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Lay Ministers Keep the Services Going
Are you interested in serving the congregation of St. Nicholas on an occasional basis? Consider becoming part of the lay ministry team.
Open positions include:
Usher/Greeter: Say "hello" to people as they arrive, direct visitors to helpful resources, and let congregants know when it's their turn for communion. Oh, and you get to shake everyone down for money with that fancy offering plate.
Crucifer: Wear an alb, carry the cross, don't trip.
Lector: Read the lessons, take a bow when "Mahershalalhashbaz" trips flawlessly off your tongue.
Virtual Minister: Keep the livestream streaming. Great for the "behind the scenes" type.
Eucharistic Minister: Oh, you know who they are, up there at the altar with their wine cup and their bell. With a little training, you can be that cool, too.
Contact Erin in the office to get started.