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Camp in Cataract Canyon

Prime Time Boating

We know that for a lot of people Labor Day is a sign that the Summer has ended, and it is time to put away those summer toys, those summer activities and get back to work or school or whatever your life is outside of your "summer" activities.

We firmly believe that idea is FALSE! The first Monday of September is NOT the end of our boating season! It is really the beginning of Prime Time boating season! (You know, like prime time TV is the later part of the day?)

In September, the water is still warm (water temps are still around 68 degrees in the Colorado River right now), the air temperatures have cooled enough to be comfortable again (no more sweltering hot days!), and the beach camps have all come out beautifully! Prime Time Boating!

Westwater Canyon is Great!

Have you ever driven through somewhere, and thought, "Wow! I wish that I had time to stop and really explore this place!"? I do that all the time! My family and I go on car trips a lot and I always think to myself that someday I'm going to go back to that place and see what I missed there as I drove through.

Westwater Canyon features exciting whitewater in a beautiful and secluded canyon that can be run in a single day, but is also offered as a multi-day (2 or 3 days) trip. When you go on a one day Westwater Canyon trip, it is like being on that car ride, you pass by some really cool things that you might think to yourself, "Wow! I want to go explore!", but because it is a one day trip, we really don't have time to do that...but when you come back and take a multi-day trip, you will have the time to go and explore those things! On the Two and Three day trips, we take time to hike and explore those side canyons, that miner's camp and up to that rim to take in the full view of the river corridor.

Just because you've driven through a place...doesn't mean you've been there...

Explore Westwater Canyon 

Canyon Wall and Boats

Not My Grandpa's Cataract Canyon

My grandpa was a professor of Engineering at Brigham Young University, and though he loved camping, and fishing and the outdoors, I never really thought of him as a real "rafting" guy...He was so soft spoken, very gentle, not a big or burley imagine my surprise when we were chatting one day and he started telling me about taking his boy scouts down through Cataract Canyon and Glen Canyon! He told me stories about the canyon before Lake Powell began to fill, and how beautiful it was, and about the rapids and how fun it was for him and his scouts.

My experiences with Glen Canyon growing up were all on Lake Powell. We used to go to Hite each summer and spend a week on the lake, camping, water skiing and playing with our family. We would motor up the lake past the bridge at HIte and into the canyon to go swimming.

Things have definitely changed! The lake levels have dropped! The lagoon where I used to swim with my family is now more than a mile away from the water. The Colorado River is carving its way through the lake sediment down to its natural bed.

As the River cuts its way through the sediment, it is finding it's old channels and carving new ones, finding old rocks and new ones. The Cataract Canyon experience of today is very different from the one that my grandpa had with his boy scouts. The Glen Canyon experience of today is very different from the one I had growing up, too. And it is Awesome!

If you have already been through Cataract Canyon, but it has been a while, you need to do it again!

Explore Cataract Canyon Trips

Lower Temperatures and Lower Prices

Canyon Wall and Boats

Cataract Canyon

4 Days/3 Nights

September 18, 2024

Save 25% with Promo Code FALLCAT25

Women Only Labyrinth Canyon Paddling Trip

5 Days/4 Nights

September 23, 2024

Save 25% with Promo Code Paddle25

Westwater Canyon

1 Day Trips

Various Dates

Save 15% with Promo Code Westy15

Plan Ahead!

2025 Dates Now Available!

Book before October 31st to lock in the 2024 Rates for 2025 Dates!

Make sure that you get the trip that you want on the date that you want to go next year!

Our 2025 Dates are now available and we are taking reservations for next year. Some trips and Dates fill quickly, so book early to make sure that you get the dates you want!

2025 Dates

Sheri Griffith Expeditions



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