City of Solana Beach


December 13, 2024

The following is provided as an update regarding City news, programs, and services.

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City Council News

Solana Beach City Council Re-Appointments

At a Special Meeting of the City Council on December 11th, Mayor Lesa Heebner, Councilmember David A. Zito (District 1), and Councilmember Jewel Edson (District 3) were officially sworn into their reappointed positions for the next four years during the Oath of Office ceremony. During the same meeting, Councilmember Kristi Becker was appointed Deputy Mayor for 2025.

Congratulations to our Mayor and Councilmembers. We look forward to their continued leadership and commitment to our community!

The Mayor and Council promptly jumped into the regularly scheduled Council meeting immediately following where they approved the following items:

New Marine Safety Center Approved by City Council

At the City Council meeting on Wednesday, the Solana Beach City Council officially approved the design for the long-awaited replacement Marine Safety Center. A heartfelt thank you to the City Council for their commitment to our Lifeguards and the important work they are tasked with overseeing our coastline and beaches. We also want to thank the community for their invaluable input at many public meetings as staff and our architects worked to redesign this new facility to maintain coastal views and access. The new design addresses the many deficiencies identified in the 2022 Needs Assessment Study conducted for the Marine Safety Facility and operations.

This project has been a long time coming, and the City is thrilled to provide the Marine Safety Department and our Junior Lifeguard Program with a state-of-the-art facility that reflects the dedication and service that is provided to our community and visitors. Next steps are to submit for a Coastal Development Permit, develop engineering design plans, and identify funding from grants and other fiscal opportunities that can be put into place for future construction. This new facility will be a beautiful addition to our Fletcher Cove and will enhance operations and public access and safety for generations.

We will keep you informed of the process in this newsletter and the ways you can stay involved!

Community Events

City Hall Gallery Special Reception: Gerrit Greve

Saturday, December 14th, at 12:00 PM

Join us tomorrow, December 14th, from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM for a special reception celebrating the vibrant and diverse artwork of Gerrit Greve (1948-2024) at the City Hall Gallery. Hosted by the Solana Beach Public Arts Commission, this exhibit showcases the internationally acclaimed artist's colorful pieces and unique styles, filled with texture and depth, and shaped by his multicultural upbringing. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience his inspiring work and honor his incredible legacy and celebrated career! Light refreshments will be served.

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La Colonia Park Holiday Tree Lighting

Saturday, December 14th, at 5:00 PM

The City and La Colonia Community Foundation invite you to a special La Colonia Park Holiday Tree Lighting event on Saturday, December 14th, at 5:00 PM. Join your friends and neighbors at La Colonia Park to celebrate the holiday season. There will be plenty of sweets, treats, and Mexican hot cocoa to go along with all the fun, including traditional holiday aguinaldos treat bags for the children, and delicious pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread). Santa will make another appearance and children will have the chance to share their holiday gift wishes in hopes they are on the Nice list.

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Community News

Holiday Recycling Guide & Tips!

Holiday celebrations are in full swing and with all of this comes a lot of extra waste. It’s hard not to notice the full trash and recycling containers on collection days during December. But did you know that during the Holiday season Americans generate 25% more waste? Knowing the most environmentally beneficial ways to dispose of everyday Holiday products such as wrapping paper, cardboard, and soiled-paper products is essential. When not disposed of correctly or just thrown in the trash, this standard Holiday trash can pollute the environment and increase waste in landfills.

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Free Holiday Home Vacation Checks

The winter Holidays are a popular time of year to travel. Holiday vacations are a fun and exciting way to spend time with loved ones but can you be sure that you have taken the necessary steps to protect your home while you are away? If you're traveling this Holiday, consider signing up for a free Home Vacation Check. The San Diego County Sheriff's Office offers free home vacation checks year-round. Simply sign up for this free service and the Sheriff’s Office Senior Volunteer Patrol will keep a watchful eye on your home while you are away for the Holidays!

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Extended City Hall Holiday Closure

In observance of the upcoming Holidays, City Hall and all non-essential City buildings will be closed from Friday, December 20, 2024 (Closed Friday) through Friday, January 3, 2025 (Closed Friday). Essential City services and emergency response will be available during this time.

Regular City Hall hours will resume on Monday, January 6, 2025. Have a wonderful Holiday season and a Happy New Year!

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