Newsletter | October 2024

Current Funding Opportunities

$5,000 Challenge Award for Trainees

The PhRMA Foundation and ISPOR’s journal Value in Health are partnering on a competition that will award up to five trainees for outstanding manuscripts addressing the impact of artificial intelligence in health economics and outcomes research.

PhF will provide a $5,000 Challenge Award to the first author of the winning papers, and ViH will publish the accepted manuscripts in its themed section. PhF will also pay the open-access publishing fee for the winning papers. Learn more.

Grants & Fellowships in Value Assessment and Health Outcomes Research

PhF seeks research proposals that investigate challenges and potential solutions related to evaluating the delivery, safe use, effectiveness, and value (clinical, patient-centered, and economic) of medicines and other health care interventions.

Predoctoral Fellowships: $30,000 a year for up to two years

Postdoctoral Fellowships: $60,000 a year for up to two years

Faculty Starter Grants: $100,000 for one year

Deadline: November 15 @ 12:00 p.m. (noon) ET

Application Resources


Transitioning From Academia to Industry

Are you an academic researcher considering a career in the biopharmaceutical industry? Then this webinar is for you. Whether you are a recent graduate or postdoc looking for an industry job or a faculty member debating a career transition, join this webinar to hear from researchers who have made the move to industry.

We’ll cover topics such as:

  • Key points to consider when making your decision
  • Identifying suitable job opportunities
  • Advice on applying for industry roles
  • Navigating the transition
  • Tips for excelling in industry

Tuesday, October 29

2:00-3:00 p.m. ET


Exploring Career Paths: Eli Lilly's Postdoc Fellowships

Join this PhRMA Foundation webinar to learn what it's like to work at Lilly, a global medicine company, as a postdoctoral scientist. Lilly’s postdocs engage in research, are mentored by some of company’s top scientists, and collaborate and network with dozens of postdoctoral scientists and other researchers.

Tuesday, November 19

3:00-4:00 p.m. ET


Meet the Researchers

Hear directly from our 2024 award recipients about their research and career paths.

Dr. Charlems Alvarez Jimenez: Creating an AI Tool to Personalize Rectal Cancer Treatment

Dr. Marcus Garcia: Measuring Microplastics in the Placenta and Assessing Their Health Impacts

Watch More Awardee Interviews

From the Blog

PhF Frontier Award Recipient Publishes Patient-Centered Protocol for Value Assessment Study

Surachat Ngorsuraches, PhD, associate professor at the Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy, received a $500,000 PhF Frontier Award to support his efforts to meaningfully engage patients and caregivers in the Deep South in research evaluating the value of multiple sclerosis therapies. He recently published his study protocol in the journal PharmacoEconomics Open, describing his patient-centered framework for conducting a multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA), an approach that helps identify and weigh multiple factors important to stakeholders like patients and caregivers, including nontraditional measures of value. Learn more.

Awardee News

Rogério A. Bataglioli, PhD (PhF23), a postdoc at Virginia Tech, and his lab received widespread media coverage for their work to develop a menstrual pad with a special formula that allows blood to turn to gel. Their research was featured in outlets such as the New York Post, Gizmodo, and The Economist.

Audrey Brown, PhD (PhF24) of the University of Virginia, received a U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program Collaborative Award with Dr. Akira Kawashima of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine in Tokyo. This award will fund research to study colonoscopy biopsies from patients with intestinal ameba parasite infection in Japan.

Christopher Cadham, MPH (PhF23) of the University of Michigan, presented his PhF-funded research at Canada's Drug Agency Symposium and won the Student Poster Award for his work "Understanding Equity-Efficiency Trade-offs for Healthcare Resource Allocation in Canada: A Best-Worst Scaling Exercise." He will also be presenting his work at the Society for Medical Decision Making conference in October.

Desnor Chigumba, PhD (PhF22) graduated from the University of Michigan and started a new position as a Venture Analyst at the University of Michigan’s Innovation Partnerships. In this role, she conducts investment analysis for the Accelerate Blue Fund and the Michigan University Innovation Capital Fund, and supports life sciences startups in Michigan.

Leora Goldbloom-Helzner, PhD (PhF23) completed her doctoral degree at UC Davis and started as assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Stevenson University in Maryland, where she will be teaching and researching with the next generation of biomedical engineers.

Na Li, PhD (PhF22) of the University of Connecticut received an NIH R35 grant "Enabling oral drug formulations: mechanistic studies and modeling." "I would like to express sincere gratitude for the research support provided by the PhRMA Foundation that enabled us to investigate important research questions and collect promising data, leading to a recent five year NIH grant for further investigations," she said.

William Padula, PhD (PhF23) of the University of Southern California received ISPOR's 2024 Award for Excellence in Health Economics and Outcomes Research Methodology for his paper, “Predicting pressure injury risk in hospitalised patients using machine learning with electronic health records: a US multilevel cohort study."

Veselina Petrova, PhD (PhF23) of Harvard University, welcomed a baby girl, Aria Joy, in June. She also presented her research at the 8th International Axon Degeneration Conference at Johns Hopkins in September.

Vasco M. Pontinha, PhD, PharmD (PhF21) of Virginia Commonwealth University, was awarded as co-PI for the project "Prognostic Value of Systolic Blood Pressure Time in Target Range as an Alternative Quality Metric in Patients with Essential Hypertension" through the CTSA program at the Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research. "I will implement methods I was trained on while on a PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Award in Health Economics and Outcomes Research," he said. "This is another example of how crucial the PhRMA Foundation was to my post-graduate career in academia."

Xiaoshu Pan, PhD (PhF24) of the University of Florida, presented work at the International Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Symposium (NanoDDS) and won a publication award from the UF Postdoc Association.

Jarett Pytell, MD (PhF23) of the University of Colorado, was awarded a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) K23 for the project, “Patient Reported Outcome Measures to Individualize Treatment And Improve ReteNtion (ReTAIN) program in primary care-based OUD treatment.”

Younghye Song, PhD (PhF21) of the University of Arkansas, received a $2.5M NIH R37 grant from the National Cancer Institute to investigate the role of metabolic rewiring in breast tumor innervation. "The experimental protocols we got to optimize with PhRMA Foundation funding were helpful in generating preliminary data for the R37," Song said.

Awardee Publications

Congrats to these Foundation-funded researchers on their recent work.

**Indicates research directly supported by a PhRMA Foundation award.

**Micronuclear collapse from oxidative damage, Science

Albert S. Agustinus (PhF21), Weill Cornell Medicine

Chromosomal instability as a driver of cancer progression, Nature Reviews Genetics

Albert S. Agustinus (PhF21), Weill Cornell Medicine

**A naturally derived biomaterial formulation for improved menstrual care, Matter

Rogério A. Bataglioli (PhF23), Virgina Tech

**1,4-Diurea- and 1,4-Dithiourea-Substituted Aromatic Derivatives Selectively Inhibit α-Synuclein Oligomer Formation In Vitro, ACS Omega

Jessica Fortin, PhD, Purdue University (PhF21)

**Assessing the conjugation efficiency of surface-modified extracellular vesicles using single nanovesicle analysis technologies, Nanoscale

Leora Goldbloom-Helzner, PhD (PhF23)

Targeting and monitoring ovarian cancer invasion with an RNAi and peptide delivery system, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Liangliang Hao, PhD (PhF23), Boston University

**Association Between Medicare Site-Based Payment Policy, Physician Practice Characteristics, and Vertical Integration Among Oncologists, Journal of Clinical Oncology-Oncology Practice

Xin Hu, PhD (PhF22), University of Virginia

**Novel platinum therapeutics induce rapid cancer cell death through triggering intracellular ROS storm, Biomaterials

Yongbin Liu, PhD (PhF23), Houston Methodist Research Institute

H3K9me3 loss and ERVs activation as hallmarks for osteoarthritis progression and knee joint aging, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Vladimir Molchanov (PhF23), Van Andel Institute

**Real-world impact of acupuncture on analgesics and healthcare resource utilization in breast cancer survivors with pain, BMC Medicine

Ding Quan (Quinton) Ng (PhF23), University of California, Irvine

Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome-Driven Symptom Management by Oncology Pharmacists in a Majority-Minority Population: An Implementation Study, Journal of Clinical Oncology-Oncology Practice

Ding Quan (Quinton) Ng (PhF23), University of California, Irvine

A CAR enhancer increases the activity and persistence of CAR T cells, Nature Biotechnology

Ali Nili, MD (PhF24), Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Development of a Stable Peptide–Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) via Sortase and Click Chemistry, ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science

Ali Nili, MD (PhF24), Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

**Enhancing older Veterans' care: Insights from medication reviews and deprescribing interventions, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy

Helen Omuya, BPharm, MPA (PhF23), University of Wisconsin-Madison

**Precision and efficacy of RNA-guided DNA integration in high-expressing muscle loci, Journal: Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids

Made Harumi Padmaswari (PhF23), University of Arkansas

**Identification of novel neuroprotectants against vincristine-induced neurotoxicity in iPSC-derived neurons, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences

Veselina Petrova, PhD (PhF23) of Harvard University

**Virtual birefringence imaging and histological staining of amyloid deposits in label-free tissue using autofluorescence microscopy and deep learning, Nature Communications

Nir Pillar, MD (PhF23), University of California, Los Angeles

Frailty and Prehabilitation Navigating the Road to a Successful Transplant, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

Vasco M. Pontinha, PhD, MBA, MPharm (PhF21), Virginia Commonwealth University

**Positive allosteric modulation of glutamate transporter reduces cocaine-induced locomotion and expression of cocaine conditioned place preference in rats, European Journal of Pharmacology

Katelyn L. Reeb (PhF23), Drexel University

**Development of Tissue-Engineered Model of Fibrotic Scarring after Spinal Cord Injury to Study Astrocyte Activation and Neurite Outgrowth In Vitro, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

Younghye Song, PhD (PhF21), University of Arkansas

**Development of Combinatorial Therapeutics for Spinal Cord Injury using Stem Cell Delivery, Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)

Younghye Song, PhD (PhF21), University of Arkansas

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