January 2025

Can you spare an hour?

Students are signed up and looking forward to a visit from someone like YOU. Volunteers are needed! We will connect you with a local classroom and provide a simple presentation and tips to make your visit a success! The hour will fly by as you share your agriculture story and answer student's questions about food! Sign up as a volunteer for Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month, and help teach students about where their food comes from!

Sign up by January 24th to present in March.

Volunteer Now
Volunteer FAQ's

You're Invited: Event at WCCPS

AITC-SK is launching our NEW Grains of Saskatchewan Display at Western Canadian Crop Production Show! Join us for appetizers, drinks, and socializing as we unveil the display that will reach thousands of students around the province for years to come! Register for a complimentary beverage.

Thursday, January 16th

Western Canadian Crop Production Show

Hall A, Breakout Room 2

2:30 pm Registration

2:45 pm Ribbon Cutting

3:00 - 4:00 pm Explore & Socialize


*Registration is appreciated by 4:30 pm on January 13th, 2025.

Visit us at WCCPS

Stop by Booth A5 to say hi to our team and ask about the important work we've been up to!

There is still time to receive a 2024 charitable receipt and support Acres for Education!

Government of Canada announces extension of 2024 charitable donations to February 28, 2025.

Visit our booth to hear about the impact your charitable donation can and will make!

Donate Now OR Donate at WCCPS

AITC-SK Around the Province

In partnership with many organizations, we offered incredible learning experiences for students at Canadian Western Agribition. Students had the chance to see animals up close, talk to farmers, explore careers in agriculture, and learn about where food comes from.

Agri-Ed Program

~10,000 Elementary Students

AITC-SK hosted our Grains of Saskatchewan and Beef Education displays in the Family Ag Pavilion.

Ag-Mazing Challenge

750+ Middle Years Students

Students visited stations around the grounds to explore and answer questions about our food system.

thinkAG Career Expo

550+ High School Students

Students rotated through stations to learn about different sectors and careers in agriculture and food.

Classroom Resource Impact

AITC-SK's agricultural resources are in high demand! Teachers order or download resources from our website (for FREE) to facilitate learning about agriculture and food in their classrooms.

With a small team of 12, we do not have the ability to visit all of the schools that request us. That's why we rely on volunteers to help visit classrooms and our agricultural resources for teachers to facilitate agricultural lessons in their classrooms.

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