February 6, 2025


Significant legislative progress is being made towards funding critical areas of transportation, special education, and Materials, Supplies, and Operating Costs (MSOCs) in Washington State. Bills addressing these key topics have been heard early in the session and are currently advancing through the legislative process. 

On Tuesday, February 11th, at 4 PM, the Senate Ways and Means Committee will hold an important hearing to discuss these proposals further. This hearing is pivotal as it will help to maintain the momentum on the funding framework for crucial services that impact students and families reliant on special education and transportation systems.

Support from districts is essential, and stakeholders are encouraged to make their voices heard by signing in for the record at the Senate committee sign-in page. This is an opportunity for advocates to show their support for these essential funding initiatives, ensuring that legislators understand the public's commitment to enhancing transportation accessibility, special education resources, and MSOCs.

In the photo above from left to right: Melissa Gombosky (AESD), Marissa Rathbone (WSSDA), Dan Steele (WASA): advocating together for your member-adopted priorities.


On Wednesday, January 29th, members of WSSDA staff met with newly elected Commissioner of Public Lands, Dave Upthegrove, to discuss issues impacting the trust lands managed by the Department of Natural Resources to generate revenue for schools. The attendees included WSSDA Executive Director Tricia Lubach, Director of Strategic Advocacy Marissa Rathbone, Policy Analyst Levon Williams and Trust Land Advisory Committee Chair Russ Pfeiffer-Hoyt, joined by members of the Commissioner’s staff, including Chief of Staff Dianna Phibbs and Strategic Advisor Mike Hoover (former WSSDA Advocacy Consultant).

Commissioner Upthegrove comes to his new position with many years of public service, having served as a state representative and as a member of the King County Council. He recounted his lifelong interest and love for the outdoors. Having campaigned with the intention to reexamine management of older forests, Commissioner Upthegrove has ordered a six month pause on 23 planned timber sales. We discussed the importance of steady and stable timber revenue, especially for poorer rural school districts. As WSSDA TLAC member, Bobbie Stafan from Wahkiakum School District said, “Rural school districts run so close to the bone”. Commissioner Upthegrove said that he recognizes the hardship that a pause in timber revenue brings to school districts. He has asked his staff to study options to reconfigure the 23 timber sales to reduce the financial impact on trust beneficiaries.

While timber revenue provides the bulk of trust revenue, the group also discussed the many other sources of revenue from trust lands, including agriculture such as vineyards and wheat, green energy, communication sites and commercial and residential development. Commissioner Upthegrove recognizes the value that this wide variety of uses provide for trust revenue.

WSSDA TLAC Chair, Russ Pfeiffer-Hoyt, described the history of decades of a mutually beneficial relationship between WSSDA and the Commissioners of Public Lands. Guided by WSSDA’s positions on trust lands, WSSDA supports legislation of mutual interest with the DNR and advocates for good trust management. WSSDA’s representatives and Commissioner Upthegrove all recognized the importance of our close relationship and agreed to continue working together for the benefit of all the schoolchildren of our state.

WSSDA's TLAC will meet regularly with Commissioner Upthegrove throughout the year. There is room for more school directors on the WSSDA TLAC and we would appreciate your insights and participation. If you would like to join TLAC meetings in the future, please email


What is the Common School Trust?

The Common School Trust, about 1.8 million acres in size, was granted at statehood to help fund public schools in perpetuity. Sustainable timber harvests generate most of the revenue, but income also comes from orchards, vineyards, wheat, wind and solar power and commercial properties. The revenue from these lands is placed in the School Construction Assistance Program (SCAP).

What is the State Forest Trust?

State Forests were created from land that was abandoned after logging in the 1920’s and 30’s. State Forests are managed for sustainable timber production for the benefit of counties and junior taxing districts, such as school districts, where the land is located. A school district must have a voted bond or levy to receive State Forest timber revenue.

Why do Common School Trust and State Forest revenue matter to K-12 education?

Common School Trust revenue helps fund school construction state-wide. State Forest revenues are used to maintain school facilities, and to help pay for operational costs that are not funded by basic education funding. These dollars help ensure that schools have the financial support to meet student needs.

Who oversees decisions regarding the management of trust lands?

The state legislature is the trustee for all state trust lands. Management of trust lands is delegated to the Department of Natural Resources, led by the elected Commissioner of Public Lands. The Board of Natural Resources sets policy and approves timber sales and land transactions.

Who is impacted by the Common School Trust and State Forest revenue?

Students, teachers, and school districts are the primary beneficiaries. Students benefit from the additional funding that supports school programs and resources. Teachers and school staff rely on these funds to provide quality education. School districts, especially those in rural or forested areas, directly benefit from forest revenue, which supports education in areas with limited local property tax revenue.

Why should other districts care about the Common School Trust and State Forest revenue?

All districts can qualify for construction assistance through the SCAP formula. SCAP is funded in part by the Common School Trust. State Forest revenue goes primarily to rural school districts, increasing equitable funding for some of the poorest areas of the state. It’s important to advocate for equitable funding across all districts to maintain the quality of education statewide.

How can WSSDA members get involved or advocate on these issues?

WSSDA members can advocate by engaging with legislators, attending public hearings, and raising awareness about the importance of trust revenue for education. They can also collaborate with other education organizations, track legislative actions, and communicate the impact of trust revenue on local schools. Supporting state efforts to manage the trust fund effectively is also crucial for long-term K-12 education sustainability. WSSDA’s Trust Land Advisory Committee helps educate WSSDA members about school trust lands.

To learn more and stay connected, visit WSSDA's Trust Lands webpage.


Your Voice Needed - Hearings Next Week

Multiple education bills that could significantly impact your district will be heard next week. Your real-world perspective is essential to help legislators make informed decisions.

Action Steps:

1. Check WSSDA's Bill Watch for hearing schedule

2. Identify bills affecting your district

3. Submit testimony or sign up to speak

There are only 86 more days left in this session. Don't miss this chance to advocate for your students, staff, and community. Learn more here.

Act now to ensure your district's voice is heard.


Ways & Means (Senate) - SHR 4 and Virtual JACB - 2/11 @ 4:00pm


SB 5192 - Concerning school district materials, supplies, and operating costs.


SSB 5263 - Concerning special education funding.


SB 5187 - Providing adequate and predictable student transportation.

Download WSSDA's 2025 Legislative Priorities


WSSDA staff carefully considers each education bill and identifies one or more member-adopted positions to determine a position before weighing in. Additionally, the Legislative Committee, each member representing their Director Area (DA), meets every week to sift through some of the most challenging issues and brings forward perspectives that can be shared during testimony or written comments. Below are the options available to "weigh in."


  • State WSSDA's position for the record as Pro, Con, or Other.
  • WSSDA has a legislative and/or permanent position that aligns with or connects to the bill, but it is not a legislative priority this session.

No Position

  • WSSDA will not weigh in on a bill if there is no clearly related member-adopted legislative or permanent position.


  • The bill is likely one of WSSDA's priorities or of deep concern.
  • If we are con or other, we inform the bill sponsor in advance.
  • State our position during a live hearing, which is also recorded for the record.

Written Comments

  • We may submit our position on a bill via email and/or through the online system for the record.


Guided by WSSDA's member-adopted positions, WSSDA weighed in on multiple bills this week.

Higher Education & Workforce Development (Senate) - 2/3 @ 10:30am

SB 5442 - Establishing a college promise pilot program. Signed in Pro – Reduce Barriers to Post-Secondary Education

Labor & Commerce (Senate) - 2/3 @ 10:30am

SB 5378 - Expanding access to grants within the paid family and medical leave insurance program for small school districts. Signed in Pro - Amply Funded Staffing Levels

HB 1676 - Reassigning and authorizing surrendered, revoked, or nonrenewed charter school contracts. Signed in Con and sent written comments, Charter Schools under Locally Elected School Boards

Education (House) - 2/3 @ 1:30pm

HB 1257 - Extending special education services to students with disabilities until the end of the school year in which the student turns 22. Signed In Pro – Education for Students with Disabilities

HB 1273 - Improving student access to dual credit programs. Signed In Pro - Expanding Access to and Equitable Funding for all Dual Credit Options


Appropriations (House) - 2/3 @ 4:00pm

HB 1404 - Increasing student access to free meals served at public schools. Signed in Pro – Universal Free School Meals

HB 1338 - Concerning school operating costs. Testified Pro – Kelsi Hamilton, Chehalis School District - Full Funding of Basic Education


Early Learning & K-12 Education (Senate) - 2/4 @ 8:00am

SB 5352 - Increasing student access to free meals served at public schools. Signed in Pro – Universal Free School Meals

Postsecondary Education & Workforce (House) - 2/4 @ 1:30pm

HB 1554 - Providing equity in eligibility for the college bound scholarship. Signed in Pro - Reduce Barriers to Post-Secondary Education


Education (House) - 2/4 @ 4:00pm

HB 1032 - Concerning school district elections. (Remote Testimony Available).

Testified Pro - Marissa Rathbone, WSSDA Staff - Passage of School Finance Issues

HJR 4201 - Amending the Constitution to allow a majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds. Signed In Pro - Passage of School Finance Issues

Environment, Energy & Technology (Senate) - 2/5 @ 8:00am

SB 5188 - Concerning broadband infrastructure repair loans. (Remote Testimony Available). Signed in Pro – Digital Education Access for All


Early Learning & K-12 Education (Senate) - 2/5 @ 10:30am

SB 5386 - Supporting survivors of sexual assault in public elementary and secondary schools. Signed in Pro - Sexual Harassment, Assault, and Abuse Prevention & Response


Postsecondary Education & Workforce (House) - 2/5 @ 1:30pm

HB 1565 - Continuing the Washington dual enrollment scholarship. Signed in Pro - Reduce Barriers to Post-Secondary Education


Education (House) - 2/6 @ 8:00am

HB 1140 - Establishing empowerED scholarships using educational savings accounts.

Signed in Con – submitted written comments - Private Schools Funding


Early Learning & K-12 Education (Senate) - 2/6 @ 10:30am

SB 5517 - Determining state allocations for school staff salaries. Signed in Other - Amply Funded Staffing Levels

SB 5593 - Adjusting enrichment levies and local effort assistance. Testifying Other - Marissa Rathbone, WSSDA Staff - Levy Authority and Local Effort Assistance

Agriculture & Natural Resources (Senate) - 2/6 @ 1:30pm

SB 5385 - Amending the definition of timberland for purposes of determining the real property excise tax for a governmental entity. Signed in Pro - Management of Common School Trust Lands

You can also track education bills and the weekly schedule on the WSSDA website. Email us with questions or comments at


The Washington State Legislature and TVW offer many tools and resources to help you navigate the legislative session. Check them out below.

Understanding the Process

How to Participate


We're here to support you. Don't hesitate to call or email us anytime with questions.

Marissa Rathbone

Director of Strategic Advocacy


Levon Williams

Advocacy and Policy Analyst

Daniel Lunghofer

Accountant (and school finance guru)

Follow us on Instagram!
