September 2024 Placer Artists Tour News

Register for Tour now to enter Art Bucks drawing

We'll be having three drawings for Art Bucks ($50 each drawing). These may be used as cash to purchase Tour artists' work! Drawings will be held Oct 19, Nov 1, and Nov. 11 (plus one for post-tour survey responses on December 15).

You may pre-register for the Tour now! It's free. Simply scan the QR code below (or click on it if you are reading this on your phone) This takes you to the Bidcrest Online Tour Web app.

Fill in your name, email, zip code and submit. You are then poised for effortless attendance sign-in at the artist studios, schools and galleries. You'll also enjoy leaving comments, gain access to the Tour's Dine and Drink specials and enable on-the-fly navigation between studios.

SCAN THIS CODE to register

Tip: Do it now so you know your phone's QR reader is up-to-date and you are comfortable using it.

Opportunity to Meet the Artists this Thursday

Thursday, September 26, 5 to 7 pm

Meet Artists who are new to the Placer Artists Tour for 2024!

• Art Demos • Art Sales • Nibbles and beverages

• Invite your family and friends!

Hosted by our generous Host Hotel

Springhill Suites Auburn, 13535 Bowman Rd.

Auburn, California 95603

Tour Guides Available

Wondering which studios to visit in November? Let the beautiful, full-color Arts Directory & Tour Guide show you. This year's guide features larger artist sample images and is packed with enlightening articles and sponsor messages. The 60-page "evergreen" magazine is available throughout Placer County and beyond.

Click here to find the Directory

Art Directory is Now Live Online

Learn more about your favorite Artists, Galleries and Schools on the 2024 Placer Artists Tour

Check out the Directory

Congratulations to Susan Stoll

"I love meeting tour goers and building relationships with fellow artists."

--Susan Stoll, location #75

This year's recipient of the Helen Phillips Founders Award is photographer Susan Stoll. She has been involved behind the scenes with the Tour for many years. Many artists know her through the professional photography assistance she provides during the application process.

Thank you Susan!

Endowment Fund Update

Art by John Bowler

Our thanks go out to John and Annie Bowler for creating a meaningful and profitable fundraising event for the Placer Artists Endowment Fund last summer. The Bowlers opened their home for a reception featuring John’s artwork and welcomed collectors to choose their own price for original works by John. All the proceeds went directly to the Endowment Fund. Thanks to the Bowlers generosity, over $5,000 was raised! 

Our goal is to match the original pledged fund of $350,000 to reach $700,000. This will create a consistent contribution to the Placer Artists Tour operating fund, which is integral to sustaining the annual artists tour. Thank you for partnering with us in meeting this goal! 

Click to learn more about the Placer Artists Endowment Fund

If you have an idea for a fundraising event or would like to host a gathering, please reach out to endowment fund team leader Cindy Strickland at  

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