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We exist to fulfill the Great Commission by loving people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.


JANUARY 30, 2025

edited by Debbie A. Atwood

Visit our Website


Pat Findley, Senior Pastor

Kevin Griffey, Worship Pastor

Micah & Kelsi Bergen, NextGen/KidMin Directors

(Birth-6th grade)

Ryan Campos, NextGen/StuMin Pastor

(7th-12th grade)

Dear Readers,

This Sunday is Celebrate Recovery Anniversary Sunday. Fifteen years ago, on February 2, the first CR service was held at First Baptist Church! You do not want to miss this celebration! Jake & Jenny Corson will be baptized during the first service at 9:30. Scroll down to see photos of our newest soon-to-be church members.

GriefShare and Beyond GriefShare begin tonight (Thursday) at 6 PM.

MidWeek studies for adults will resume on February 5. Look for the special insert in this Sunday's bulletin, or scroll down and tap or click on the graphic for MidWeek studies for more details.

Parent Commissioning and a special emphasis on the Lord's Supper is on Sunday, February 9th. This will also be an opportunity to give a freewill offering to our benevolence fund. If you attend in person, look for the Deacons at the sanctuary doors with open Bibles to collect your offering on your way out. The individuals holding an offering plate are collecting Connect cards and the regular offering.

This Saturday, there is a great opportunity to support some of our AO8 and community partners as they square off in a Dodgeball Tournament at Clinton Middle School. This is also a fundraiser for Recovery Court. The flyer is at the bottom of this newsletter.

We are gearing up for DNOW. DNOW is an awesome, immersive, discipleship opportunity for 7th - 12th grade students. Registration will be open soon. More information is coming!



Memorial services for Richard Long will be held at First Baptist Church, 1531 N. Vansant Rd, on Monday, February 3, 2025.

Visitation, 10 AM

Service, 11 AM

Tap or click for more information.

If you would like to provide a floral arrangement for the worship center, there is a sign-up sheet at the Information Desk.


9:30 am Worship

191 (10 Children’s Worship)

11:00 am Worship

172 (8 Children’s Worship)

Total Worship


8:15 am Sunday School

167 (4  visitors)

9:30 am Sunday School

149 (3 visitors)

11:00 am Sunday School

18 (0  visitors)

Total Sunday School



Budget Offering Needed For Week


Offering Received For Week


Budget Offering Needed For Year-to-Date


Budget Offering Received For Year


Building Fund For Week



Deacon of the Week

Eric Hankins, 660.351.1966

Deacon for the Week of February 9

Joe Hilty, 660.924.3267

Some of the newsletter graphics are linked to more information. Give it a try! Click or tap on the Prayer, MidWeek Adults, MidWeek Kids & Youth, Emergency Overnight Warming Center, and Bible Study graphics!

Paid and Volunteer Positions Available @ FBC

Due to the growth of our Children's Ministry (KidMin), there is an immediate need to hire some part-time childcare workers, and to supplement our volunteers on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, and for special events.

Tuesday hours are 5:45 - 8:45 PM.

Wednesday hours are 5:45 - 7:45 PM

The ideal candidates must be at least 18 years old and pass a background check. Applications can be picked up in person at 209 E Jefferson St, Monday-Thursday, 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM. Applications are also available by email at



to look for posts about the warming center so you can share them.

Pray: that our guests will find more than a warm place to stay here.

The Emergency Overnight Warming Center was able to close this week due to warmer temperatures, giving our hardworking volunteers some time off.

We don't think we can close for the season just yet. Weather models are showing something brewing. Thanks to the ladies from The Hope Project, we have clean bedding. Thanks to all who have donated cooked meals, the freezer is well supplied, too! We are ready for the next wave of winter weather.

We continue to serve the homeless however we can. This week, with the help of Allen Street Church, their volunteer driver picked some folks up from the library and took them for showers. We were able to provide hygiene kits that were assembled by ladies from the First Presbyterian Church from donations we received. A dedicated phone is being answered after hours, and those who have provided us with contact numbers receive support and resources via text.


MidWeek StuMin: Crash Course: Basics in Christianity

We’re exploring the book of Ephesians as we learn what Christianity is all about. 

Week 1: God’s Blessing

Week 2: Knowing Christ

Week 3: The Gospel

Week 4: Unity

Week 5: The Church

Week 6: Love of Christ

Week 7: Church Growth

Week 8: Christlike Living

Week 9: Christ-Centered Relationships

Week 10: Spiritual Conflict

Sunday School: End Times Made Simple

This study was highly requested by the students! Our goal during this study is to keep things simple. Keeping Christ and the hope of Christians is at the forefront. They will be challenged, but also encouraged.

Overview of topics:

What are the end times?

What are the different views Christians have regarding the end times?

Exploring the book of Revelations







Clinton Health Care & Rehab Center

1009 E. Ohio, Clinton, MO 64735

Donna Charles

Bernice DeGraff

Martha Findley

Steve Millam

Adair Village

1801 Gaines Dr., Clinton, MO 64735

Carol Jones

Dan & Bev Miller

Orval Roberts

Hattie Ryan

The Arbors

1300 S Main St, Clinton, MO 64735

Sharon Donohoe

Jefferson Gardens

509 W Rogers, Clinton, MO 64735

Jinx Bancroft

Fern Kelsay

Peggy Maupin

Truman Lake Manor

600 E 7th, Lowry City, MO 64763

Lois Lewis

Birthday lists are available upon request by church members. They will no longer be printed and left at the Vansant campus. It is never our intention to leave anyone off the birthday list. If a name is missing, please let Debbie Atwood know (660.885.2211).

January 31

Mitch Bosley

Feb 01

Robert Dennis

Robert Robbins

Feb 03

Bill Hix

Feb 04

Charlene Bishop

Feb 05

Colten Manning

Rita Bradford

Feb 06

Sandy Stoneking

Feb 07

Gene Reid

Feb 08

Julio Villarreal

Terrell Shobe

Feb 10

Tom Spooner

Eli Carter

Feb 11

Logan Cronhardt

Carmen Bohannan

Carol Briggs

Feb 14

Dee Straw

Justin Willis

Feb 15

Gustin Bateman

Elizabeth Thomas

Ron Durie

Feb 16

Ragan DuBoise

Jean Mendenhall

Feb 20

David Batschelett

Feb 21

Tina Catron

Feb 22

Clyde Briggs

Larry Groff

Sue Rabel

Feb 23

Ron Rabel

Feb 26

Jordan Daugherty

Feb 27

Tyesha Allen