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September 2024


Call for Board Members and Nominations

We have openings on our Board of Directors! If you are interesting in serving on our Board or assisting one of our Directors, or if you know someone who would make a great member of our board, please reach out to us at

We also have volunteer opportunities if you are looking to get involved but don't want to commit to being on our Board.


Rule of the Month

Rule 15.1a: Removal of Loose Impediments

With fall golf in Wisconsin comes lots of loose impediments in the form of fallen leaves. Rule 15.1a of the rules of golf tells us how and when we can remove these loos impediments from around our ball.

Without penalty, a player may remove a loose impediment anywhere on or off the course, and may do so in any way (such as by using a hand or foot, using a club or other equipment, getting help from others or breaking off part of a loose impediment).

But there are two exceptions:

Exception 1 – Removing Loose Impediment Where Ball Must Be Replaced: Before replacing a ball that was lifted or moved from anywhere except the putting green:

A player must not deliberately remove a loose impediment that, if moved before the ball was lifted or moved, would have been likely to have caused the ball to move.

If the player does so, they get one penalty stroke, but the removed loose impediment does not need to be replaced.

This exception applies both during a round and while play is stopped under Rule 5.7a. It does not apply to a loose impediment that was not there before the ball was lifted or moved or that is removed as a result of marking the spot of a ball, or lifting, moving or replacing a ball or causing a ball to move.

Exception 2 – Restrictions on Deliberately Removing Loose Impediments to Affect Ball in Motion (see Rule 11.3).

For a full explanation of this rule, as well as what to do if your ball moves when you remove a loose impediment, go to the USGA website!


Indoor Women's Golf League

Thursdays at 7pm

The Bogey Factory

Verona, WI

The Bogey Factory in Verona is hosting an indoor women's golf league on Thursdays starting October 10! Email to sign up or for more information! The Bogey Factory is an indoor Trackman facility that opened in spring 2024.

Each week, players will be assigned to 4-person scramble teams and will play for prizes! This is a great way to meet more women golfers! All ability levels are welcome!


Fore Please!

End of Season Scramble and Chapter Championship Recap

We had a spectacular day of golf and celebrating the golf season on Saturday, September 14 at the Meadows of Sixmile Creek. Players competed in Day 2 of the Eraser Tournament, the Chapter Championship, and a fun 2-person scramble followed by dinner, drinks, and awards in the clubhouse. Thank you to everyone who made this event a success! Below are all of the winners from each of the divisions.

The 2024 Madison Chapter Champions: Sarah DeKraay (gross) and Terri Redmond (net)!!!

Chapter Championship first flight winners: 1st gross-Sarah DeKraay; 1st net-Jean McCormick; 2nd gross-Julie Schroeder; 2nd net-Brigitte Jagemann; 3rd gross-Peg Carlson; 3rd net-Jane Bowden

Chapter Championship second flight winners: 1st gross-Terri Redmond; 1st net-Cindy Schmelzer; 2nd gross-Lisa Herfel; 2nd net-Jane Malm; 3rd gross-Carissa Amundson; 3rd net-Linda Shinner

Scramble division winners: 1st-Ginger Zimmerman and Mary Elvekrog; 2nd-Brenda Homeister and Cat Kimura; 3rd-Sandy Bell and Randi Christensen

Eraser tournament winners: most improved-Linda Shinner; overall low gross-Rebecca Swartz; overall low net-Terri Redmond; first flight low gross-Peg Carlson; first flight low net-Sara Hofmann; second flight low gross-Jane Bowden; second flight low net-Lisa Herfel

Murphy Desmond Cup winners: 1st-Terri Redmond and Mindy Walker; 2nd-Carissa Amundson and Sara Hofmann; consolation: Cindy Schmelzer and Barb Severson

Our members have been busy on the golf course this season already, and we want to hear about it! Email your (and your friends') golf achievements, big or small, to

We Are Looking for Sponsors!
Our chapter is always looking for Sponsors to help subsidize costs for our members and so that we can continue to host a variety of great golf events!

If you know of a company that would be interested in sponsoring our chapter, please reach out to We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities and levels available!
Become a Volunteer!
Do you want to get more involved with our organization? We have ample opportunities for you to volunteer with us ranging from single-day opportunities all the way to serving on our Board of Directors.

Contact us at for more information and to get added to our team of volunteers!
Member Offers
Vitense Golfland Discount

All LPGA Amateurs Madison Chapter members receive a discount on range balls at Vitense Golfland! Mention the discount at checkout, and receive a discount on your purchase of a bucket of balls. You may be asked to show your LPGA Amateurs Member ID.

Complimentary Member Access to 2024 LPGA Tour Events

As the LPGA Tour continues its US swing through the end of July, this is a great time to take advantage of the member benefit that allows you plus one guest complimentary access to all the LPGA events (US Open and Solheim Cup not included). Click here for details about additional discounts available to 2024 LPGA Amateurs members, including special pricing for the US Open, the Solheim Cup, and hospitality options at LPGA events. Please note that a current LPGA Ams Member ID is required for entry into the events.
Member Clubhouse
Follow us on social media!
To keep up-to-date on events and registration, remember to follow us on our Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as our Chapter website.
LPGA Women's Network #LPGATips
Subscribe to the LPGA Women's Network and follow it on Facebook.
Every week, look to #LPGATips to improve your game!
Madison Chapter email:
Our Communications Director, Rebecca Swartz, administers this account and will forward your inquiries onto the appropriate Board Member. 
As always, Board Members' personal contact information can be found on our website.
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