Guided by WSSDA's member-adopted positions, WSSDA weighed in on multiple bills this week.
Higher Education & Workforce Development (Senate) - 2/3 @ 10:30am
SB 5442 - Establishing a college promise pilot program. Signed in Pro – Reduce Barriers to Post-Secondary Education
Labor & Commerce (Senate) - 2/3 @ 10:30am
SB 5378 - Expanding access to grants within the paid family and medical leave insurance program for small school districts. Signed in Pro - Amply Funded Staffing Levels
HB 1676 - Reassigning and authorizing surrendered, revoked, or nonrenewed charter school contracts. Signed in Con and sent written comments, Charter Schools under Locally Elected School Boards
Education (House) - 2/3 @ 1:30pm
HB 1257 - Extending special education services to students with disabilities until the end of the school year in which the student turns 22. Signed In Pro – Education for Students with Disabilities
HB 1273 - Improving student access to dual credit programs. Signed In Pro - Expanding Access to and Equitable Funding for all Dual Credit Options
Appropriations (House) - 2/3 @ 4:00pm
HB 1404 - Increasing student access to free meals served at public schools. Signed in Pro – Universal Free School Meals
HB 1338 - Concerning school operating costs. Testified Pro – Kelsi Hamilton, Chehalis School District - Full Funding of Basic Education
Early Learning & K-12 Education (Senate) - 2/4 @ 8:00am
SB 5352 - Increasing student access to free meals served at public schools. Signed in Pro – Universal Free School Meals
Postsecondary Education & Workforce (House) - 2/4 @ 1:30pm
HB 1554 - Providing equity in eligibility for the college bound scholarship. Signed in Pro - Reduce Barriers to Post-Secondary Education
Education (House) - 2/4 @ 4:00pm
HB 1032 - Concerning school district elections. (Remote Testimony Available).
Testified Pro - Marissa Rathbone, WSSDA Staff - Passage of School Finance Issues
HJR 4201 - Amending the Constitution to allow a majority of voters voting to authorize school district bonds. Signed In Pro - Passage of School Finance Issues
Environment, Energy & Technology (Senate) - 2/5 @ 8:00am
SB 5188 - Concerning broadband infrastructure repair loans. (Remote Testimony Available). Signed in Pro – Digital Education Access for All
Early Learning & K-12 Education (Senate) - 2/5 @ 10:30am
SB 5386 - Supporting survivors of sexual assault in public elementary and secondary schools. Signed in Pro - Sexual Harassment, Assault, and Abuse Prevention & Response
Postsecondary Education & Workforce (House) - 2/5 @ 1:30pm
HB 1565 - Continuing the Washington dual enrollment scholarship. Signed in Pro - Reduce Barriers to Post-Secondary Education
Education (House) - 2/6 @ 8:00am
HB 1140 - Establishing empowerED scholarships using educational savings accounts.
Signed in Con – submitted written comments - Private Schools Funding
Early Learning & K-12 Education (Senate) - 2/6 @ 10:30am
SB 5517 - Determining state allocations for school staff salaries. Signed in Other - Amply Funded Staffing Levels
SB 5593 - Adjusting enrichment levies and local effort assistance. Testifying Other - Marissa Rathbone, WSSDA Staff - Levy Authority and Local Effort Assistance
Agriculture & Natural Resources (Senate) - 2/6 @ 1:30pm
SB 5385 - Amending the definition of timberland for purposes of determining the real property excise tax for a governmental entity. Signed in Pro - Management of Common School Trust Lands
You can also track education bills and the weekly schedule on the WSSDA website. Email us with questions or comments at