Joy Fellowship will meet this Thursday, February 20, at 12 noon in Fellowship Hall. Our speaker will be John Marra. He will give us some ideas to get your lawn and garden off to a good start. Bring a dish to share and a friend, and join in a wonderful meal.

Invitation to Become a Member of FBMUMC

If you would like to be a part of the Forrest Burdette family, we would love to share the mission and passion of the church as well as the blessings of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. You are invited to an orientation class on Sunday, March 9, during the Sunday School hour (9:15 a.m.), in Pastor Joe’s office. You will learn about Forrest Burdette and what it means to be a member of this church. We will receive new members on March 16. If your membership is in another church, we can transfer your membership, or if you are not a member of another church, you may join via Profession of Faith. Please contact Pastor Joe or the church office for more information or to sign up (304-562-5903,

Attention: Parents of Youth

There is a survey online where you can list your family's available days in June, for summer trips. Please click here for the survey.

Complementary Tickets to the Symphony: Deadline 2/19

The United Methodist Foundation of West Virginia is sponsoring the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra's performance entitled "A Night with Nakamatsu." The performance will take place at the Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences in Charleston, WV this Saturday, February 22nd at 7:30pm. To register for free tickets to attend as The Foundation's guest, please click here.

"Now in his third decade of touring worldwide, American pianist Jon Nakamatsu continues to draw critical and public acclaim for his intensity, elegance and electrifying solo, concerto and chamber music performances." (

PipeSounds Presents...

Luke's Birthday

Luke Spurgeon’s birthday is on the 24th of February, so the youth have decided to take Luke out for his birthday on Wednesday night, the 26th of February. All youth are invited to join in the celebration!

Winter Jam Concert

The Youth will be attending Winter Jam this year on Friday, March 7th. Winter Jam is an annual concert, featuring several Christian artists with a variety of musical styles. There will be a $15 donation at the door, and more details will be shared as we get closer to the event. If your student would like to attend, please sign up at the Connection Center.

Spring Fling Vendors & Crafters

If you or someone you know is interested in applying to sell items at our annual UMW Spring Fling, which will be held on Saturday, April 12, you may find printed copies of the registration form at the Connection Center desk, or click here for an electronic copy of the form.

2024 Giving Statements

Giving statements for 2024 have been emailed. Paper copies are available in the church office.

Your Prayers & Thanksgivings

We welcome your regular prayers and continued giving. Prayer requests to be included in the Sunday worship announcements are to be submitted via our website, or you can click here for a quick link to submit joys and concerns. Click here to access the online giving instructions from the Forrest Burdette website. Thank you so much for sending your offerings! If not online, then please mail your regular offering to 2848 Putnam Avenue, Hurricane WV 25526. To save a stamp, you may deposit your offering in our locked mailbox on Putnam Avenue. Open the top door, and slide your envelope all the way to the back of the box, where it will fall into the locked area. Thank you for your support of this ministry. 

This Week at Forrest Burdette

Monday, 2/17

7-9:00 a.m. Open Gym for Walking*

10:00 a.m. Preventicare—Byrd Hall

6:30 p.m. Scouts BSA 236—Scout Hut

6:30 p.m. Cub Pack 236—Byrd Hall+

7:00 p.m. AA—308

Tuesday, 2/18

7-9:00 a.m. Open Gym for Walking*

8:00 a.m. The Stone Table—225B

9:30 a.m. Y.A.H. Quilters—Byrd Hall

9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting—201/CR

10:00 a.m. Community Cupboard

6:00 p.m. Basketball (Landin)—Gym

6:30 p.m. GS Troop 10117—Byrd Hall

6:30 p.m. Scouts BSA Troop 236 Committee111

7:00 p.m. Civic Chorus—Sanctuary

Wednesday, 2/19

7-9:00 a.m. Open Gym for Walking*

10:00 a.m. Preventicare—Byrd Hall

10:45 a.m. Midweek Bible Study—213

6:00 p.m. Youth Group—225A

6:30 p.m. Adult Classes: Cunningham— 213; No Kenaston class; Philyaw—Chapel

7:30 p.m. Praise Team—Sanctuary

Thursday, 2/20

7-9:00 a.m. Open Gym for Walking*

8:00 a.m. Our Way—Byrd Hall

12:00 p.m. JOY Fellowship (55+)—FH

4:00 p.m. Math & Reading Buddies—FH

6:00 p.m. HABL—Gym

6:30 p.m. Scouts BSA 360—Scout Hut

7:00 p.m. Choir

7:00 p.m. Dancer’s Choice—Byrd Hall

Friday, 2/21

7-9:00 a.m. Open Gym for Walking*

10:00 a.m. Preventicare—Byrd Hall

10:00 a.m. Community Cupboard

6:00 p.m. Basketball (Smith)—Gym

Saturday, 2/22

1:00 p.m. Basketball (Scott)—Gym

Sunday, 2/23

9:15 a.m. Sunday School

10:30 a.m. Worship

11:45 a.m. Handbell Practice—Choir Rm

3:00 p.m. PipeSounds Concert (Reception to follow—FH)

*If you are coming to walk in the mornings, please note that you must use the preschool entrance before 8:30 a.m.

This Week's Birthdays

2/17—Ben Pannell

2/18—Carla Akers, Jen Lauck, Malinda Shanklin

2/19—Tracy Garrett, Judi Kenaston, Debby Pannell, Hunt Tidd

2/20—Diana Stone

2/21—Mike Rollyson

2/22—Jody Ogle, Mark Stewart

2/23—No birthdays on record today

Forrest Burdette Memorial United Methodist Church | 304-562-5903 | 2848 Putnam Avenue, Hurricane WV 25526 |
