Rogério A. Bataglioli, PhD (PhF23), a postdoc at Virginia Tech, and his lab received widespread media coverage for their work to develop a menstrual pad with a special formula that allows blood to turn to gel. Their research was featured in outlets such as the New York Post, Gizmodo, and The Economist.
Audrey Brown, PhD (PhF24) of the University of Virginia, received a U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program Collaborative Award with Dr. Akira Kawashima of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine in Tokyo. This award will fund research to study colonoscopy biopsies from patients with intestinal ameba parasite infection in Japan.
Christopher Cadham, MPH (PhF23) of the University of Michigan, presented his PhF-funded research at Canada's Drug Agency Symposium and won the Student Poster Award for his work "Understanding Equity-Efficiency Trade-offs for Healthcare Resource Allocation in Canada: A Best-Worst Scaling Exercise." He will also be presenting his work at the Society for Medical Decision Making conference in October.
Desnor Chigumba, PhD (PhF22) graduated from the University of Michigan and started a new position as a Venture Analyst at the University of Michigan’s Innovation Partnerships. In this role, she conducts investment analysis for the Accelerate Blue Fund and the Michigan University Innovation Capital Fund, and supports life sciences startups in Michigan.
Leora Goldbloom-Helzner, PhD (PhF23) completed her doctoral degree at UC Davis and started as assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Stevenson University in Maryland, where she will be teaching and researching with the next generation of biomedical engineers.
Na Li, PhD (PhF22) of the University of Connecticut received an NIH R35 grant "Enabling oral drug formulations: mechanistic studies and modeling." "I would like to express sincere gratitude for the research support provided by the PhRMA Foundation that enabled us to investigate important research questions and collect promising data, leading to a recent five year NIH grant for further investigations," she said.
William Padula, PhD (PhF23) of the University of Southern California received ISPOR's 2024 Award for Excellence in Health Economics and Outcomes Research Methodology for his paper, “Predicting pressure injury risk in hospitalised patients using machine learning with electronic health records: a US multilevel cohort study."
Veselina Petrova, PhD (PhF23) of Harvard University, welcomed a baby girl, Aria Joy, in June. She also presented her research at the 8th International Axon Degeneration Conference at Johns Hopkins in September.
Vasco M. Pontinha, PhD, PharmD (PhF21) of Virginia Commonwealth University, was awarded as co-PI for the project "Prognostic Value of Systolic Blood Pressure Time in Target Range as an Alternative Quality Metric in Patients with Essential Hypertension" through the CTSA program at the Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research. "I will implement methods I was trained on while on a PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Award in Health Economics and Outcomes Research," he said. "This is another example of how crucial the PhRMA Foundation was to my post-graduate career in academia."
Xiaoshu Pan, PhD (PhF24) of the University of Florida, presented work at the International Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Symposium (NanoDDS) and won a publication award from the UF Postdoc Association.
Jarett Pytell, MD (PhF23) of the University of Colorado, was awarded a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) K23 for the project, “Patient Reported Outcome Measures to Individualize Treatment And Improve ReteNtion (ReTAIN) program in primary care-based OUD treatment.”
Younghye Song, PhD (PhF21) of the University of Arkansas, received a $2.5M NIH R37 grant from the National Cancer Institute to investigate the role of metabolic rewiring in breast tumor innervation. "The experimental protocols we got to optimize with PhRMA Foundation funding were helpful in generating preliminary data for the R37," Song said.